

Jason smirks. “Yeah, she chose me alright.” In all reality, he loved dogs so he loved Domino’s attention, but it did feel a little strange to be playing with Scott’s dog.

Wyatt gets up from the couch. “Alrighty, then. Chips and dip it is. And yes, you can help. Come on.”

Leading the way to the kitchen, Wyatt points to the bag of chips. “There’s that, and…let me grab the dip.” He opens the refrigerator door. Shoving a few things aside, he suddenly lets out a groan. “I forgot about this pasta salad…it looks like a science experiment gone wrong.” Tossing it into the trash, he glances to Aerith. “You didn’t see that.”

Finally finding the dip, he finds a few bowls, then grabs some cans of pop too before heading back into the living room. Flopping back down on the couch, he scans his rack of movies. “We got action…comedy…romance, though that’s Jason’s least favorite.”

Jason throws him a look. He knew Wyatt wasn’t aiming his comment at Jason’s personal life, but really that they weren’t Jason’s most liked genre. “Just let Aerith pick whatever she wants to watch. I’ll probably fall asleep anyway.”

“Party pooper.”

“Hey, where’s my bag?

“Scott, think fast!” A backpack flies through the air.

“Anybody seen my purse?”

“How long until we’re at the ranch?”

The group from Nevada is wide awake as they pile into the van that Mick volunteers to drive to the ranch. Chatting the whole way, the mood is kept light and alert, despite the hour.

It feels like forever, but the ranch sign finally comes into view. Mick is glad to see the lights on in the mess hall. He knew Rosetta would be up, but had a suspicion that everybody else would be up too.

“Alright, everybody out!”

Con is one of the first out, and makes sure he’s got Jamie with him before heading up the porch and to the door. Knocking loudly, he throws open the door, knowing good and well that everybody is up and waiting. “Hey, look alive!”

Heads snap to attention from the tables and body’s rise. “Con! Jamie!”

The rest of the group filters in one after the other. Ty sticks fairly close to Mick, unsure about all of this, and scanning the strange faces in the room.

Scott hangs back out of the way, his pulse quickening just a bit as he steps into the room full of people he didn’t know.

Mick’s eyes drift over the faces until he lands on Rosetta’s. His eyes lock with hers, a small smile spreading.

Jim sits in the corner of the mess hall, having remained seated. As he catches sight of Ty, his breath catches in his throat. There was no doubt in his mind.

Clint mingles with the others, greeting Con and Katie. Out of the corner of his eye he catches sight of a younger man, and his attention is immediately drawn to him. He seemed…familiar…kind of.

Cindy gives Con a big hug, along with Katie and Jamie. As she realizes her son is not in the group, disappointment flickers in her eyes, but she keeps the smile on her face. She'd stayed up late and come from home to greet everyone no matter who it was, and that's what she was doing.


*Aerith smiles at Wyatt as he cleans her hand. His touch was soft. Though the pain did hurt she tryed not to wince.*

"Thank you. The pain is starting to stop already."

*Aerith smiles at Wyatt again. At the mention of chips and dip Aerith smiles.*

"That sounds yummy. I dont really feel to tired myself. So I'd be up for a movie too.*

*As Domino Jumps in Jason's lap she cant help but laugh. She was starting to feel better already. Reaching over she gives Domino's head a pat and scratch behind the ears. Taking her toy she throws it down the hall. Giving a laugh as the dog jumps off Jason's lap and heads after it. Giving Jason a playful nudge Aerith states.*

"She sure is cute. Looks like she picked you to be her new best friend."

*Playing with Domino alittle more and chating Aerith turns to Wyatt remember about the chips.*

"Hey you wouldent happen to want any help geting the chips and dip would you? As for the movie i am up for anything."


Jason chuckles. “Yeah, we work together. I figured you knew Wyatt when I saw you a the concert the other night.”

Wyatt smiles at Aerith, glad she accepts the invitation. “Good. You ride in front with me, we’ll toss Jason in the back.”

Jason rolls his eyes in dry humor, and climbs in, allowing Aerith to take the passenger seat.

It doesn’t take long for the three to arrive at Wyatt’s. He parks in the driveway and makes sure everybody is out okay before heading up the walk.

An excited Domino greets everyone at the door with a few short barks and a wiggling body. As she gets underfoot, Jason automatically reaches down to scoop her up and hold her still, though she continues to wriggle in his arms, licking at his hands. “You silly pup.”

Wyatt gestures to the dog, explaining to Aerith. “Domino belongs to a friend of mine who’s out of town at the moment.”

Leaving Jason to find his own ice, Wyatt goes to the bathroom and comes back with some ointment and bandages. Looking to Aerith, he nods to the living room. “Come on.” Sitting down on the couch, he directs her next to him. Taking her hand, he unwraps the bandana and cleans the wound again, applying a bit of ointment. Knowing it must hurt, he apologizes. “Sorry…” In moments, the fresh bandages is on. “There you go.” Wyatt nods with satisfaction.

By now, Jason’s in another chair with his leg propped up on a footstool, a bag of ice over his knee. “You realize you’ll have to take me home now.”

