

Bret hesitates a moment before leaving Charlotte behind, but relents, respecting Angelica’s wish to speak to him. Following her to the small garden, he remains standing, still cautious, but willing to listen.

As she speaks, Bret realizes what she’s getting at, and his defenses start to lower. It wasn’t really a feeling of guilt, but more of a realization that he’d misjudged Angelica too.

When she’s finished and walking away, Bret stops her. “Angelica…” He catches up to her and cocks his head, giving her a warm smile. “Thanks. I will keep your sister safe…and… I guess I’m sorry too. How about we start over by treating you to lunch?”

Jason gives Katie a wry grin. “Last I heard, Angelica didn’t know where he went either. I’m right mad at him – he doesn’t like it when we take a vacation, but he can just go off any time he likes.”

And no, of course I didn’t think you’d let me get away without taking you with me. I just wanted to see that spark.

Jason throws her a wink as he grabs his jacket. “Come on, Hero. It’s pizza time.”

Trooper gets up from the floor, ready to go with them, and Jason smirks. “It’s the lunch hour, bub. I can’t take you in when there’s a crowd, you know that. Do you really want to wait in the truck?”

Trooper wags his tail.

“Alright. Come on.”

The dog falls in obediently behind Jason’s heel.

Jason rolls his eyes and slings an arm around Katie’s shoulder. “Looks like neither one of you will let me go alone.” He kisses the top of her head. “But I think I like it that way.”

Heading out the door, he puts on the brakes. “Oh, almost forgot.” He reaches to grab a folder on his table. “Some stuff we can go over in case we get bored.” It was more stuff he was trying to put together about Scott… Not something he could exactly spread out with Katie here at TJY.

As BJ enters the room, a smile spreads on Mick’s face and he gives a little chuckle. “Ohhh, thank you!” He accepts the coffee and takes a sip to let BJ know that it’s quite alright even if it isn’t all that hot.

Joined on the bed, Mick moves his arm to wrap around BJ. “Mmm, you’re such a big help. Before long, I’ll be out of a job you’ll be doing everything so well!”

Looking up at Rosetta, he returns her kiss, laying a hand to the side of her face. “Thank you,” he whispers.

Hearing BJ’s squeal, Mick can’t help his laughter, his eyes twinkling with humor. “What? You saw me kiss a horse and you didn’t care!” He ruffles t he boy’s hair. “Won’t be long ‘til you’ll be kissing a girl.” His smile softens, along with his tone. “But you got plenty of time…”

Settling back, he keeps himself from showing how sore he is. “Okay, Beej, what movie you got?”

“He’s not any use to us anymore. He didn’t give us what we wanted. I say we waste him.”

Donovan rolls his eyes at his hasty friend. “Riggs, cut it out. You know the boss said not to kill him off. Just keep him…” A sadistic grin forms. “…however we want or need to.”

Riggs scoffs. “Why?” He gestures to the corner of the concrete room to the huddled form. “What’s the point?”

“Pain,” Donovan reminds. He takes a syringe out of his back pocket. “Remember? We pressure long enough, I’ll bet he’ll finally break.”

“After all this?” Riggs shakes his head. “He’s already off his rocker. We lost him a week ago when you and Kirk went too far.”

Donovan chuckles. “Too far? He lived.”

“Yeah, but he lost his mind. What’s there to gain now?”

“You have no sense of torture.” Donovan checks the syringe, tapping out the air bubbles. “A little more prompting, and he might just gain back that sanity of his. I’ve had tougher cases.”

“But he’s not like the others,” Riggs argues. “He’s weak. He wasn’t trained for the field – that much was obvious. The guy couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn with his fist if he tried, let alone stand up under what you and Kirk give him.”

Donovan sighs and turns to his friend again, the annoyance showing. “Look, I’m in charge here. Maybe you ought to just watch and learn. Besides…whether he’s off his rocker or not, watching this is fun.”

Riggs rolls his eyes and folds his arms across his broad chest. “Great. My kind of fun would be putting a bullet to his head.”

