

*Jason's words, though they were ment to comfort did not. They made Katie's heart race. Something was wrong. Katie mouth ran dry as she ignors Jason's later questions. Katie moves her hand so it touches the other side of the glass where Jason's his. Katie new his pain was in there, the dark look the cold look in his eyes was something Katie hadent seen in a long time.*

"You tell me not to think about it J, but how can I not. Even when you try to block me out I feel it. You put up those walls than wont let me in and it hurts 10 fold. I'm the one person in the world you dont have to hide from."

*A single tear ran down Katie's face as her tummy tightend. Her own paluse raced with the knowlage of not feeling Jason. She couldent feel Jason psycaly right now so she had clung to his emotions to be close and those now to...were being slipped away. Katie's own past emotions come back when everyone left her. Lonlyness, and darkness were her friend at that time. Katie dident want to go back to that but slowly Jason was sliping away and thats where they both would return.*

"Dont let go J. Dont push me away and out."

*Katie looks down at Jason's hand feeling the warmth through the glass. How Katie hated this place and how she hated the Agency. She wanted Jason out and she wanted him out now. Swallowing hard Katie closes her eyes trying to stop the tears that wanted to spill out. And than opens them again.*

"J, I love you with all my heart. The rose that you gave me has faded, and wilted away. But, the love tucked in deep inside remains in my heart forever. The memories are there, and the knowlage that when you get out I will have more flowers my way. Dont let this place turn you cold and hard. Remember my face...."

*Katie's voice quivers her eys growing glossy.*

"...my voice, my life it will stay with you always."

*Katie keeps her hand on the glass withing she could touch the one she loved, so he could feel she was real.*

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