“Not if you just want to spend the night.” Wyatt shrugs. “I don’t care.”

Jason contemplates the offer. He didn’t really care either.

Wyatt looks back to Aerith. “Well, since you’re here, we can..” He stops and slaps his forehead. “Ice cream….that’s the reason I went into town in the first place, and now look…I got home with out it.” He laughs at himself. “Well, I’ve got some chips and dip if anyone wants it…” He looks at the clock. It was late, but it didn’t feel like it. “And I got a whole stash of movies if you’re interested.”

Domino comes racing down the hallway, her toy squeaking in her mouth with every bound. Running into the living room, she takes one big leap, ending in Jason’s lap.

Jason looks down at her with mock annoyance. “You’re a pain, you know that? How come you have to pick on me?” Irony had a sense of humor. Of course it had to be Scott’s dog that liked him. Well, she couldn’t help it.

Sighing, Jason relents and gives her head a scratch, then a begged-for belly rub.

Robin Hood and William

*Aerith gives a small smiles as she looks between Jason and Wyatt. *

"I've come to relize that this restront is a hotstop. I am guessing Jason you work with Wyatt? You guys both move the same, your actions they way you fight. Not to mention I hurd you on the phone the one day."

*Aerit grins alittle bit her nerves were starting to calm down a bit. Before around the to guys, she hadent known long but could feel a certin peace and safe aura with them.

As Wyatt runs his invite by Aerith she locks eyes with him for a moment. A sudden feeling of sadness. Would her new friends soon be gone. The though was horrable. A million though convayed in that one look.*

"I'd like that."

*Aerith breaks her gave from Wyatt and looks to Jason. Maybe this would be the last time to spend with her new found friends. Maybe they should make the best of it while they could. God braught them into her life for a reason, if he was to take them away the day after tomarrow he had his reason. Aerith would take advantage of today.*

"I's like that alot. I'd hate to pass up the one and only last chanse I might have to be with you guys."

For a while

Jason's glaring eyes follow Frankie until his motorcycle is out of sight. Glancing over to Wyatt and Aerith, he wipes his bloody lip with the back of his hand and slowly walks to them, limping as his bad knee had gotten twisted sometime in the brawl.

Wyatt can't help a slight grin. He'd missed his turn on the way to get ice cream...coincidence?

He wraps the bandana around Aerith's hand, tying a loose knot so her hand won't get rubbed until a bandage can be put on. "You don't have to thank anyone." Wyatt puts a gentle finger under her chin to tilt her face up so he can see her eyes. "I'm just glad you're okay."

Looking over to Jason, he nods to him. "Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah," Jason grumbles. "Just jerked my knee around." He wipes his lip again and looks to Aerith. "I suggest getting a restraining order on that guy before something happens, whether he's stupid or I kill him myself for hurting you."

Wyatt gives him a grin. "Say, where'd you two meet anyway?"

"Here." Jason thumbs to the restaurant. "Where else?"

Wyatt chuckles. "It's the hot spot in town." He glances back to Aerith, seeing that she's still shook up. "How about both of you coming to my place for a while? I got some stuff for your hand back there, and Jason, you can get some ice on that knee."

Jason shrugs. "I'm game."

Wyatt's eyes stay on Aerith. "Let Robin Hood take care of you tonight? It might be my only chance."


*Everyone on on the plane wakes and buckles up. Excitment raining again as they are ready to land. Would sleep come tonight at all? Or would the excitment keep them awake.*

*Take Jason punch to the face again Frankie can feel his jaw weaking and feeling alittle snap. As his arm is twisted around and he is slamed into the ground Frankie becomes dazzed not even fight back anymore. Being pushed to his bike he turns around looking at Jason and than Wyatt confustion ran in his eyes. His eyes land on Aerith seeing she is hurt. Taking a step forward his voice shows comaption.*

"Aerith I..."

*Looking back at Jason he can see him ready to pounch again. What had happend. What had he done. Turning around Frankie makes a sprint for his bike hoping on holding his one arm still and speads away into the night.*

*Aerith follows Wyatt once again. Leting Wyatt clean out her hand she cant help but wince. It felt like her hands were on fire. As Wyatt continues to clean her hands she loos up as Frankie says her name, than looks to Jason than back to Wyatt. In a shaky soft voice Aerith speaks.*

"Thank you...I asked God for help, and he sent you and Jason. Thank you. I..."

*Aerith goes quiet as the scenes play in her mind again. She had been roughed up befoe but not nearly this bad. She litterly had been scaired and still was. Frankie could be back again. What is no one was around or came to save her what would happen. Aerith shakes her head trying to shake the though. God would keep her face no matter what.*

"I think I have some stuff at my grandmas that can clean the cuts...out."

*Aerith really dident want to go home. What if her grandmother let Frankie in the house, what if...Aerith minds fills with so many possablitys she wasent use to feeling valnarble, and scaired. She dident like this feeling at all.*

Your own size

Scott chuckles at Katie's question. He thinks for a moment. "Yes," he answers with decision. Humor plays at the corner of his mouth, but before he can say more, the intercom crackles as the pilot's voice comes across.