“That’s because you’re too hasty, and that’s why you’re still in the position of peon, taking orders from me.” Donovan gives a sinister chuckle and turns to his task again. “Alright, Johnson… you going back to the computers today? Or is it going to be another nice round of your favorite…encouragement?”

Scott is curled up on the floor, his arms wrapped around his knees as he lies on his side, rocking slightly. He shakes from both cold and fear, though his words are muffled and garbled, not understood. His eyes are wide as he stares at Donovan approaching, and he pulls himself into an even tighter ball, scrunching his eyes shut.

“Mm…” Donovan shakes his head. “You don’t want to help us today either?” He squats down next to Scott’s trembling form. “But you’re the only hacker that can get us what we need from TJY…and if you help us…this will all be over. You’ll get a hot meal…some clean clothes…even a nice soft bed to sleep on.”

Oh how enticing those words were. Scott’s dreams were full of his longing for a warm blanket…a meal other than rice and water… even just a little soft pillow would be heaven.

Donovan gives Scott’s leg a nudge. “Hey. I know you hear me. Come on, Johnson. What’ll it be?”

Scott scoots further into the corner his eyes still held tightly shut.

Donovan sighs. “Alright then…too bad.”

Scott feels Donovan’s hand on his arm, and he shoots up to back as far into the corner as he can. “No!”

“Oh, yes.”

Scott’s veins still burned from the incredible pain that those shots induced. It was pain that could make any man turn on his own if just for a moment of relief. His voice drops to a whimper. “Please…”

Donovan pauses, needle in hand. “Do you want to help us?”

Scott swallows hard, tears filling his eyes as he finally nods.

“Well okay then.” Donovan caps the needle and stands back up, throwing a haughty glance to Riggs. “See? After a little persuasion, even cases like this will come around. Come get him up and bring him to the lab. He’s got work to do.”


*Charlotte smiles wrapping her arms around Bret. She had been worryed for a while that just maybe they wouldnt be able to clear Bret's name. Why she had put doubt in her sister she wasnt sure but in the end she didn't let them down. If ever asked who the best Lawyer in the world was Charlotte would never hesatate to say her sister was.*

"I'm so happy we can start living again now Bret. I love you!"

*Leaning up Charlotte gives Bret a kiss how happy she was. A whole new chapter was now starting in life. One that would be full of fun and full of adventure. Charlotte new there would never be a dul moment now.*

*Now that everything was over and Bret was clear there was time to talk and Angelica new she had to, before to many more assumptions where made.

Giving a smile she taps Bret on the shoulder and motions for him to follow here. Leading him around some tables and out the door Angelica makes her way to the small garden before stopping and sitting down on the bench. Turning towards Bret she leaves it open to him weather he sits or stands.

Letting out a sigh Angelica is quiet for a moment as she runs words and feelings through her head. She was a lawyer and exhalent with words unless it came to her own emotions and feelings. Than she felt like silly putty.

Had she been unfair to Bret and Charlotte? Maybe but it was her little sister and she had always been the one to help her when she fell. Angelica had to remember now though Charlotte was a grown woman and could make her own decisions. She wasn’t the little girl she remembered anymore.

Than there was the comment Bret had made a few days back about giving up on love. Had she really, was she scared to let someone close to her. Just letting that emotion alone out, and remembering what it felt to be cared for put a wave of fear in Angelica’s heart. The answer was simple, she had given up and she was scared that she could get hurt again. Yet that was no reason to take it out on two people who clearly were in love. Yes she had been unfair to them both and now it was time to take a step back, humble herself and right some wrongs.*

“I’ve never been good at back tracking and trying to make up for something wrong I have done so bear with me on this one. First off, I never dislike you, or hated you. From what I saw and heard you always treated my sister the way she should be. I guess I was just on edge because she has been treated so badly in the past and at first the guys were good I just didn’t want it to happen again. I guess I kind of forgot she grown up now and not the little girl I remember.”

