
For a while

Jason's glaring eyes follow Frankie until his motorcycle is out of sight. Glancing over to Wyatt and Aerith, he wipes his bloody lip with the back of his hand and slowly walks to them, limping as his bad knee had gotten twisted sometime in the brawl.

Wyatt can't help a slight grin. He'd missed his turn on the way to get ice cream...coincidence?

He wraps the bandana around Aerith's hand, tying a loose knot so her hand won't get rubbed until a bandage can be put on. "You don't have to thank anyone." Wyatt puts a gentle finger under her chin to tilt her face up so he can see her eyes. "I'm just glad you're okay."

Looking over to Jason, he nods to him. "Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah," Jason grumbles. "Just jerked my knee around." He wipes his lip again and looks to Aerith. "I suggest getting a restraining order on that guy before something happens, whether he's stupid or I kill him myself for hurting you."

Wyatt gives him a grin. "Say, where'd you two meet anyway?"

"Here." Jason thumbs to the restaurant. "Where else?"

Wyatt chuckles. "It's the hot spot in town." He glances back to Aerith, seeing that she's still shook up. "How about both of you coming to my place for a while? I got some stuff for your hand back there, and Jason, you can get some ice on that knee."

Jason shrugs. "I'm game."

Wyatt's eyes stay on Aerith. "Let Robin Hood take care of you tonight? It might be my only chance."

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