
Interrogation room

Scott shakes his head and draws in a ragged breath. "He... he told me not to tell."

Inside, somewhere deep down, Scott knew there was no reason to be afraid. There was no reason to fear the present, nor the past. But logic didn't seem to have much bearing right now, and he couldn't help but be afraid. He wasn't used to feeling this way, and it just compounded the fearful emotions.

"I...he...and... and another guy."

Jason grits his teeth, his eyes narrowing. "What did they say, Scott? You can tell us."

Scott licks his dry lips and is quiet for several moment, trying to calm down. Katie's hand on his back helped, and he's finally able to keep his voice steady, though it's quiet. "They came in and took me to the interrogation room. And...and they forced me to tell them what happened. Austin thought I'd turn and help the Agency... and he wanted names and places and..."

He pauses again, a tear finally surfacing in his eye. "He wanted to know everything that they did to me. Then he brought me back here and ordered me not to say anything." His voice cracks and he stops, too scared and too embarrassed by his show of emotions.

The interrogation room.

Jason's anger starts to boil.

They took Scott and interrogated him. Of all the low down... Couldn't he see Scott was in no shape to talk? Couldn't he see that he'd been through enough?! People like you and me can handle this, but not Scott... he's not trained for this... he's not wired like some of us. What did Austin think he was doing?!

"It's alright, Scott," he assures evenly, trying not to let his anger out through the tone of his voice.

"No, it's not," Scott whimpers. "I thought I was going to die... and then... then I was found again and... and I still can't do anything, I can't function and... and I just keep living it over and over and over." A tear runs down the side of his face, proving how out of control he felt. "I should have just died. I can't take it..."

He lets himself down to rest against Katie again, closing his eyes tight against the nightmares. "I can't do it. I just can't."

A jar on the counter starts to rattle and Jason is quick to stop his emotions again. The last thing they needed was for him to start breaking things apart because he was mad. He was angry... so angry. At the Agency, at what they did to Scott, and at Austin.

How dare he.... how dare he torment Scott even further.

"Yes you can," Jason voices sternly to Scott. "Don't give up."

His eyes find Katie's in the dim light, questions filling his gaze.

I want Austin. I know he's still here because I saw the vehicle. But we can't just leave Scott like this. How about calling Rick or Misty? They at least might be able to give him something to sleep.


*Katie continues to rub Scott's back as he talks. Just taking in what he was saying the way he was acting when Jason talked. The look in his eyes when he looked at her sent her heart screaming again as her own eyes filled with emotions, the lack of understanding.

I don't understand J, what would Austin have been doing here after hours? Let alone asking questions from Scott.*

"So...Austin wanted to know what happend to you Scott?"

*Though emotions started to form inside Katie she tryed to hide them the best she could. The last thing she wanted to do was upset Scott more. Keeping her tone level and soft she continues to talk to Scott.*

"Did you tell them you couldnt remember? Than they let you come back here? Did Austin say at all why he was here asking you these questions this late at all?"

*Katie's hand continues to run Scott's back. She new he was scaried, and he wasnt sure what to say. As Scott looks at her again with his own questions in his eyes Katie nods her head at him slightly.*

"It's ok Scott, we are just here helping."


Jason's face changes to show compassion seeping through. He and Scott hadn't always gotten along that well, but seeing him like this... it was just a bit upsetting.

He moves to pull a chair close to the bed and sit down, staying close, but letting Katie talk to Scott without interfering. Scott had always responded well to her, and Jason hoped he would now too. It wasn't fair that Scott was suffering like this.

Scott keeps resisting Katie's comfort, but starts to settle down a little bit, soaking in her comforting words. He felt like crying, but his eyes were dry. He felt like screaming, but his lungs didn't feel capable.

"I can't tell... they told me.... I... I'm under orders."

Jason raises his eyebrows.
Under orders? What's he talking about? Whose orders?

Scott swallows hard and finally relaxes enough to lift his head and rest his chin on his knees, staring into the dim room. "It... I can't... they said..." He stops again.

Turning his head, he has to turn his face completely to be able to see Katie with his good eye. He trusted her... he had to. He knew this hadn't been right.... but...

He brings up enough courage, and speaks with a quiet whimper. "They...they asked me and.... and they made me.... made me tell them what happened. It... I... I mean..." he swallows "I had to think... I couldn't remember..."

Jason can't help but move closer. "Who, Scott?" he asked quietly "Who is 'they?'"

