
Help from a Girl

*Katie lets out a sigh and trys her best to smile back at Jason. Katie was hurting, Jason was hurting and she could do nothing about it this time as he blocked her out. As Katie opens her mouth to say more the guard comes into to get Jason.*

"Hey thats not fair...we get an hour. J...no."

*Katie stands as Jason is moved tworsds the door. In her last bit of desparation she calls after himn hoping he would hear her.*

"I'll live again J when you can live with me. I care and love you to much to leave you high and dry.I'll BE WAITING FOR YOU J...FOR WHEN YOU COME HOME TO ME. I LOVE YOU!!"

*As Lockheart finish talking with another guard she hears Katie's shouts from inside. Racing in she takes Katie by the arms.*

"Come on Katie, we have to go now. There is nothing we can do."

*Leaving the prison Katie says her fast goodbyes to Lockheart not wanting to sick around. Katie was glas to have seen Jason she missed him so muc it hurt, but seeing him so closed off today hurt even more. As Katie gets into her car her tears finally breakfree. For a long moment Katie just sits crying. She felt so frustrated, scaired and alone. For a long moment KAtie just sits crying. When the tears ftop Katie lets out a long sigh looking at the clock in her car. By the time she got back to town it would be 7. Katie dident feel much like going back to work, but she dident want to go home eather. Katie's mind wonders to Kyle and the others. They hadent seen her new car yet. Maybe tis was a good time. Figuring outtoday was the day and by time Katie got back into town they all would probley be gathered at Mike's for bandpractice. Kicking the car into gear Katie starts her wat to town than Mike's keeping in her mind to call Scott later.*

*Misty looks up from the kitchen table where she was writing up her patition about transfering to school in Nevada when she can see a figure move fast in the living room. Going to the door Misty see Carson and can tell he looks distraught. Walking over slowly Misty puts a gental hand on Carson back speaking softly.*

"Carson what happend? What wrong?"

*Misty leans on the back of the coutch watching Carson to make sure he is ok.*

~*~15 Min later~*~

*Jamie navagets her way around the lumberyard slowly making her way to where all the noise was coming from. Feeling lost among all the pallets and limber Jamie searches for any sign of life. Finally coming to a clearing Jamie spots Con working in the hot sun once again. A smile cross her face.*

"Looks like you could use some help? That is if you dont mind help from a girl."

*Jamie smiles and makes her way twords Con helping him out.*

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