
Interrogation room

Scott shakes his head and draws in a ragged breath. "He... he told me not to tell."

Inside, somewhere deep down, Scott knew there was no reason to be afraid. There was no reason to fear the present, nor the past. But logic didn't seem to have much bearing right now, and he couldn't help but be afraid. He wasn't used to feeling this way, and it just compounded the fearful emotions.

"I...he...and... and another guy."

Jason grits his teeth, his eyes narrowing. "What did they say, Scott? You can tell us."

Scott licks his dry lips and is quiet for several moment, trying to calm down. Katie's hand on his back helped, and he's finally able to keep his voice steady, though it's quiet. "They came in and took me to the interrogation room. And...and they forced me to tell them what happened. Austin thought I'd turn and help the Agency... and he wanted names and places and..."

He pauses again, a tear finally surfacing in his eye. "He wanted to know everything that they did to me. Then he brought me back here and ordered me not to say anything." His voice cracks and he stops, too scared and too embarrassed by his show of emotions.

The interrogation room.

Jason's anger starts to boil.

They took Scott and interrogated him. Of all the low down... Couldn't he see Scott was in no shape to talk? Couldn't he see that he'd been through enough?! People like you and me can handle this, but not Scott... he's not trained for this... he's not wired like some of us. What did Austin think he was doing?!

"It's alright, Scott," he assures evenly, trying not to let his anger out through the tone of his voice.

"No, it's not," Scott whimpers. "I thought I was going to die... and then... then I was found again and... and I still can't do anything, I can't function and... and I just keep living it over and over and over." A tear runs down the side of his face, proving how out of control he felt. "I should have just died. I can't take it..."

He lets himself down to rest against Katie again, closing his eyes tight against the nightmares. "I can't do it. I just can't."

A jar on the counter starts to rattle and Jason is quick to stop his emotions again. The last thing they needed was for him to start breaking things apart because he was mad. He was angry... so angry. At the Agency, at what they did to Scott, and at Austin.

How dare he.... how dare he torment Scott even further.

"Yes you can," Jason voices sternly to Scott. "Don't give up."

His eyes find Katie's in the dim light, questions filling his gaze.

I want Austin. I know he's still here because I saw the vehicle. But we can't just leave Scott like this. How about calling Rick or Misty? They at least might be able to give him something to sleep.

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