
Phone call

*Kaite smiles alittle as she hears Scott's voice. It was always nice to have someone around her age to talk to. Katie had many friend but just someone in her age range was nice.*

"Hey Scotty. Bless you."

*Katie giggles alittle though her voice is alittle tired and emotionaly strained. Trying to keep her attachen on the road Katie lets out a sigh.*

"I dont think I am gonna be back into work tonight like I thought I would. It dident go as well as I though or hoped. I can see the old Jason in his eyes, but just...he's not. Prison is changing him and it hurts alot. I'm so scair if he stairs in there much longer the Jason that I, we all got to know will be gone forever. I just dont know what to do."

*Katie grows silent as her mind starts to wonder and her heart acked over Jason. Another tear escapes her eye. Sucking in a breath Katie trys to push her emotions away.*

"How are you doing Scotty? Everyone still bothering you to fix stuff? Sound like your geting a cold. Drink lots of tea if you are."

*Katie voice portrays she is trying to smile the best she can as she finally makes it into town, and turns down the road to head to Mikes.*

*Misty smile as she comes around to the front of the coutch to sit down.*

"Ya I know how nightmares go. You just have to remember though they arnt real. Only figmint of your mind wantes you to believe. The good thing about dreams though is you wake up and remember what good stuff you have."

*Misty takes note to Carson rubbing his head again. Misty stand up on the couth and fits herself behind the small space behind Carson's back and the coutch. Reaching over his shoulders she leans on his back lightly and places her fingers to his temples. In a circle motions she rubs to try and rid him of the pain.*

"I was waiting for you. Seemed like you needed to sleep from me running you ragged. So I thought we could go to the fair when you woke up. But if your not feeling up to it I dont mind staying home and maybe have some popcorn and watch some movies. Just depends how ya feel."

*Jamie gives a quick wave to Phil as he comes and goes Noding to make sure he dosent work to much. Jamie walks over to Con to help him stack what needs to be giving a giggle.*

"Its ok Con I new you had a reson. I just wanted to make sure you wernt over doing it. And thought you might need some company."

*Jamie continues to help Con stacking till its done.*

"And I could careless how sweaty you are as long as your with me. Personaly I think you look kind of cute all roughed up."

*Jamie laughs again. She always felt so comfrotable around Con no matter what.*

"Ok come on lets get you that shower and some food."

*Jamie interlocks her hand with Con's*

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