

Jason chuckles. “Yeah, we work together. I figured you knew Wyatt when I saw you a the concert the other night.”

Wyatt smiles at Aerith, glad she accepts the invitation. “Good. You ride in front with me, we’ll toss Jason in the back.”

Jason rolls his eyes in dry humor, and climbs in, allowing Aerith to take the passenger seat.

It doesn’t take long for the three to arrive at Wyatt’s. He parks in the driveway and makes sure everybody is out okay before heading up the walk.

An excited Domino greets everyone at the door with a few short barks and a wiggling body. As she gets underfoot, Jason automatically reaches down to scoop her up and hold her still, though she continues to wriggle in his arms, licking at his hands. “You silly pup.”

Wyatt gestures to the dog, explaining to Aerith. “Domino belongs to a friend of mine who’s out of town at the moment.”

Leaving Jason to find his own ice, Wyatt goes to the bathroom and comes back with some ointment and bandages. Looking to Aerith, he nods to the living room. “Come on.” Sitting down on the couch, he directs her next to him. Taking her hand, he unwraps the bandana and cleans the wound again, applying a bit of ointment. Knowing it must hurt, he apologizes. “Sorry…” In moments, the fresh bandages is on. “There you go.” Wyatt nods with satisfaction.

By now, Jason’s in another chair with his leg propped up on a footstool, a bag of ice over his knee. “You realize you’ll have to take me home now.”

“Not if you just want to spend the night.” Wyatt shrugs. “I don’t care.”

Jason contemplates the offer. He didn’t really care either.

Wyatt looks back to Aerith. “Well, since you’re here, we can..” He stops and slaps his forehead. “Ice cream….that’s the reason I went into town in the first place, and now look…I got home with out it.” He laughs at himself. “Well, I’ve got some chips and dip if anyone wants it…” He looks at the clock. It was late, but it didn’t feel like it. “And I got a whole stash of movies if you’re interested.”

Domino comes racing down the hallway, her toy squeaking in her mouth with every bound. Running into the living room, she takes one big leap, ending in Jason’s lap.

Jason looks down at her with mock annoyance. “You’re a pain, you know that? How come you have to pick on me?” Irony had a sense of humor. Of course it had to be Scott’s dog that liked him. Well, she couldn’t help it.

Sighing, Jason relents and gives her head a scratch, then a begged-for belly rub.

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