

*Katie smiles back at Scott. She felt his comfort, she felt his warmth. Katie loved the way Scott made her feel. She loved the comfort he had to offer. Katie gives alittle nod as she leans in to give Scott a kiss.*

"Ya I'm ok, Just alittle warn out. I"ll be ok in a little bit."

*Katie beams at Scott stairing into his eyes. They dances with life, they twinkled with something new ever since Katie had show intrest in him back and she loved it.*

"Are you excited or nervouse more?"

*As Frankie receaves the shoulder to the side and thron to the ground with a thud his own instincs kicking in his eyes raging with anger. Bringing his own hand up connecting his knuckles with Jason's jaw. As Jason hit him again in the jaw Frankie can feeling blood filling his mouth. Spiting the blood at Jason to give him the distraction he needed bringing his legs up with great forceing sending Jason flying off him. Jumping up Frankie throws his own kick at Jason. His eyes still have the look of furry in them next sending his fist into Jason's stomach.*

" You should learn to mind your own busness kid."

*As Wyatt pulls Aerith up she slowly walks with him away from the scene not sure what was going on but knowing it was Wyatt and Jason were there. Aerith trys to stop herself from shaking as she stands by Wyatt's jeep. As she feels his hand on her face she gives alittle jump. She was still startled and shaken her mind playing tricks on her. Trying to stay strong now that everything was ok Aerith breaks down into Wyatt's arms burrying her face into his chest. Muffaling her sobs and her soft voice.*

"I was so scaired Wyatt. I dident know what was going to happen to me. He was just to powerful. The look in his eyes i never saw before. It was....differnt."

*Aerith winces in pain as she pushing her palms aganst Wyatt's chest still shaking slightly.*

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