

Ryder can't help a dry chuckle as he shakes his head. He had yet to figure Katie out. Taking his hand, he's just about ready to reach out and tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear. But he bites his lip and retreats. "Goodnight, Katie."

Moving to the couch, he busies himself with spreading out the blanket and getting the cushions situated. Sinking down into the makeshift bed, he doesn't care that it's a couch. It was more comfortable than the cot he's slept on the night before, and he was so tired that even the floor would have been welcomed. But instead, he had a warm blanket and a soft pillow, which lulled him to sleep with its sweet smell...

Ryder's ears picked up noises in the kitchen, stirring him from his deep sleep. He hadn't heard a thing all night. It had been a long time since he'd slept that well. Rolling over to stretch out, he winces. His shoulder was incredibly sore.

Suddenly, a heavy something lands on his stomach. Taken completely off guard, all Ryder knows is that some strange furry animal had just jumped on him. Not hardly awake, and without thinking, he reacts.

Henry goes flying. With a loud howl, he lands halfway across the living room on all fours, just to speed away, tearing down the hallway to the safe haven of Katie's bedroom.

By now, Ryder is sitting up, wide-eyed and blinking. "What the..." He glances behind the couch, his brain finally registering what the animal had been. "Oops."

Con walks slowly down the TJY floor between the cubicles, aiming for Nate’s space. He would have called, but it felt better to tell him this in person. It had been a very long night and it showed by the dark circles under his eyes. With no sleep and being close to noon now, he was nearing exhaustion. And after he talked to Nate, he needed to tell Reese what had happened as well, and probably a few other people before word spread on its own. Laura would be away from work for a little while.

Nearing Nate’s cubicle, Con clears his throat, and leans on the wall, looking down at his friend. His eyes prove the seriousness of his visit, warning that this was not just a day he happened to drop by.

“Nate…” Con ensures he has his full attention before going on. He might as well cut right to the chase. “I don’t know if you’ve been trying to get a hold of Laura or not, but…she came over to our place last night. She’d been at the mall and… Bryce Mulligan found her.”

Con knew that Nate would know the name, even though it had only been mentioned a few times. “He um… he took advantage of her in the worst way.” He knew he not need go into details – it was obvious enough what had happened.. “Roughed her up bad too. She barely made it last night… Jamie and I took her to the hospital, then spent half the night with the police. There’s a warrant out for Bryce’s arrest now, though they don’t know where he is.”

Con swallows hard. “And Laura…is…somewhere safe. The police advised she lay low until they caught Bryce. She um…” He looks at Nate with apology. “She doesn’t want to see anybody. I couldn’t even talk her into seeing you.”

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