Scott flinches at the sound of Jason's voice. "You...no.. I mean..."

Jason stiffens. "Austin."

Scott's eyes widen slightly, and looks to Katie as it almost asking for permission to speak. "Y...yes."


*Katie continues to keep her arm wrapped around Scott even though he pulls away. She wasnt sure what to do but let Scott know she was there for him. Katie felt helpless and it only drove the pain harder into her heart to see Scott like this. Hadnt he been through enough? Why why was he still be torchured.

Looking up at Jason's voice Katie shakes her head a little answering his question.

He's pretty bad J, I think someone told him something but he wont say who. I'm scaired for him, and feel so helpless. I'm see if I can find out anything more.*

"It's ok Scott. Its only me and Jason here with you now. We want to help you, we want to keep whoever is trying to hurt you away, but in order to do that you need to tell us what happend and who it was. Just try to think, take your time dont rush."

*Kaite moves her arm and gently rubs Scott's back as she talks to him trying to make him feel as comfortable as she could though he new it wasnt doing much help at least she was trying.*

"We have all the time in the world Scott, we wont let anyone hurt you. J and I will both keep you safe."


Concern grows in Jason as he deciphers the message of emotions.

You're right, that doesn't sound good. Why don't I come by... I don't know what I can do, but at least you won't be there alone.

Jason sets his guitar to the side and stands up, startling Trooper who jumps up and looks around, wondering what he's missed.

"Sorry, bub. I gotta go. You stay here and watch the place."

Jason grabs his denim jacket and slips on his tennis shoes, picking up his truck keys on the way out the door.

Scott remains in a tight ball, but lets Katie hold him, finally resting his head on her shoulder. He trembles, unable to control the fear that was still running through him. "No... it was..."

He stops, remembering the orders. He might be unable to think straight, and he might be a mess, but he still knew his place. "I can't... they told me...." He swallows hard, still shaking. "It wasn't a dream. But I can't..."

He pulls away from Katie to bury his face in his legs again. He wanted so bad for this to be over. He wanted so bad to be able to control this... to ignore the pain... to be tough. But it just hurt so bad.

Jason parks outside TJY, and spies an unfamiliar vehicle in the parking lot. That was interesting. Then all of a sudden he remembers. Austin was supposed to get into town tonight. But surely he wouldn't have come straight to TJY... would he?

Jason shakes his head and gets out of his truck. Who cared... he didn't.

Making his way inside, he heads down the hall, ignoring that there were lights on down by Reese's office. Getting to the infirmary, he slips inside, seeing Katie next to Scott who was huddled on the bed.

"Hey guys," he greets quietly. "How's things?"

Scott makes no move to look up, and just pulls himself in tighter. That voice was too close to the other one for comfort.


*Seeing the look on Scott's face mad Katie freeze in place and sent a sharp pain through her heart. What had happened to make Scott so scared? What was he talking about? Could it have been a dream? Whatever it was it shook him up bad.

Sitting down gently on the bed Katie slowly wraps her arm around Scott's shoulder and pulls him softly into an embrace of comfort. Her friend was hurting, the pain that struck her heart was different and it screamed at her to help him when she new there really was nothing for this she could do.*

"Shhhh...it's ok Scott. I'll stay with you. Tell me what happend so I can help, was it a dream?"

*As Katie holds Scott like a shelter to someone on a cold day protecting them from the hard weather outside Katie receves Jason's question and relizes that she had completely forgoten about shutting her emotions off. Though at this moment and see the way Scott was Katie was glad to maybe have someone alse there to help. Trying to find a bit of her own humor Katie replys to Jason.

Well hello Crazy....

Katie cant help the inward giggle she presents before becoming a little more searouse.

I'm here with Scott. Something shook him up pretty bad. He keeps mumbaling about not letting them come back. I dont know what he is talking about. He looks horrable though, and I wouldnt feel right leaving him like this J. It's not good.*

*Snaggaling a little bit farther into Bret Charlotte draps her arm across his chest. How comfortable she was, and how much happyness she had to match and much more. *

"I'll have to try and call Jamie tomarrow or something to see if she got to talk to Con and anyone alse. I was thinking maybe this weekend would be great seeing as the weather will be nice."

*Slowly Charlotte's own eyes start to drift shut. It had been a long day, busyer than one would exspect and than relaxing with Bret just wore her down evenmore.*

" Mmmm...I would be happy sleeping right here than. As long as I am next to you."