
Maybe you are

Katie's eyes narrow a little as she stairs at her friend through the bars of the jail sell resting her on hand on the little tray that one could keep what little food they got on.

"Huh, maybe you are a loser I mean only they would try an rob a store and get caught right? Its funny though because I new someone with your same name and just recintly he was learning how to read and he was doing really well. That will he had that wasnt the acts of someone who was stupid or a loser that was the act of someone who was willing to learn and THAT is not stupid."

Shifting just a little Kaite leans onto the bars more resting her head on one of the bars.

Why is Austin doing this to the people who need confadince more than others. Why couldnt he pick on the stronger ones. No wonder people have low selfasteam in this world, because of people like Austin. We fight to help, and he is just hindering them.

Katie lets out an inword sigh as she stratens again just a little bit. Ty needed his friend, he needed that confadince back.

"There is a big word out there Ty. A big scary world waiting for you to explore it. Sometimes we just need to step out of our comfort zone, we need to jump out of the box and face our fears. Goodness only knows I was scaired to death coming from Texas to here, but its the best thing I ever did and I am happy."

For a moment Katie's emotions take her back to when she first left. It had been anger that drove her to come to Nevada but it was friendship, love, and many more things she found. Leaving Texas helped her grow and learn so many things. What started out bad, ended good and Katie would never go back to change that.

"Don't give up on your job yet, its not over till its over. This of this as a vacation. Maybe you should go see that brother of yours. I hurd he is going to be a dad, and your going to be a uncle. Thats pretty exciting."

Misty's eyes gaze back at Carson, the deepths of them still holding what she had always loved, the blue pearcing her own, her heart starting to race the same feeling remaining that had always been there when she had been around Carson.

Thought there was something differnt about Carson now, Misty thought for sure she would get use to it. He was still Carson after all.

"I'm willing to try again, your something alse Carson and I cant deny that. No matter how mad I get at you I can't hate you."

As Carson leans over and gives Misty a kiss her paulse races, as her heart thumps. Evern though the kiss was not a normal kiss Carson would give it still made her paulse race. Returning the kiss Misty lets her own passion decied how she should kiss him back as she brings her one hand to the side of his face sliding to his neck and her other hand to his back.

Finally pulling away from the kiss that old grin that had found its home on Misty's lips so long ago had found its way there once again as her heart felt alive. She had been missing something and now she'd found it again.

"I'd missed you so much Carson. At first I thought I would be fine but...I missed everything about you."

Looking up at Carson once again Misty draws closer to him again bringin her lips to his once more showing him just how much she had missed him indeed.

Jess can't help the small laugh that escapes her lips as Leo and Axel go back and forth for a moment. Shaking her head as Leo takes the keys from her Jess liked the idea of him working on the car. Maybe that ment she could spend a little more time talking with Axel.

Turning her had back to Axel maybe a little to quickly at his comment Jess can feel her cheeks turn a small shade of red for a moment. But as quickly as it came Jess trys to push it away a smile on her lips just the same.

"Last time I check cars didnt wait for a certin time to break down now do they?"

Giving a laugh and a slight shake of her hear Jess' eyes search Axel's for a moment. Searching for something, something unknown but searching non the less.

Standing in the kitches Angel lets out a long sigh. She'd over hurd everything once again and it hurt to think about it. What was wrong with Austin? Why was he doing this?

Continuing to do the dishes Angel's mind wonders to a time long forgot. A time, when everything was far from ok, but she had been the closes with her friends as ever. A time when Austin and herself were almost insepritable. So many people had thought they were dating and as much as she had wanted to back then they had only remainded friends.

Still being friends with Austin and feeling they were close Angel felt something needed to be done. Someone should find out what was wrong or what was going on.