"Rise and shine, folks. We're about ready to land. Make sure you're all in your seats with your seatbelts on as we prepare to descend. Thank you."

Scott reaches down to put his seatbelt back on. "Well...I guess we're almost there." He glances at his watch. "Eleven...not bad."

Jason receives Frankie's hard blows, and doubles over at the punch to the gut. Hearing the jeering words just drives his anger even higher. If he were fighting for himself, he might prefer to back off. He wasn't a hundred percent after his earlier episode, and he wasn't sure he could even handle what he'd set off to do.

But picturing teh way Frankie had been handling Aerith was enough to make Jason stay...stay and fight.

Glaring at Frankie, Jason catches his next fist and twists his arms to the side, immobilizing Frankie's arm for just long enough, giving Jason a chance to land a fist to the side of his adversary's face.

Spinning around, Jason hikes Frankie's arm up over his shoulder and drops down, hurling the man's body up and over himself to slam him back down to the ground. Still holding his arm, Jason's next blow comes from his foot, aimed directly at Frankie's stretched shoulder. "Maybe next time you'll pick on somebody your own size," he growls.

Yanking Frankie back to his feet, Jason twists him around and gives him a swift shove and knee to the lower back, sending him towards his motorcycle.

Wyatt doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around Aerith, holding her close and rocking he gently. "Shh, shh....it's okay." He had no idea who this other guy was, but apparently Aerith knew him. "You're okay now...you're safe. He's not going to hurt you."

He turns just a little so Aerith can't see the fight, but so that he could keep an eye on Jason. His hand rubs Aerith's back, but as she winces, he looks down. Taking her hand in his, he sees where her palm has been scraped. "Mmm, that looks good," he teases. "Come on."

Wyatt guides her to the passenger side of his jeep and lets her go for just a moment to reach inside and pull out a clean bandana. Not having any water, he relents to wetting the corner of the soft cloth with his tongue. Taking Aerith's hand again, he lightly cleans away the dirt and small pieces of gravel that had come from the pavement. "We should get some disinfectant on that," he muses.


*Katie smiles back at Scott. She felt his comfort, she felt his warmth. Katie loved the way Scott made her feel. She loved the comfort he had to offer. Katie gives alittle nod as she leans in to give Scott a kiss.*

"Ya I'm ok, Just alittle warn out. I"ll be ok in a little bit."

*Katie beams at Scott stairing into his eyes. They dances with life, they twinkled with something new ever since Katie had show intrest in him back and she loved it.*

"Are you excited or nervouse more?"

*As Frankie receaves the shoulder to the side and thron to the ground with a thud his own instincs kicking in his eyes raging with anger. Bringing his own hand up connecting his knuckles with Jason's jaw. As Jason hit him again in the jaw Frankie can feeling blood filling his mouth. Spiting the blood at Jason to give him the distraction he needed bringing his legs up with great forceing sending Jason flying off him. Jumping up Frankie throws his own kick at Jason. His eyes still have the look of furry in them next sending his fist into Jason's stomach.*

" You should learn to mind your own busness kid."

*As Wyatt pulls Aerith up she slowly walks with him away from the scene not sure what was going on but knowing it was Wyatt and Jason were there. Aerith trys to stop herself from shaking as she stands by Wyatt's jeep. As she feels his hand on her face she gives alittle jump. She was still startled and shaken her mind playing tricks on her. Trying to stay strong now that everything was ok Aerith breaks down into Wyatt's arms burrying her face into his chest. Muffaling her sobs and her soft voice.*

"I was so scaired Wyatt. I dident know what was going to happen to me. He was just to powerful. The look in his eyes i never saw before. It was....differnt."

*Aerith winces in pain as she pushing her palms aganst Wyatt's chest still shaking slightly.*

No tolerance

Scott grins at Katie and shakes his head a little. "I needed to get myself awake anyway...we should be there soon."

He cocks his head as his free hand comes up to run his fingers over her own. Her eyes looked weary. "You okay?"

As Jason nears the parking lot entrance, he sees Aerith fall and hears her scream. Without even thinking, he sprints into a run. His peripheral vision catches sight of a vehicle and he skirts to the side just as Wyatt's jeeps speeds into the lot ahead of him.

Wyatt doesn't slow until he's close to the scene, braking hard to skid to a halt, and spinning to the side. He's out in an instant. As he takes his quick steps forward, he sees Jason again. Neither know exactly why the other is here, but it doesn't matter. Without even needing to communicate, they both take up different roles.

Jason's run gives him the momentum he needs, and without even stopping, he lowers his head and right shoulder to ram Frankie from the front and brings him down hard to the pavement. Straddling Frankie's body, Jason's knuckles slam into his jaw without mercy.

Seeing Frankie taken down, Wyatt automatically aims for Aerith. He kneels down and wraps an arm around her, pulling her to her feet so they can be a safe distance from the other two. He ushers her to his jeep where he finally turns her around to look at her face. Taking his hand, he smooths her hair away from her cheek, wiping her tears at the same time. Concern flickers in his eyes as he sees her fear. "Hey, it's okay now. You alright?"

