
Call away

Going across town and following Con's directions Nate drives as his own mind wonders. Laura and what happend plating his memories his own mind forming pictures. The silence being broken as Con talks Nate pulls over looking at the TJY van itself. He hadnt known anyone was out on a case so why would it be here.

As Con makes his way over to the van Nate keeps an eye out just watching only to be a bit saprised by seeing Carson. What would he be doing out here?

Once Con is back in the car again Nate starts up the car and pulls out of the parking lot in the direction Con had told him. Though his voice still had a cold tone to it Nate's pitch was more calm than it had been earlyer.

"What was Carson doing here?"

Picking up the towels and throwing them into the hamper Katie gives another chuckle. Kissing Ryder was not what she exspected abd sge was happy for that in a way though now she did feel bad for kissing him at all when she was dating Jason. Making a mentil not she would remind herself of this day so if the temptation ever came again she could trun it away because in all honestly she didnt want to even lose Jason again.

"Well I am happy you are sticking around after all is does take a croc hunter to keep the croc in lin huh?"

Giving a shake of her head Katie heads out of the bathroom herseld and into her room shutting the door to change quick into some new cloths.

Within moments Katie exits her room again new clothing on and her hair still wet but now brushed. Going into the living room Katie lets out a small sigh as she smiles at Ryder.

"I made some breakfest if you would like some. My cooking isnt as good as Carson steaks but it wont let you going hungry at all eather."

Turning to leave Katie gives a glance at Ryder once again. There might be nothing romantic there but Katie new they would be great friends with there ups and downs, but friends non the less to shair life with.

Listing to Scott Hope sits at her desk. She had been happy to hear that Scott had written up a repot about what had happend to him and though she new it must have been heard just the same.

Now hearing that Scott was going to be going home on his own tearms was a great imporovment as well. It made Hope feel good that she had gotten through to Scott and helped him.

"You know Scott that now you are going home, that if you need to get a hold of me at anytime you can. Home, or here I am never to busy and am only a phone call away."

Looking down at the pictures Scott showed her this time a smile spreads on her face. The pictures were done amazingly with so little Scott had to work with. He truly had and eye and new how to capture the pretty in anything.

"These are very good Scott...and you choose to do them in color. Any pitculer reason why?"

Feeling normal

Con has to keep his head tipped to look at Nate in order to catch what he was saying. "Bryce used to hang out at some of the bars on the east end of town. Don't know what his habits are anymore - I didn't even know he was close by."

Gritting his teeth, he stares out the window. The pictures of last night played over and over again in his mind. The anger was still so very fresh. Technically he shouldn't be here... he wasn't part of the Elite... but Nate was, and that would be good enough.

As they near a strip across town that housed several bars, Con suddenly points. "Hey, that's a TJY van..." He frowns, confused as they pass the black vehicle. Who was that in the front seat? "Hang on a minute. Pull over here," Con directs.

Once stopped, he gets out and ambles back to the van. On closer inspection, he realizes that the driver is Carson with his baseball cap pulled low.

Carson quirks an eyebrow at seeing him, and cautiously rolls down his window. "Con... what's happening?"

Con gets closer, not having heard him. "Hope we're not blowing your cover."

Carson shakes his head. "No, I'm just keeping watch on the Bullseye down there. What are you two doing?"

"We're hunting." Con briefly fills Carson in.

Carson grits his teeth. "How many of these maniacs are running loose around here anyway?" First he'd heard about Axel, then Jess had been attacked again, and now Laura. He gives a frustrated sigh. "I'm after a bloke myself. You remember Jess Fisher?"


"Yeah, well she got assaulted for the second time by the same guy. The cops aren't finding him, so here I am."

"Elite approved?"

Carson's eyes narrow a little. "You think that's a requirement for me?"

"Nope." Con gestures to one of the bars. "Seen a guy about five foot ten... dark hair... goatee... driving a silver sportscar?"

Carson thinks for a moment, then shakes his head. "No. It's been pretty quiet here all day. Last I saw, the only ones in the Bullseye were a couple chicks, then a few old-timers at the other bars. I'm waiting 'til about five when Peter starts making his rounds."

