

Scott stops his shuffling around his desk, hearing the strain in Katie's voice. He sinks down into his chair and thinks as he listens. "Yeah...I know what you mean. It's like getting permanent marker on your hand. There's a stain, and you know it's there and you dislike it, but no matter how much you wash with handsoap, it just doesn't come out." He pauses. "But use the right cleaner, and viola...clean skin again..."

He purses his lips in thought. "I don't know anybody who wouldn't change from being in prison, Katie...and sometimes they never change back to who they were...sometimes that's a good thing. For Jason, we all know we want him back the way he was...but it'll take the right cleaner to do it, in order for that stain to be removed.... Just hang in there and don't give up on him, no matter how much he changes. He may not even realize he's different."

Scott grins as little, diverting the conversation as Katie aims it in another direction. "Yeah, they got me down on the floor under furniture today. Would you believe I broke another pair of glasses?" He gives a little scoff. "They were my favorites too."

At her advice for a cold, he laughs. "No, it's just those dust bunnies Susanne is keeping under her desk. I feel like I need to stick a vacuum up my nose or something." He grimaces at the mental image. "Okay...so maybe that was a little too much information."

Carson doesn't react much to Misty's observation about dreams, but glances at her, a strange look in his eye. He doesn't mean to reveal it, but it's apparent that his nightmare had something to do with her.

As she sets herself behind him and begins to rub his temple, he closes his eyes. The tension begins to dissolve and he reaches up to take her hands in his, leaning back against her just a little, so her arms wrap around his neck, interlacing his fingers in hers. "Can we just stay here?" he asks a little sheepishly. "Just sitting here with you and watching a movie sounds a whole lot more appealing than more hours on my feet. But I don't want to disappoint you."

Con laughs at Jamie's comment about him being cute roughed up. "Yeah, well I may look cute, but I certainly don't smell cute, so lets just stick to getting me cleaned up."

He grins as she takes his hand, and walks with her, clocking out, and heading through the parking lot. "You can follow me to my place, then you can decide where we can go to eat. Frankly, right about now I think I could eat a whole cow." He gives Jamie a playful elbow as they have to separate to their own cars. "So pick somewhere good."

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