Two Personalities

*As Katie cant feel Jason calm her own body calms as well. Giving Carson some instructions on stuff to do to help Jason. Katie can feel her own body starting to give in to being tired. As she goes to hang up the phone she hears stadic, and than soft voices again that sound like Jason and Carson. Katie listens alittle bit, she dident mean to be ease dropping but she was intrested in what Carson was saying not to mention he truly wanted to make sure Jason was ok.

As the line finally goes dead Katie shuts her own phone and let out a sigh. Siting down on the little ledge by the sink Katie thinks about what Carson said. He made sence, maybe Jason staying with Carson was good. Carson seemed smart. Staning again Katie splashes water on her face reviving herself but still left feeling drained. Leaving the bathroom Katie makes her way back to her seat. See Scott awake she smiles as she sits down. Now relizing she had a headack from when she smashed her head. Trying to forget about it so it will pass. Wraping her arms through Scotts she smiles up at him.*

"Hey you! I dident mean to wake you."

*Aerith pulls her arm away from Frankie taking a few steps back to her car. If she could get inside she could lock the door and give herself enough time to call someone.*

"Frankie, Please just leave me alone."

*Frankie takes a few steps twords Aerith his Crocky playful grin still on his face.*

"Come on Babe. I dont know why your acting like it. It dosent look like your little boyfriend is around anymore so you dont have to pretend."

*Aerith steps back again till she is up aganst her car reaching for the handle.*

"I'm not pretending anything. Just cuz my parents had me go out to dinner with you a few times dosent mean anything. I never had fun, or never really wanted to. I'm 15 years younger than you, Your bad news and I just dont plane like you."

*Frankie lets out a cold laugh as he slams his hand on Aeriths door to keep her from opening it. A almost wild, confused look in his eyes. As he brings his other hand to Aerith's face.*

"You know I wouldent ever hurt you. I just want you to give me a chanse, and love me."

*Aerith slaps Frankie's hand away.*

"Your hurting me by not leaving me alone. What dont you understand about I want nothing to do with you."

*As Aerith slaps Frankies hand away his eyes become cold, and hard like someone completely differnt than who was just finding it fun in irratating someone. He looked as if he turned into someone completerly differnt in front of Aerith. A look the struck fear into Aerith as she turns to run a scream forming in her throt.

Frankie grabs her from behind puting his hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming. Wraping her other hand around her waist.*

"Stop screaming please...."

*Frankies voice was a soft crazy hiss sending chills though her. As Aerith feeling the flesh by her mouth she chomps down on it feeling blood knowing the damage she caused was done. As she is thron to the ground as her hands and knees get cut up she screams in pain.

As Frankie feels the blood after throwing Aerith a hiss comes from his mouth.*

"You little....."

* As Frankie whipes the blood from his He reaches out for Aerith again as she trys to to crawl away.*

"Just let me take you home...."

*The tears start to flow form her eyes as she whispers a prayer under her breath. "God...please...Help me." Trying her best she trys to squirm away kicking and whimpering, Frankies only blood on her lips making her gag and feel sick.*


Still confused by this event, Carson lamely does as Katie tells him with the phone, and rocks back on his heels away from Jason to leave him alone. Katie's words to Jason intensify his bewilderment. What was it that Jason was going through? What kinds of memories could cause this kind of torment in a person? This was more than just a memory...it was more than a flashback. It really did appear to be a nightmare, but one Jason couldn't bring himself out of.

Jason's body shakes as a cold sweat forms. His eyes are scrunched tight, his fists balled so firmly that his knuckles turn white. He was being hunted down, hit, shoved in a corner. Images that hadn't risen before, present themselves now as new torment.

Suddenly a voice breaks through. A voice that's not a part of this horrid nightmare. It's soft and sweet...it's a voice Jason knows is safe...one that offers a haven.

"Everything is ok and you're ok J..."

He tries to pull himself from one world into the other. Reality seemed so far away...so far out of reach.

"You can fight this. I'm here to help you. It's ok J. It's ok."

Jason's eyes suddenly fly open and he gasps for breath. His pulse was racing and he felt weak all over. Catching sight of a figure near him, he flinches, drawing himself up further against the wall.

"Hey, hey, it's just me," Carson says quietly.

Jason tries to get his eyes to focus, and slowly, slowly things start to make sense again. Finally his muscles begin to relax. "Carson."


Jason lets his head rest on the carpeted floor, his eyes closing again from exhaustion. "Katie..."

"Yeah, that's her." Carson puts the phone to his ear again, turning off the speaker. "He's coming out of it Katie. Anything I need to do?"

After receiving a few brief instructions, Carson sets the phone down. His mind elsewhere though, he forgets to close it, accidentally keeping the connection open.

Rising, he goes to the kitchen. Entering, he winces and cries out as his foot catches a piece of glass he'd missed. "Aw for crying out loud..." Hobbling to the counter, he leans on it while he lifts his foot to see the bottom of it, and gingerly pulls out the glass. Sighing, he goes for the refrigerator and retrieves what little orange juice there is left, to pour it in a cup and take it back to Jason.

Easing down next to him, Carson tries to help Jason sit up.