After a short exchange, both men agree to inform the other if they found the other man. Con heads back to Nate's car, getting in again. "Bryce isn't down here. Next stop, the old warehouse down on tenth street."

Ryder accepts Katie's hand up, the look on his face a sheepish but amused one. Standing in the tub to drip off, he takes the towel to at least get himself dry enough to walk out and get some dry clothes.

"Well..." He ruffles his hair up with the towel. "Now I know what it would be like to kiss my sister..." He stops, thinking a moment. "...if I had a sister."

Grinning again, he rolls up his towel. "I think we both deserved that."

He slingshots the towel at Katie, snapping it on her arm. Neither had to say it. They both knew that there were simply no romantic feelings between them. Perhaps they had been attracted to each other, but when it really came down to it, there just wasn't anything more than friendship there. Maybe it would be a little awkward at first, but it was obvious now that both could be perfectly satisfied with simply being friends. Anything else really seemed pointless.

Wandering back out into the hall, Ryder heads for his backpack. "I'd buy you flowers, but I don't have any money. I'd give you a ride to work, but I don't have a car. I'd even invite you over to my place for coffee, but I don't have a place or coffee. So..." He turns around, dry clothes in hand. "Guess all I can do is say thanks."

Stopping, he realizes he better explain. "Not for that little fiasco." He chuckles. "But for convincing me to stick around. Maybe I thought I had a chance with you, but... for some reason..." He squints a little. "I think this is the way it's supposed to be."

Heading back to the bathroom to get into the clean clothes, he gives her chin a tap with his finger. "I like you, Katie. Don't change."

"I think I'm going to go home tonight." Scott turns from the window to look at Hope. He didn't have his glasses on today. With Rick's help, he'd finally gotten contacts again, and upon request, one was colored to match his good eye. One would never guess his left one was blind.

Turning back around, he looks at his reflection in the window. Though still incredibly thin, he looked a little more normal now. Even being out as little as he had, he'd received fewer stares. The contacts helped a lot. It felt better to blend in again... to not be noticed... to not be so different.

"TJY is getting too full," he finally explains. "I'm just in the way... Dalton doesn't mind, but... I know it would be better if I went home." He gives a little nod as if trying to convince himself that was the best option.

Wandering back to one of the chairs, he sits down. He'd been there for a while already. They hadn't talked about too much. He'd told Hope that he'd completed his report to Reese. It was still hard to talk about, but... it was getting a little easier.

Scott reaches into his pocket. "I almost forgot." He pulls out a few pictures and sets them on Hope's desk. They were the ones he'd taken of her. Though it had been impromptu, he'd known just the angle to capture the light just right, giving her face a soft glow. They were in color - a contrast to the last batch of pictures he'd taken.

He stands again, unable to sit still. The window always drew him in. For some reason, it was the spot in Hope's office that he liked. He puts his hand up on the glass like he always did, feeling the coolness. Without realizing it, this place had become a haven. He felt even safer here than he did at TJY.


Looking over at Con as he gets into the car Nate starts up the engine and backs out of the TJY parking lot.

"If I didnt want to do this together with you I wouldnt have let you in the car."

Nate felt bad that he had hit Con but he was still to upset and angry to bother saying sorry right now. He just wanted to find this guy and give him what was coming to him.

"Do where do we start looking for this guy."

As the water continues to come back Katie looks back into Ryder's eyes as her own lips start to curl I chuckle and laugh making is way from her lips as one does from Ryder's as well.

"I don't think it did one bit. After all that it feels like I came up short or something."

Katie cant help the laughing again as she pulls herself off of Ryder and shuts the water off. Just looking down at Ryder for a moment as he sits in the pool of water Katie finally turns to the cubord and pulls out two towles before turing back to Ryder and offering her hand to help him up.


Con makes up his mind quickly, and sprints for Nate's car. Getting in the passenger side, his face still shows that he has not lost any of his ire. "I'm not letting you go off half cocked. Either we do this together or not at all."

Ryder's eyes close as his lips meet Katie's. His fingers run back through her wet hair, tilting his head to bring her even closer. He lets passion show through his kiss, allowing it to linger and ignoring the cold water. Withdrawing, he turns his head the other way to return again, enveloped in the moment.