*Angelica looks down at her hands for a moment and than back up at Bret. The confidence never leaving her eyes, but hidden behind it was something new, and something different that was not often seen in the hard eyes of this lawyer. Maybe this was her soft spot.*

“As I am sure you know Charlotte has been through so much. From abusive relationships, to drinking, to rehab it’s sad to me to think about everything what happened to her. One thing I have to say through she is a stronger person than I am. I’m happy with all she has been through she didn’t turn out like me. I think you said it best when you said I gave up on love, and am scared of it.”

*Leaning back Angelica is quit as she breaks her gaze from Bret and looks around the small flower garden. Its evident this is hard for her and something she is not use too.*

“So I guess in the end what I am trying to say is I am sorry Bret, for not giving you the chance right off the bat with my sister you deserved. You’re a good guy and I am happy you’re in love with my sister. It’s about time she hooked a good one. So…now I pass the torch off to you and it’s no longer my time to looks out for and keep my litter sister safe, it’s yours. It’s an honor to have you as my Cuñado.”

*Letting out a sigh and standing Angelica gives Bret’s shoulder a tiny pat. There was nothing else left for her to say. Slowly enjoying probably one of the last nice days they would have before the frost came she takes in a deep breath walks back to the building where the others would be waiting.*

*Opening the door on Jason's office door Katie peeks her head in and gives a smile.

You think I would really let you get away without taking me with you? Your not the only one who is stressed you know.

Katie can't help the giggle as she opens the door more and waits for Jason.*

"I need Reese as well. I have to ask him a question about this one file he wanted me to look over but he wont even answer his phone. This is not like him at all! Do you think Angelica would know anything?"

"Shhhhh....carfel how you hold that."

*The little boy beams up at Rosetta as he carrys a lukewarm cup of coffee down the hall with both hands. Rosetta close behind with a tray and some sandwhiches and a few more glasses of juice.

Coming to the bedroom door Rosetta stops BJ and whispers.*

"You remember what to say right?"

*The small boys eyes grow big as he thinks for a moment and than gives a nod entering the room. Walking over to the bed where Mick sat BJ stands on his tip toes holding the glass out to Mick.*

"It's not very hot dad because I wanted to carry it but I thought you would like it anyways."

*Rosetta can't help but shakes her head and laugh as she enters the room.*

*BJ gives a toothy grin though his front tooth was missing.*

"Always we made some shandwhiches and have a movie to watch together to keep you company. Than afterwords maybe we can play a game."

*After giving Mick his drink BJ climbs into the bed and crawls up next to Mick sitting back aganst the pillow and crossing his arms like Mick was immatating him.*

"I also helped mom with the chores for you too."

*Rosetta sets the tray down on the nightstand next to the bed and pulls the chair over to dish out the plates and drinks for everyone. Leaning down she gives Mick a kiss.*

"I love you."

*A squeel can be hurd from the small boy as he throws a pillow over his head.*


*Rosetta can't help but laugh again her eyes so full of life and joy.*


Jeff wipes some sweat from his brow and leans against the wall, letting out a long sigh. He was glad he'd been able to help, but it had done nothing for his nerves. But Mick was okay...and that's what mattered most.

Letting Angel know he'd be in his own bunk, he wanders outside into the cold night air and just stops, staring up at the stars. God, what is your plan... where are you in all this... where are you leading us...

Jeff's breath comes out as steam as it hits the air, and he continues his slow walk to the bunk house. Change was in the wind. From which direction he came, he couldn't be sure. But it was there...somewhere.

Several hours pass before Mick groggily opens his eyes a little, trying to focus on something in the dimly-lit room. Where was he? Why was he so sore? It hurt to breathe.

He moves his hand a little, and realizes that another hand was lying in his own. Turning his head, he squints, seeing Rosetta's face. He licks his dry lips, confused, and then it all comes back to him. He'd taken a spill. Cyclone. He'd gotten hurt and... talking to Angel was the last thing he could clearly recall. Apparently he was still alive...that was a good thing. He hurt like the dickens, but if Angel wasn't in here now, that must be a good sign.