Jason does his best to sit, using the wall as his backrest, and finally getting his legs out in front of himself.

Carson looks at him with concern. "You alright?" He holds out the juice. "Katie said you might need this."

"Mm." Jason takes it wearily, managing a couple sips. With a sudden attack of stress like that, it wasn't surprising his sugar dropped. His pulse finally beginning to slow, Jason starts to come out of his fog. At least this time it wasn't taking him too awful long to start functioning again. "Thanks."

Carson studies him for a moment. "Katie called it a nightmare...what happened?"

Able to keep things under control for now, Jason figures it best to elaborate. He hadn't realized that Carson didn't know about these episodes. "You know my past...you admitted once that the Agency used it that time they kidnapped me."

"Ohh, that." Carson raises his eyebrows. "I knew you'd been abducted as a kid and that it bothered you a bit, but..."

"Didn't know it was this bad, eh?" Jason forces a tired shadow of a grin. "Yeah..."

Carson watches him, still a bit shocked. "So...what happens? I mean..."

"It all comes back." Jason looks down, not even trying to get up yet. "Just the bad stuff...usually the memories of when I was most scared. They just...take over. I can feel myself starting to slip...sometimes I can stop it, and sometimes I can't."

"And this time...you couldn't."

"I saw a guy who looked like Alex today...then I heard you break that glass and it was too much." Jason lets out a slow sigh. "I try to control it...I try not to let the memories rule me...and they don't affect me constantly like they did once. When I was in Texas, this was a daily occurrence for a little while." He shakes his head. "Katie knows all about that."

Carson furrows his brow. "How come she can pull you out?"

"I don't know. She just...always has been able to. I can get myself out of the flashback eventually..." He remembers his time in prison. "But it's a lot harder and it leaves me in pretty bad shape."

"You don't call this bad shape?"

A slight laugh comes out after Jason takes another sip of juice. "This is nothing compared to some of the other times."


Jason quirks an eyebrow. "Didn't know when the Agency was using my past that they were doing that good of a job, did you?"

"Guess not. This bothered you all your life?"

Jason shakes his head. "No...when I was a kid I blocked everything out. It wasn't until I was in Texas that it all came back. Something about it triggered the memories...then everything all started coming back and I couldn't handle it any more."

"And since then?"

"It was bad enough that I got help...I got a pretty good handle on myself and I'm not living in daily torment like I was...I don't have the nightmares every night anymore...usually just after an episode like this." Jason shrugs. "I can beat the memories if they're not thrown at me too fast, and I can work myself through them and the fear. It's just when I'm caught off guard like today. I should probably be able to control that by now too, but I guess my mind's just not strong enough."

Carson throws him an annoyed glance. "Man, with something like this, I'm impressed you can control it half the time, let alone most of the time."

"Yeah, well I wish it was all the time. I never know how bad it's going to be...sometimes it's more severe, other times it's just short and quick...other times I get nightmares for several nights afterward." Jason pauses. "At least now, I can start functioning pretty soon after an episode, so I guess it's better. I’m letting my past control me though."

"I don't think so," Carson argues. He didn't have a full understanding of everything, but he wasn't sure he agreed. "You're not letting it control you now. You said yourself that it's not a daily thing anymore. You said you got help...what did they say?"

"That I could overcome it. That I couldn't let the fear rule me. That if I could control it, eventually I'd be able to function without these flashbacks."

Carson quirks an eyebrow. "Did this helper ever see one of these episodes?"

Jason thinks for a moment, then shakes his head. "No..."

"Jase...these aren't just flashbacks."

"Well yeah they are," Jason argues. "I just about blew Austin's head off once because I thought he was Alex."

"Now that I would describe as a flashback," Carson agrees. "But this..." He shakes his head again. "This is different. Did you just describe these episodes as ‘flashbacks’ to whoever helped you?"

"I guess so." Jason shrugs. "I mean...I just told him I'd been having flashbacks and we talked about my nightmares at night too...we mostly talked about the memories and how I shouldn't fear them...how I shouldn't shut down and ignore them because it just made them worse, but how I needed to work through them, and so eventually the flashbacks would just become simple memories that didn't evoke fear."

Carson sits back, deep in thought. He wasn't best buddies with Jason, but he did care, and something just wasn't adding up here. "Well, they were right about the flashbacks...you can work through and out of those...when was the last time, though, that you didn't know where you were or who you were with, but you were still under control? Like when you almost took out Austin?"

"It's been a while I guess...I mean...that hasn't happened in a long time. It's just been times like this when I fall apart completely."

"Well, trust me when I say it's more than a flashback, Jason. Your mind's reeking havoc on you. If this was just a flashback, you probably would have come after me and seen me as Alex, not been thrown into a nightmare, winding up on the floor like that."

Jason furrows his brow. "So what are you saying?"

"I'm saying not to feel stupid for not being able to control it. I'd be willing to bet that after you got help, you haven't had a 'normal' flashback because you did get past that." He pauses. "I've seen guys with flashbacks, and what I just saw was very different. Your mind must just suddenly explode."

"That's what it feels like."

"I bet."

"So if it's not a flashback, what is it?"