After letting the exchange last, Ryder finally pulls back, just enough to rest his forehead against Katie's. He blinks the water away, then stares into her eyes again, his arms remaining around her.

Quite suddenly though, a smile surfaces, followed by a light chuckle that turns into a laugh. Unable to help it, Ryder shakes his head, the water still coming down on top of them. "I'm sorry," he manages. "That didn't work too well, did it?"

Something about you

Almost to his car Nate stop hearing Con's voice. Why was he coming after him now? Hadnt he dont enough. Yelling so Con could hear him Nate continues to his car.

"If your coming with me than get in the darn car. If you not stay out of my way Con."

Opening his car door Nate gets inside and stars the car up but only sits there watching in the rerview mirror to see if Con was coming or not.

Still grinning as she sits on top of Ryder Katie closes her eyes for a moment as his hand brushes the side of her face.

Her body was use to the temperature of the water by no so her hardly felt it except for the light patter on her skin.

" I dont know what you do to me Ryder. There...is just something about you.."

Leaning in closer to Ryder she meets half way her lips connecting with his this time both contue of what they were doing and what was going on. As the water from the shower moving around both there heads.

Leaning her hand aganst the tub wall for levarage Katie brings her other hand to the side of Ryder's face as she finger runs gently over his cheek.

Even when...

Ryder gives a shout as his own head goes into the cold water. "Aw, you little..." His eyes catch Katie's, and he blinks, keeping the water from stinging them. "You're one tough croc, I'll give you that."

He's just about ready to give up on the antics and straightens to turn around. But there's just not enough room. His leg is pressed up against the side of the tub and without warning, he loses his balance. "Aw, cr..." Falling, he pulls Katie right along with him.

Landing in a heap Ryder winds up on his back, half in, half out of the tub, with Katie right on top of him. The water is still coming full-blast, now the knobs completely out of reach.

Ignoring the cool temperature, Ryder's hand slowly makes it's way to the side of Katie's face. Both were totally drenched. He stares into her eyes for a moment, a slight smile lingering on his face. "Even when I feel like an idiot... and even when I apologize for it later... I just can't help it, Katie Pent."

His face moves closer, his eyes never leaving hers.

Con's own voice raises. "Maybe I'll trust you when you realize that I'm not out to selfishly keep Laura from any other man's love... when you realize that when I say you're not to see her it's because
she wants it that way. You've got a lot to learn, Nate. You want to fly off the handle and then go running to her rescue, you go right ahead. And I guarantee you that Laura will not appreciate it right now and you'll only make things worse. If you don't believe me, go ahead and find out the hard way. But don't blame me when things fall apart because you didn't listen."

He doesn't flinch when Nate takes his anger out on the desk. Instead, he just continues to glare. Watching Nate head for the exit, he folds his arms across his chest. He would be leaving too, if he still didn't have to tell Reese what was going on.

"You realize if you let him go, you're letting him commit murder."

Only hearing a voice but not understanding the words, Con whirls around to see Gunner. "How long have you been standing here?" he growls.

"Long enough." Gunner shakes his head. "Cut the personal agenda and the he-man crap and get out there yourself before Nate kills somebody."

"I still need to tell Reese."

"I will."

Con hesitates, then spins on his heel, sprinting for the door. Hitting the outdoors again, he skids to a stop, shouting after Nate. "You hothead! Don't go out there on your own!"

Care to

Nate's own eyes blaze with an anger never seen before by anyone at TJY as he stairs back at Con. Finally pushing himself out of Con's clutches hot angry tears form in his eyes. His fits still balled so tight his knuckles were white.

"And when are you going to trust me Con? When are you gonna relize that maybe someone else wants to protect and care for your sister too? When am I ever going to be good enough for you?"

Feeling all his anger again Nate turn refraining from hiting Con again put this time connecting with his desk cracking the wood on the top. Ignoring the throbing pain in his hand and the blood the rolled down his knuckles Nate swipes the hot tears from his face looking to Con again with the fire that burned in his eyes.

"Bryce Mulligan will pay for what he did to Laura so help me, I will see to that myself."

