

Carson looks up from where he was rolling out some pizza dough, for once...feeling just a twinge of pride for his own self. It wasn't often he felt that way...felt as though he'd done something good...or was appreciated in a workplace.

Receiving Herb's question though, Carson looks down again, his ballcap bill hiding his face. "I, um..." He shrugs. "...ran into a door."

I know...this isn't like Reese at all. I guess we gotta trust him on this one...I just don't like secrets within our own department.

Jason heads straight for the car, rolling his eyes as he sees the dogs waiting. Opening the passenger side, he looks at his drooling friend. "Alright. In the back."

Trooper heaves a sigh and turns around, fumbling and sliding, to get back into the backseat again. Domino wiggles all over with excitement of seeing Katie came back, and immediate hops in the back to sit with Trooper again.

The ride back to work is quiet. Jason's mind reels with possibilities of what's going on, but nothing seems to make sense.

Finally getting to work, he and Katie aim straight to Reese's office.

"I said give me an hour!" Reese exclaims as they enter.

"I don't want to wait," Jason retorts. "We need answers and you know it."

"I need a shower." Reese shoulders past them, heading towards the hall. "In the meantime, get Wyatt and Dalton. I want all of you. Oh...and I want Misty too. Come to think of it..." He walks backward, still talking. "Call in Rick. Oh, and Nate."

Jason's eyes widen. "You only got a few left! Anyone else?"

"Nope. And keep it that way."

Jason throws up his arms. "Alright, Katie, you go get Misty and Rick, I'll grab the other guys."

Twenty minutes later, the small group is crammed into Reese's office. He's back and cleaned up, ready to start talking. Jason sits close to the desk, while Rick hangs back a ways, just listening. They all knew past history and what had happened in that deadly case with the explosion.

“To start off, I want you all to know that I’m sorry for leaving you in the dark, or for leading you on that I didn’t care about this. I knew as soon as there was hope of Scott being alive, that if word got out, we could have a real mess on our hands. So I decided to let you be and let you investigate under wraps. The secret would be better kept if you were trying to keep it from me.”

Rick's eyes widen. Scott being alive? This was news to him. He glances at the others, wondering who else had gotten wind of this theory.

Wyatt isn't too awful surprised. He'd heard a few murmurs among Katie, Jason and Dalton, and though he hadn't interfered, he'd had a few questions. It had been too much to hope for that Scott might be alive. Was it a real possibility? His pulse quickens, but he tries to remain professional for the sake of this case.

Reese manages to quirk a wry grin. “All I had to do was wait. I did my own looking around here after hours and…I took that location radius from Dalton.” He pauses, looking at the newest team member with apology. “I’m sorry I invaded your office. Yell at me later if you want. For now though, I’m impressed with what was found, and the speed in which it was done. I know you care about your friend, and heaven knows I feel responsible for what happened.”

He pauses, a bit of emotion entering his voice. “If there’s anyone besides his family that wishes he hadn’t been on that assignment, it’s me.”

Gathering his thoughts, he continues. “After receiving the radius, I called Luke Trahern, just to find out that my best man had already called him.”

Jason crosses his arms. Ha…beat him to that one. That’s one for the charts.

“Luke was more than helpful, and though a bit confused as to why two people called him for the same reason and neither wanted the other to know… he was cooperative.” Reese grins a little. “I got the same information that Jason did… there was a little town up north that was pretty much abandoned, but a lot of action seemed to take place that no cop ever wanted to get involved in. Luke got wind of it and knew himself that it could be Agency-related, but at that time, he was trying to avoid them. So he simply kept his ears open. I took that lead and a couple days ago, I went up there myself. I found an old business building that had been remodeled and was posing as publishing company. Dead center of a ghost town, no one bothered to check them out, except lost “tourists” like me. It was too fishy. So I camped out.”

Wyatt rolls his eyes. “Great. So you skip down without word, and let everyone worry half to death.”

“What? You think your father can’t handle himself?”

Wyatt just smirks.

