
Unwanted help

*Misty smiles as she talks to Carson. He was staying home too. Good they could have a whole day to themself. Least Misty wouldent be alone.*

"Ya. Rick tryed to convince me to stay but I told him there was no way. I made the mistake of tell him I slept in your bed lastnight and got spoiled, and he about freaked. Finally she was quiet long enough for me explain. Man i wish you could of seen his face. It was priceless."

*Misty thinks for a moment as she slowly makes her way back to the bed to sit down.*

"I dont know how much running I can do but if you dont mind walking real slow I'd love to go with you."

*Misty chats with Carson some more. Finally hanging up the phone. Before it gets to late Misty asks Wyatt for a ride home. Once there Misty feeds Romieo and Juliet than heads into her room there the 3 crawl into her and watch some tv before dozing off.*

*Nates heart cant help but race and jump for joy as he see Laura get excited. It was good to see her smile, and to see her eyes dance. It was like the stars twinkling at night and it made Nate happy.*

"I guess I better get home and get stuff packed for Maggie and I as well. 7:15 ok got it. I should be there on time as long as my sister dosent take ages in the bathroom."

*Nate playfuly rolls his eyes as he leans into give Laura a kiss.*


*Nate turns and heads for the door alitle sprin in his step. Once home and telling Maggie about going she becomes excited herself and start rushing around along side Nate packing everything up. Than loading the car.*

The laughter rings out as everything starts to board the plane. It was a happy sight indeed. Everyone with filled with excitment. Even thought who had a fear of flying felt a bit of excitment.

*Katie takes her seat next to Scott in the front of the plane elbowing him every now and than playfuly for more space. Only to finally just grab his arm and hug it.

Nate make sure Maggie is settled and buckled in before siting next to Laura still teasing her about how she got stuck coming in. As Nate sits down he hits his head on the compartment over head and gives a little yelp as he slumps down in his chair. Maggie cant help but let out a laught at her brother. Nate throws her a grin.*

"Oh sure laugh when I hurt myself in front of my girlfriend why dont you."

*Jamie sits next to Con almost clinging to his arm for dear life. She never was to fond of planes.But being next to Con even in something this big helped her feel alittle more safe.

The chatter on the plane was loud and noisy. Everyone talking between themself and to eachother. Yelling behind them or in front of them till finally it grew late and most everyone was sleeping.

Katie rested silently next to Scott her head on his shoulder. Her dreams were filled with excitment on being at the ranch and seeing everyone. Soon though Katie's dreams become dark, a horrable feeling coming over her. Much lilke the one that had happend early in the day but MUCH MUCH more savear now. Snaping out of her dream Katie jumps slaming her own head into the wall. For a moment Katie panics as she forgets where she is. Looking around it starts to slowly come back to her. Looking at Scott's sleeping form Katie fully remember whats going on though the feeling of panic still courses throug her blood. Standing Katie slowly and silently makes her way to the back of the plane entering the bathroom so she dosent wake anyone. Pulling out her phone Katie dials Jason's number. Hearing Carson's voice answer Katie panic increases.*

"Carson...its Katie! Where is Jason? Is he ok? Whats going on?"

*Aerith gives alittle wave to Mable and Herb as they pull out of the driveway. The sun had finished going down and the sky was now lit up with stars. Aerith had stayed all day and helped close tonight. Busness was pretty buys and they needed the help. Nothing alse was going on anyways. Aerith had also gone home on her lunch to check on her grandmother but dident stay to long she was still upset with her over Frankie. Geting into her car Aerith rolls the window down and inserts the key. As the car turns over the engin fails and Aerith trys again still geting nothing. Sighing she trys one more time but still nothing. Geting out of her car She pulls out her phone frustrated. As Aerith is about to dial a figure steps to her in a deep booming voice that startles her.*

"I told you,you could count on seeing me again."

*Frankie throws Aerith a grin.*

"For a moment Aerith gulps as she has a hand over her heart trying to get paulse to slow again.*

"Frankie what are you doing here?"

*Frankie looks at Aerith and leans aganst her car*

"I just happend to drive by and saw you having car troubles. Let me give you a ride home!"

*Aerith looks at Frankie and shakes her head starting to dial a number.*

"No thats ok I can have one of my friends come and get me."

*Frankie puts his hand over Aerith's cell phone and pesses the clear button giving a laugh.*

"Awww....come on."

*Frankie takes Aerith by the arm and pulls her tword his bike as she resists.*

"Dont be stuborn now, it will be fun like old times."

*Aerith feels a bit of panic creep inside of her. This is not the position she wnated to be in right now.*

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