Pushing past Con Nate makes his way to the TJY exit all plans for work today lost, all happyness, and hope drowned. Nate had one mission now, and one focus.

Getting pushed into the cold water Katie lets out a shreek as the cold water hits her . Though keeping a tight hold on Ryder's arm Katie retorts.

"The water feels great, care to join me."

Giving a hard yank she pulls Ryder in right after her till he is under the ice cold water as well. Lifting her head a little Katie trys to see through the hair that was in front of her eyes the smile and laughs still coming forth though not as loud now. Finding Ryder's eyes her own sparkle proving just how much fun she was having.

Cold water

As Nate's knuckles slam into Con's jaw, he staggers two steps back, his head whipping to the side. Blinking, he gives his head a shake. Then looking back at Nate, he straightens, fire blazing in his eyes. Without waiting, his big hand grabs Nate's collar.

"You hit me one more time," he hisses, "and so help me, not only will you wish you'd never met me, but you'll never see Laura again."

Anger flashes across his gaze. It takes everything he has not to knock Nate cold right here. "Accept the fact that she doesn't want to see you right now and quit taking it out on me. For once in your life trust that I know how to take care of my sister and I don't need your help to do it. I've been taking care of her for far longer than you have."

Just letting Katie struggle with the blanket, Ryder crosses his arms, watching while holding in his own laughter. Suddenly though his eyes widen as he sees the couch tipping. All he can do is catch Katie as she falls, now his own laughter coming out.

"If I took flying lessons from you, I think I'd have a whole lot more to worry about than I do now, like... crashing."

Shaking his head, he looks down at Katie's red face. "I think somebody needs to cool off."

Getting her in his hold once again, he's suddenly dragging her down the hallway to a destination unknown. Reaching the bathroom, he kicks the door open and pulls her in after him. Still keeping her held tightly with one arm, he reaches in to turn the cold water on in the shower, then attempts to push Katie in towards it.


"Wait around, you want me to wait around while the one person I care and love for the most is hurting? How long do you exspect me to wait and wonder if I will even see her again Con?"

Nate's anger bubbled and boiled as his emotions were pushed to the limit his voice raising in anger. Latley Maggie had been sick, Laura would hardly even talk to him and now she was hurt and was being refused to know where she was. Nate didnt mean to yell at Con but he was there.

As Nates continues to stand there his anger only maultaplys his fists balled at his sides. Why was this happening? What did this have to be like this and why did Con have to be there.

Something inside of Nate snaps as all his anger is hurled in one direction, one target that was infont of him. Though Con was bigger right now to Nate it didnt matter. Pulling his fits back in one quick movment Nates fist connects with Con's jaw with such force it echoed through TJY.

Giving a sheek as Ryder comes twords her she trys to move out of the way but it to slow getting wrapped up in the blanket. Not being able to help it Katie continues to gasp for air as she laughts to her loudest.

Being picked up by Ryder Katie lets out another laughing shreek only to hope Laura had left got the day so she didnt wake her yet.

"Ryder, you big Croc hunter put me down..."

Katie cant help her laughter that rings through the house as her face is beat red.

"Yes I do still thinks its very funny!"

Struggaling a little bit Katie wiggles enough to get her arms out of the blanket. Standing Katie turns to look at Ryder a grin forming on her face again. In a fast movment jumps on the couch but getting her foot stuck in the blanket and laughing to hard to catch herself Katie falls forward causing the couch to tip over backward with a bang Katie landing in Ryders arms. Still laughing like a mad woman Katie manages to get a few words out.

"Hey look you can take flying lessons from me so your not scaired anymore."

Still think?

Con's own voice is strained with emotions, his own worry and anger boiling beneath the surface. "No." He stands his ground, looking down at Nate. He had grown to trust Nate, and even like Nate. But he was in protective mode, and no one, not even her boyfriend would make him break his word to her.

"I'm sorry, Nate. But I promised her that I would let her be alone. She doesn't want to see anyone right now. Leave her be until she's ready."

His eyes are half pleading for Nate's cooperation, and half ordering him. He wasn't playing around... not with this... not with his baby sister.