Carson shrugs. "You might just call it a flashback because how else are you going to label it? But you've got a complex mind, Jason. Your subconscious does a lot you don't even realize. I'm no psychologist, but if I had to guess, I'd say your mind builds up all those memories and the pressure just increases. Finally, when something triggers it, it explodes. But instead of just fooling you into thinking you're seeing things your not, it does more, and hurls you into such a state that you can't even move."

Jason had never thought about it this way before...was Carson right? It did make sense...Adam had help him overcome a lot, and now that he thought about it, he really did no longer have a 'typical' flashback. So was this really something different? Connected, obviously, but perhaps it couldn't be handled the same way as what else he'd experienced. Perhaps it really was different. Perhaps he'd been viewing it incorrectly and therefore was made to feel stupid when he couldn't control it. "So...what can I do about it?"

Carson forces a dry laugh. "I wish I could help you out there. But quite honestly...if you're still having trouble after all this time, and after getting help...this might be something you're just going to have to deal with always."

"Unless I shut down."

"Yeah, and that’s always got you a long way, hasn’t it?" Carson rolls his eyes. The implication of the breakup with Katie was there.

"So now I just give up because there's no hope for me to control it?" Jason argues.

"I didn't say that." Carson rises to his feet. "You said you already can feel now when these things start to come on. Maybe there's a way you can head them off, I don’t know. All I'm trying to say is not to beat yourself up over it, because I'm not convinced it's something you can control completely."

“Oh, great.”

“Hey.” Carson nudges him with his foot. “Stop it. If you can’t keep the memories from taking over once in a while, at least don’t let these episodes take over your life. If they happen, they happen. Move on. Letting them get to you just defeats the purpose of even trying. At least you've got people around you to help you through them.”

Jason heaves a weary sigh. Why Carson was being so nice, he wasn't sure, but it did make sense. And...he was probably right. Jason didn't want to have to deal with this...he was tired of it. But maybe it really wasn't his own fault after all. He could think about the past now without shutting down. He could walk himself through the memories of his experience with Alex without the pain now. That was in itself, a great improvement. But perhaps there was simply something about the way his own mind worked, that collected information differently, in a way that he couldn't control. If that were the case, the only thing he could do was try to control what came after the explosion.

Finally finding enough energy, Jason makes it to his feet, just a little unsteadily, and finishes his juice. "Thanks."

"Yeah." Carson takes the cup and goes back to the kitchen. "Need anything, holler...just not too loudly."

Jason almost lets a slight laugh escape. Apparently Carson wasn't feeling quiet up to par yet. Shaking his head, Jason leans down slowly, picking up his phone, and automatically shutting it as he does, clueless that the minutes have added up, the line open all this time.

Turning back to his bedroom, he opts to take a shower and change clothes, now that he'd been drenched in sweat. But he didn't want to stay here...it was too quiet...even with Carson around. What he really wanted was some fresh air, and a walk sounded like just the thing, even if it was getting late.

Wyatt ambles out of his house, locking the door behind himself. It was late...it was almost dark. But he needed he'd suddenly had a craving for ice cream, and the store would still be open.

Jumping into his jeep, he starts it up, and heads into town. Listening to the radio, Wyatt's mind starts to wander, and he suddenly realizes he's missed his turn. Rolling his eyes at himself, he swings back around several different blocks, now taking himself down the same street as Mom and Pop's. Passing a pedestrian, Wyatt looks quickly into his mirrors. That had looked like Jason. Shrugging it off, he absentmindedly glances to the restaurant as he passes. Was that Aerith? And...who was...

Wyatt suddenly senses that all is not right. Had his mind played tricks on him, or was Aerith struggling with a man?

Putting on the brakes, Wyatt is forced to swing back around the block again, as another car is behind him. He speeds around his turns, coming back again, but this time, aiming for the parking lot.

Jason ambles down the sidewalk, unsure why he was headed downtown, but he hadn't had anywhere else he wanted to go. The evening air was as refreshing as he'd hoped it would be, despite the heaviness in his heart. His episode had done nothing for his depression, and he still felt like he was just spinning his wheels, not getting anywhere.

As a jeep passes him, he looks up, noting that it was Wyatt. He'd wave, but it was too late now. Instead, he lets his mind wander towards Mom and Pop's. As he nears, his eyes zero in on Frankie. Jason grits his teeth. What a jerk. He quickens his pace to a fast and deliberate walk, aiming for Aerith and Frankie.

Scott stretches as much as he can in the small space between plane seats, and stifles a yawn. It was getting late. They should be arriving soon. Blinking, he looks around, and realizes that Katie isn't beside him anymore. Glancing down the aisle, he figures he knows where she is, and settles back in again, deciding to stay awake for when she returned.

Dont let them

*As Katie listens to Carson she lets out a sigh trying to keep her own emotions undercontroll. How she wish she was there now to comfort Jason.*

"Ok...Its ok he is having a nightmare just differnt from the ones most people have. Just dont touch him ok. It will only make it worse not to mention it will make you alittle sore. I need you to put the phone on speaker phone so he can hear me please."

