

*Charlotte smiles wrapping her arms around Bret. She had been worryed for a while that just maybe they wouldnt be able to clear Bret's name. Why she had put doubt in her sister she wasnt sure but in the end she didn't let them down. If ever asked who the best Lawyer in the world was Charlotte would never hesatate to say her sister was.*

"I'm so happy we can start living again now Bret. I love you!"

*Leaning up Charlotte gives Bret a kiss how happy she was. A whole new chapter was now starting in life. One that would be full of fun and full of adventure. Charlotte new there would never be a dul moment now.*

*Now that everything was over and Bret was clear there was time to talk and Angelica new she had to, before to many more assumptions where made.

Giving a smile she taps Bret on the shoulder and motions for him to follow here. Leading him around some tables and out the door Angelica makes her way to the small garden before stopping and sitting down on the bench. Turning towards Bret she leaves it open to him weather he sits or stands.

Letting out a sigh Angelica is quiet for a moment as she runs words and feelings through her head. She was a lawyer and exhalent with words unless it came to her own emotions and feelings. Than she felt like silly putty.

Had she been unfair to Bret and Charlotte? Maybe but it was her little sister and she had always been the one to help her when she fell. Angelica had to remember now though Charlotte was a grown woman and could make her own decisions. She wasn’t the little girl she remembered anymore.

Than there was the comment Bret had made a few days back about giving up on love. Had she really, was she scared to let someone close to her. Just letting that emotion alone out, and remembering what it felt to be cared for put a wave of fear in Angelica’s heart. The answer was simple, she had given up and she was scared that she could get hurt again. Yet that was no reason to take it out on two people who clearly were in love. Yes she had been unfair to them both and now it was time to take a step back, humble herself and right some wrongs.*

“I’ve never been good at back tracking and trying to make up for something wrong I have done so bear with me on this one. First off, I never dislike you, or hated you. From what I saw and heard you always treated my sister the way she should be. I guess I was just on edge because she has been treated so badly in the past and at first the guys were good I just didn’t want it to happen again. I guess I kind of forgot she grown up now and not the little girl I remember.”

*Angelica looks down at her hands for a moment and than back up at Bret. The confidence never leaving her eyes, but hidden behind it was something new, and something different that was not often seen in the hard eyes of this lawyer. Maybe this was her soft spot.*

“As I am sure you know Charlotte has been through so much. From abusive relationships, to drinking, to rehab it’s sad to me to think about everything what happened to her. One thing I have to say through she is a stronger person than I am. I’m happy with all she has been through she didn’t turn out like me. I think you said it best when you said I gave up on love, and am scared of it.”

*Leaning back Angelica is quit as she breaks her gaze from Bret and looks around the small flower garden. Its evident this is hard for her and something she is not use too.*

“So I guess in the end what I am trying to say is I am sorry Bret, for not giving you the chance right off the bat with my sister you deserved. You’re a good guy and I am happy you’re in love with my sister. It’s about time she hooked a good one. So…now I pass the torch off to you and it’s no longer my time to looks out for and keep my litter sister safe, it’s yours. It’s an honor to have you as my Cuñado.”

*Letting out a sigh and standing Angelica gives Bret’s shoulder a tiny pat. There was nothing else left for her to say. Slowly enjoying probably one of the last nice days they would have before the frost came she takes in a deep breath walks back to the building where the others would be waiting.*

*Opening the door on Jason's office door Katie peeks her head in and gives a smile.

You think I would really let you get away without taking me with you? Your not the only one who is stressed you know.

Katie can't help the giggle as she opens the door more and waits for Jason.*

"I need Reese as well. I have to ask him a question about this one file he wanted me to look over but he wont even answer his phone. This is not like him at all! Do you think Angelica would know anything?"

"Shhhhh....carfel how you hold that."

*The little boy beams up at Rosetta as he carrys a lukewarm cup of coffee down the hall with both hands. Rosetta close behind with a tray and some sandwhiches and a few more glasses of juice.

Coming to the bedroom door Rosetta stops BJ and whispers.*

"You remember what to say right?"

*The small boys eyes grow big as he thinks for a moment and than gives a nod entering the room. Walking over to the bed where Mick sat BJ stands on his tip toes holding the glass out to Mick.*

"It's not very hot dad because I wanted to carry it but I thought you would like it anyways."

*Rosetta can't help but shakes her head and laugh as she enters the room.*

*BJ gives a toothy grin though his front tooth was missing.*

"Always we made some shandwhiches and have a movie to watch together to keep you company. Than afterwords maybe we can play a game."

*After giving Mick his drink BJ climbs into the bed and crawls up next to Mick sitting back aganst the pillow and crossing his arms like Mick was immatating him.*

"I also helped mom with the chores for you too."

*Rosetta sets the tray down on the nightstand next to the bed and pulls the chair over to dish out the plates and drinks for everyone. Leaning down she gives Mick a kiss.*

"I love you."

*A squeel can be hurd from the small boy as he throws a pillow over his head.*


*Rosetta can't help but laugh again her eyes so full of life and joy.*

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