"Croc hunter," Ryder grumbles. He sits up untangling himself from the blanket. "You want croc hunter, I'll give you croc hunter."

Getting to his feet, Ryder vaults over the couch. The blanket in one hand, he reaches Katie in two strides, grabbing her and spinning her around. The blanket wraps around her like a cocoon, trapping her arms.

Ignoring his throbbing shoulder, Ryder picks Katie up like a sack of potatoes, heads back to his starting point and dumps her onto the couch.

"Still think it's funny, Miss crocodile? Or do I have to get out the ropes?"


Looking up at Con Nate can tell this was more than a social call and it worryed Nate the look that was in Con's eyes. Katie, Jamie nor Laura were into work yet and if anything happend to any of them Nate wasnt sure what to do.

"Con...whats the matter?"

Continuing to listen to Con Nate can feel a small panic and worry build inside of himself. It was the words of the three that happens something wrong with Laura. The look in Nate's eye proved he was worryed and scaired for the person she loved the most. Standing Nate stands up to Con his eyes showing his worry to his friend.

"Please tell me where she is Con. I need to talk to her make sure she is ok, please."

Hearing the comotion in the other room Katie jogs into the living room right as she sees Henry scamper off into her room. Not being able to help the laugh that escapes her lips Katie just laughs for a few moments not being able to stop.

Between the gasps for air Katie manages to make out some words.

"Whats wrong...is the Croc hunter scaired of a little kitty cat?!"

Holding her sides Katie cant help but continue to laugh as a few tears came from her eyes.


Ryder can't help a dry chuckle as he shakes his head. He had yet to figure Katie out. Taking his hand, he's just about ready to reach out and tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear. But he bites his lip and retreats. "Goodnight, Katie."

Moving to the couch, he busies himself with spreading out the blanket and getting the cushions situated. Sinking down into the makeshift bed, he doesn't care that it's a couch. It was more comfortable than the cot he's slept on the night before, and he was so tired that even the floor would have been welcomed. But instead, he had a warm blanket and a soft pillow, which lulled him to sleep with its sweet smell...

Ryder's ears picked up noises in the kitchen, stirring him from his deep sleep. He hadn't heard a thing all night. It had been a long time since he'd slept that well. Rolling over to stretch out, he winces. His shoulder was incredibly sore.

Suddenly, a heavy something lands on his stomach. Taken completely off guard, all Ryder knows is that some strange furry animal had just jumped on him. Not hardly awake, and without thinking, he reacts.

Henry goes flying. With a loud howl, he lands halfway across the living room on all fours, just to speed away, tearing down the hallway to the safe haven of Katie's bedroom.

By now, Ryder is sitting up, wide-eyed and blinking. "What the..." He glances behind the couch, his brain finally registering what the animal had been. "Oops."

Con walks slowly down the TJY floor between the cubicles, aiming for Nate’s space. He would have called, but it felt better to tell him this in person. It had been a very long night and it showed by the dark circles under his eyes. With no sleep and being close to noon now, he was nearing exhaustion. And after he talked to Nate, he needed to tell Reese what had happened as well, and probably a few other people before word spread on its own. Laura would be away from work for a little while.

Nearing Nate’s cubicle, Con clears his throat, and leans on the wall, looking down at his friend. His eyes prove the seriousness of his visit, warning that this was not just a day he happened to drop by.

“Nate…” Con ensures he has his full attention before going on. He might as well cut right to the chase. “I don’t know if you’ve been trying to get a hold of Laura or not, but…she came over to our place last night. She’d been at the mall and… Bryce Mulligan found her.”

Con knew that Nate would know the name, even though it had only been mentioned a few times. “He um… he took advantage of her in the worst way.” He knew he not need go into details – it was obvious enough what had happened.. “Roughed her up bad too. She barely made it last night… Jamie and I took her to the hospital, then spent half the night with the police. There’s a warrant out for Bryce’s arrest now, though they don’t know where he is.”

Con swallows hard. “And Laura…is…somewhere safe. The police advised she lay low until they caught Bryce. She um…” He looks at Nate with apology. “She doesn’t want to see anybody. I couldn’t even talk her into seeing you.”