*Katie waits till she hears the beep of the speaker phone being turned on. Finally Katie speaks softly again.*

"J...its Katie. You need to calm down ok. Your at your apartment right now with Carson and I am on the phone. Your safe and no one is going to hurt you hear. Everything is ok and your ok J. Remember what Adam told you dont let your memories controlle you. You can fight this. I'm here to help you. Its ok J, its ok."

*Katie keeps her voice soft and aoothing, beckoning, calling Jason out of his darkness. Hoping he can see the light.*

won't let me

As Carson struggles with Jason, trying to avoid getting hit again, Jason's cell phone starts to ring. Not knowing what to do, he simply goes ahead and answers it, hoping that it might be someone who can help.

Hearing Katie's voice, he raises his eyebrows. "Katie! Jason's right here. I don't know what's wrong. He just collapsed but he won't let me help him up and it's like he's having an awful nightmare or something. It's bad and I don't know what's going on. I already got smacked good once."

Unwanted help

*Misty smiles as she talks to Carson. He was staying home too. Good they could have a whole day to themself. Least Misty wouldent be alone.*

"Ya. Rick tryed to convince me to stay but I told him there was no way. I made the mistake of tell him I slept in your bed lastnight and got spoiled, and he about freaked. Finally she was quiet long enough for me explain. Man i wish you could of seen his face. It was priceless."

*Misty thinks for a moment as she slowly makes her way back to the bed to sit down.*

"I dont know how much running I can do but if you dont mind walking real slow I'd love to go with you."

*Misty chats with Carson some more. Finally hanging up the phone. Before it gets to late Misty asks Wyatt for a ride home. Once there Misty feeds Romieo and Juliet than heads into her room there the 3 crawl into her and watch some tv before dozing off.*

*Nates heart cant help but race and jump for joy as he see Laura get excited. It was good to see her smile, and to see her eyes dance. It was like the stars twinkling at night and it made Nate happy.*

"I guess I better get home and get stuff packed for Maggie and I as well. 7:15 ok got it. I should be there on time as long as my sister dosent take ages in the bathroom."

*Nate playfuly rolls his eyes as he leans into give Laura a kiss.*


*Nate turns and heads for the door alitle sprin in his step. Once home and telling Maggie about going she becomes excited herself and start rushing around along side Nate packing everything up. Than loading the car.*

The laughter rings out as everything starts to board the plane. It was a happy sight indeed. Everyone with filled with excitment. Even thought who had a fear of flying felt a bit of excitment.

*Katie takes her seat next to Scott in the front of the plane elbowing him every now and than playfuly for more space. Only to finally just grab his arm and hug it.

Nate make sure Maggie is settled and buckled in before siting next to Laura still teasing her about how she got stuck coming in. As Nate sits down he hits his head on the compartment over head and gives a little yelp as he slumps down in his chair. Maggie cant help but let out a laught at her brother. Nate throws her a grin.*

"Oh sure laugh when I hurt myself in front of my girlfriend why dont you."

*Jamie sits next to Con almost clinging to his arm for dear life. She never was to fond of planes.But being next to Con even in something this big helped her feel alittle more safe.

The chatter on the plane was loud and noisy. Everyone talking between themself and to eachother. Yelling behind them or in front of them till finally it grew late and most everyone was sleeping.

Katie rested silently next to Scott her head on his shoulder. Her dreams were filled with excitment on being at the ranch and seeing everyone. Soon though Katie's dreams become dark, a horrable feeling coming over her. Much lilke the one that had happend early in the day but MUCH MUCH more savear now. Snaping out of her dream Katie jumps slaming her own head into the wall. For a moment Katie panics as she forgets where she is. Looking around it starts to slowly come back to her. Looking at Scott's sleeping form Katie fully remember whats going on though the feeling of panic still courses throug her blood. Standing Katie slowly and silently makes her way to the back of the plane entering the bathroom so she dosent wake anyone. Pulling out her phone Katie dials Jason's number. Hearing Carson's voice answer Katie panic increases.*

"Carson...its Katie! Where is Jason? Is he ok? Whats going on?"

*Aerith gives alittle wave to Mable and Herb as they pull out of the driveway. The sun had finished going down and the sky was now lit up with stars. Aerith had stayed all day and helped close tonight. Busness was pretty buys and they needed the help. Nothing alse was going on anyways. Aerith had also gone home on her lunch to check on her grandmother but dident stay to long she was still upset with her over Frankie. Geting into her car Aerith rolls the window down and inserts the key. As the car turns over the engin fails and Aerith trys again still geting nothing. Sighing she trys one more time but still nothing. Geting out of her car She pulls out her phone frustrated. As Aerith is about to dial a figure steps to her in a deep booming voice that startles her.*

"I told you,you could count on seeing me again."

*Frankie throws Aerith a grin.*

"For a moment Aerith gulps as she has a hand over her heart trying to get paulse to slow again.*

"Frankie what are you doing here?"

*Frankie looks at Aerith and leans aganst her car*

"I just happend to drive by and saw you having car troubles. Let me give you a ride home!"

*Aerith looks at Frankie and shakes her head starting to dial a number.*

"No thats ok I can have one of my friends come and get me."