Mick tightens his grip to give Rosetta's hand a squeeze. "Guess you got me around a little longer, eh?" His voice is low and hoarse, but he manages a crooked grin. "I love you."

Jason has his key ready to turn in his truck's ignition, when he stops and grins.

Follow me to my place. I got some junk food and a stack of movies. I won't be able to sleep for a while yet anyway.

He starts his truck and pulls out of the TJY parking lot, knowing that Katie would be close behind.

And you can bring that black and white fuzzball. Trooper won't mind.

Carson sits on the edge of the restaurant booth, counting the few dollar bills he had left in his pocket. He gives a sigh and slouches. He needed to get a car... he needed to get his own place... he needed to get out from under these stupid insurance bills that he was still paying. But there was just no way he could do it right now. He was trying to save up, but with his morning detours, that wasn't working out so great either. He knew he needed to give that up...but...he just...couldn't.

Shaking his head, he sets his cash on the table and stretches out, trying to get some sleep after an evening with Dani and Jess. One day...one day he would have a handle on his life. One day...

Though the future is often feared, all must face it. Though we try to hold off the inevitable, it will come, quietly or roaring. But it will come.

Bret breathes in a lung full of fresh air. It was gray and cold out, but to him, the day was beautiful. He skips down the courthouse steps, meeting Charlotte at the bottom. Grabbing her into a hug, he swings her around before planting a kiss on her lips. "Your husband may have a record, but he's not going to be behind bars."

A smile spreads on his face, recalling the judge's words in the courtroom. He was free...and the real crooks were going to prison. "And...."

Bret spins around, seeing Angelica coming down the steps too. "...I owe it all to you. Thank you...I never would have made it in there without you, and... I don't know how I can ever repay you."

He slings an arm around Charlotte's shoulders, a huge burden feeling as though it's been lifted. His eyes remain on Angelica though. "We, um... kinda got off on the wrong foot, I know... and going through this case the last couple weeks hasn't helped things much. I...I'm honored that you're my sister-in-law, and I can only hope that me marrying your sister isn't something that a rift will be started over."

"What do you mean, you don't know?" Jason stands in Susanne's office, looking at her with a gaze of surprise and irritation. "He never just leaves without saying anything."

"I told you!" Susanne throws up her arms. "I haven't seen Reese since two days ago. He told me he was leaving the office, and that was it."

"Well I asked Wyatt and he doesn't even know!"

"I'm sorry! What do you want me to do?!"

Jason sighs and rubs his eyes. "Nothing...I'm sorry. Just...let me know if he calls." He heaves a sigh and aims back for his office.

What is going on?! Reese never takes off like this. Wyatt said his dad told him he was simply taking a couple days off. But he's left town. Something is strange. I don't like it...not one bit.

Jason gets to his office and shuts his door a little harder than necessary. Flopping down in his chair, he stares at the mess on his desk. Half of it was legit work, the other half was work he was doing on looking for Scott. He and Katie had found a few things... combined with some information from Luke during the last week, they had kind of a starting place. Though they were growing weary. Nothing substantial was showing up. And no more clues had been offered.

He glances to the clock. Lunchtime. He was tempted to skip. But with his emotions rising, he knew it would be dangerous to miss a meal.

Jason pulls out a desk drawer to see a can of soup and half a bag of chips. Nothing he really wanted.

Pizza. I want pizza. And I want to get away from here. Forever. But for an hour will have to do. You coming with me, or are you going to let me be miserable at Mom and Pop's alone?

Mick sits up in bed, staring at the droning tv in the bedroom. At least today he didn't have to be at Angel's anymore, but not being able to work, and being stuck in bed was driving him bananas. Hearing BJ at the other end of the house made him wish he could get up and play with him. Hearing the horses outside made him wish he could get out of here and go do something productive. But it had only been a week... Another three days in bed, then another two weeks after that before he could start any minimal work.

He sighs, and winces a little. This tv show was stupid. But nothing else was on. If only he had something to keep his brain busy if he couldn't be up and about.