

“What do you do? Raise dust bunnies down here?”

Susanne stands behind her desk and puts her hands on her hips. “Of course not. I’ll have to tell Hal or Ty to get under there and clean it if it’s that bad.

A sneeze is her response. “Aw man…” Scott groans as he rolls over on his back underneath the desk, trying to sort through the wires and cords. “Who set this up anyway?”

“I don’t know…it wasn’t you?”

“Ha! You insult me. A mess like this?!” Scott grimaces and sets his glasses up on his head as they keep getting in the way. He squints at some of the cords. “Sheesh…I don’t know who you had in here before me, but they didn’t know what they were doing.” Fooling with the mess for several minutes, he finally sits up. Moving too fast though, he doesn’t get out from under the desk quick enough, and slams his head into the keyboard tray. A sickening crack makes him wince. “Don’t tell me I…”

“You did.” Susanne reaches down to take his broken glasses from the top of his head and holds them up. “Nice job.”

Scott lets out a moan. “That’s the third pair in one month!”

“Well for heaven sake, why don’t you wear contacts.”

“I’ve got ‘em I just…” Scotts shrugs. “I don’t know. They’re a pain.”

“So you gonna keep on doing this?” As Susane twirls the glasses, they fall completely in two, one half dropping to the floor.

Scotts sighs and picks it up before he tries to stand. Halfway up, his tie gets caught in the same keyboard tray and it yanks him back down.

Susanne chokes back a laugh. “Are you alright?”

Struggling for a moment, Scott finally yanks on his tie. It lets loose, sending him sprawling backward. He hits Susanne’s computer chair, which spins out of control and careens into her filing cabinet. Hitting it just hard enough, the unstable stack of files on top starts to sway and before Susanne can react, the whole stack has slipped off the edge, sending papers everywhere.

Scott’s eyes widen. “Oops.”

Susan lets out a little wail. “I just got all that sorted through half an hour ago.”

“I’ll help clean it up,” Scott offers and starts to gather the papers.

“No!” Susanne moves quickly. “I mean…thanks, but you’ve done plenty.”

Scott gives her an apologetic look. “Your computer is fixed…”

“Than you.” Susanne stands back as Scott finally gets to his feet. “I’m most appreciative. Now…I’ll clean this up.”

Scott brushes himself off and heads for the door, slipping on a piece of paper as he goes, but catching himself on the doorway.

Susanne shakes her head and gives a little groan, but can’t help her laugh.

“What happened to you?”

Scott throws Laura a withering look. “Don’t ask.”

Laura stifles a giggle. “You look terrible.”

“Oh, Thanks.”

“What happened to your glasses?”

Scott holds up the one half he’d retrieved. “An accident?”

“Isn’t that the…”

“Third pair,” Scott finishes. “Yeah.”

Laura shakes her head. “Why don’t you wear…”

“Contacts.” Scotts eyes widen. “What is it with all you harping on me about it?!”

Laura holds in her laughter. “Maybe we think you look hot without your glasses.” She bites her lip as she sees Scott’s face turn red. “But go ahead. Tape those back together. No one will notices.”

Scott tries to recover from her comment, and rolls his eyes, heading to his desk. “Thanks for the support.”

Laura calls to him as he walks away. “Oh, by the way, my computer is still freezing up on me.”

Scott doesn’t turn around, but throws his arms in the air.

After another giggle, Laura heads back to her own desk and picks up her purse, heading to the exit for the night.

As Scott gets to his cubicle, he hears his cell phone ringing. Moving quickly, he digs through his backpack, unable to find it, then finally realizes it’s sitting out on his desk. Flipping it open, he sees who the caller is. “Hey, Katie, wassup? How’d the visit go?” He lets out another sneeze while waiting for her response.

Carson jumps a little as Misty touches him, but he quickly calms himself. “Aw, sheesh, Misty, sorry.” He blinks, still trying to come out of his fog. “Just a bad dream I guess…” He avoids the topic. “I get those every once in a while.”

He rubs his forehead again, a headache having formed from the stress. “What time we going to that fair anyway?”

Con turns around as he hears Jamie’s voice, and gives her a weary grin. “Hey, you. I was afraid you’d come looking for me. Sorry I was late…”

“Hey, Con, I’m taking off.” Phil walks by as he’s taking off his nametag, but he stops and smiles when he sees Jamie. “Well hi, Jamie.” He thumbs to Con. “Don’t let this guy work too long, huh? Leonard’s gone for the night anyway.” He winks at her, then focuses back on Con. “Carrie’s closing up, so I guess just get things in order to make Leonard happy in the morning. I got band practice, so I’m out of here.”

“Alright.” Con nods. “Thanks.” Alone with Jamie again, he sighs a little. “I’d never turn down help from you…especially when Leonard’s not around.” He grimaces. “If you help me get these palettes stacked up, I’ll take you out to dinner wherever you want to go…That is…as long as we can swing by my place so I can take a shower. I don’t think you want to go out anywhere with me until I do.”

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