*Frankie puts his hand over Aerith's cell phone and pesses the clear button giving a laugh.*

"Awww....come on."

*Frankie takes Aerith by the arm and pulls her tword his bike as she resists.*

"Dont be stuborn now, it will be fun like old times."

*Aerith feels a bit of panic creep inside of her. This is not the position she wnated to be in right now.*


“Nope, staying here.” Carson leans on his kitchen counter. He’d just been able to eat a little something for the first time all day, and his headache was finally starting to go away. He holds the phone to his ear, listening to Misty. “Figured they had enough people going, and besides that, I want my own bed tonight.”

Turning around, he sighs. “You going home tonight? Thought maybe I could convince you to get out and get some fresh air tomorrow if you’re feeling up to it.”

Laura grins at Nate, then gives his arm a playful slap. “Quit reading my mind.” She can’t contain her excitement though, and her eyes dance. “This is going to be fun.” Suddenly she stops, her eyes widening. “Oh my goodness, I have to go home now and pack, and make sure everything is okay there, and…” She spins around, grabbing her purse and keys. “Make it 7:15 to make sure we get to the airport in plenty of time.”

“Come on, babe.” Scott directs Domino with the leash, up to Wyatt’s porch, and he rings the doorbell.

Wyatt answers the screen door, grinning just a little. “Hey, pooch.”

Domino wags her stump of a tail, starting to wiggle with excitement.

Wyatt takes the leash from Scott before kneeling down to the dog. “You’re not going to pine away for daddy while he’s gone, are you?”

Scott chuckles and takes the bag off his shoulder. “Not if you give her her toys. I’ve got her dish and food in here too. She can go for hours alone in the house, so you can just leave her when you’re out and about.”

“No problem.” Wyatt rolls his eyes. “After having Trooper here once, this is going to be a piece of cake.”

Within minutes, Scott’s back on the road and heading back to his house where the TJY van would be picking him up.

The quiet corner of the tarmac is unusually busy as people gather near the private jet. Everyone is excited and ready to go as their bags are loaded. As eight o’clock nears, eyes glance around to see if everyone who is going is there.

Con squints in the setting sun, missing the one person he really wished would have come. But he hadn’t shown up.

Soon, they start climbing the stairs to board.

“Dibs on the seat next to Katie!” Scott hollers.

“Only if I get the one next to Jamie!” Con retorts.

“Help!” Laura lets out a laugh as her purse gets caught on the latch on the door and she needs help getting loose.

Ty is right behind her, so he lends a hand, receiving her thanks. He makes his way to the back where he sits alone until Mick comes to sit near him.

As the airplane starts to move, the excitement just grows, and the chatter starts all over again, everyone anticipating arriving in Texas. It would be fairly late, but they all knew that once they got there, sleep would be the farthest things from their minds.

Jason opens the apartment door quietly and slips inside, not knowing if Carson will be up or not. Seeing him in the kitchen, he just gives a slight nod, heading for his bedroom. It was just after eight o’clock. Most everyone else would be in the air by now.

Carson opens a cupboard to grab a glass for some water, but just as he’s pulling it out, it slips form his grasp. Plummeting to the tiled floor below, it hits hard and shatters with a loud crash.

Jason stops dead in his tracks, his head on his bedroom doorknob. That sound…that breaking glass… A memory comes shooting out of no where, and suddenly he hears Alex screaming a curse that reverberates through the house. Jason’s earlier encounter with a look-alike waves over him as if it had just happened minutes ago, and the fear returns so suddenly that his hands start to shake.

Taken completely off guard, Jason tries to fight it. He knows it’s from the earlier episode…he’d tried to get through that bout of memories…he’d avoided a flashback then…he had to now…he had to….

Carson grumbles a cuss word and grabs a nearby broom to sweep up the glass. Halfway done, he thinks he hears a strange noise in the hall. “Jason?” Receiving no response, he finishes his task, and aims for the hallway. Arriving, his eyes widen.

Jason curls up in a tight ball on the floor of the hallway, his body trembling in fear. He was in the house again. Alex was mad…very mad….everything had been Jason’s fault…he’d done everything wrong today. It was all wrong. Jason knew a beating was coming. He knew it was. He tried to run. He tried to hide. But everywhere he turned, the doors were locked, the corners exposed and bare, leaving him no place to hide.

He feels Alex’s grip on his shoulder, and he quakes under the grasp, the frustration, fear and hate building within him. Terror seizes him and he fights back.

Carson quickly kneels next to Jason, not knowing what’s wrong. “Jason…Jason can you hear me?” He places a hand on Jason’s shoulder.

Jason’s arm lashes out with force, the back of his hand smacking Carson in the side of his face, hard enough to make him fall back into the other wall. Carson’s eyes widen. “Jason!”

Slightly panicked, Carson tries again, this time, putting pressure on Jason’s arms so he can’t fight back. “Hey, hey, settle down, what’s wrong?”

Jason’s mind is in a fog, the only images are those of the past. Alex has a hold of him. He’s pinning him down, he’s ready to beat on him. Panic surges through him like an unstoppable locomotive, and he cries out, unable to shake the torment.