Reese goes to the white board on his wall and starts to scribble out a map. “It’s a simple town… I laid low here in these woods and kept an eye out. Seemed to be normal business, until I heard target practice. Later I saw some pretty expensive vehicles. It just didn’t feel right. I went to the next town over, found a young woman who said that a while back, she remembered a couple rough looking guys come into the diner. They had someone else with them who looked in pretty bad shape and…he fits Scott’s description.”

I knew it…it’s got to be him.
Jason’s eyes glance to Katie.
I don’t know how, but…this has got to be it.

Reese looks at them. “Quit talking.”

Jason snaps back to attention, surprise flashing in his eyes.

Reese gives a short nod. “I talked to the local authorities. Seemed like the upper guys of this “publishing company” were always on the verge of getting caught in illegal activity, but were always just far enough ahead to escape. With all these pieces, I can’t help but believe it’s the Agency.”

Wyatt shakes his head. “But who says that if they did get Scott, that he’s there?”

“No one. But that’s the only location even close to anything that we’ve got. I did get a hold on some blueprints of the building.”

Jason’s eyebrows raise and he lets out a low whistle. “You’ve been busy.”

“What? You think all I do ever is sit on my bottom?” Reese throws him a look before moving to his desk and pulling out a copy of blueprints. “There’s an interesting basement to this place. It’s not your norm. It’s got storage cells, full concrete, and tunnels that run all the way under the building. It would be a perfect hideaway. And…”

Reese moves to retrieve his last puzzle piece from his desk. “I got close one night and found this near the building.”

Jason squints at the object in Reese’s hand. “A watch?”

Reese turns it over to reveal a broken wristband and a shattered face. But it was recognizable.

Wyatt sucks in his breath. “That’s Scott’s.”

“Precisely. And I want a team to head to Washington asap. I want Rick here to be our contact, and I want the rest of you to come with.”

“Aw come on. Just leave him alone.”

“What is with you, Riggs?” Donovan scowls at his partner. “I’s just trying to get him to eat.” He sneers down at Scott. “He doesn’t seem to want his dinner.”

His foot kicks the bowl of rice to send it flying across the room and bouncing across the wall, sending the contents everywhere. The squeal of happy rats comes from the other corner.

Scott pulls himself into a tighter ball, back into the shadows.

Riggs rolls his eyes. “Nice.”

“Well I haven’t seen you keeping Mr. Johnson company.”

“I was on level three, trying to talk some sense into the Boss and get permission to put this dimwit out of his misery.”

Donovan laughs. “Naw, we’re not through here yet. We may not be putting Mr. Johnson back behind a computer, but it doesn’t mean we can’t have any fun. I was just ready to remind him about his friends’ untimely death.”

Scott’s fingernails dig into his own palms. He shakes in the cold while his skin feels as though he’s burning up. A tear comes to the surface, stinging his eye. He didn’t want to hear this again. He’d been told enough. About how after the house blew up, the thugs had shot up the TJY van. There had been no survivors. Scott knew who’d been in that van… Jason… Reese… Katie… Nate. The Agency had kept him so he could get even more out of the TJY system…but the others… murdered in cold blood.

He’d wept, he’d begged, he’d prayed, he’d hoped… but nothing would remove this torture. Not the physical pain nor the mental anguish.

“They didn’t suffer long,” Donovan smirks. “That we know of, anyway. It didn’t take long to fill that van full of bullets.”

Scott quivers, another tear running down his face.

Donovan laughs again. “Ohh, the poor little boy is crying… How’d you ever team up with that stupid TJY anyway? You haven’t got the guts of a mouse.”

Riggs rolls his eyes. “Do you like wasting your breath on this trash? He’s taking up room. We’ll need this cell in another week.” He unholsters his handgun and aims it down at Scott’s form. “Just give me the honors.”

“Patience, my friend, patience.”

“I’ve been waiting over six dang weeks!”

“So wait a little longer!” Donovan shakes his head. “Another few days of him refusing food like this and he’ll take care of himself.”

“If he don’t keel over from bein’ sick.”

“What, you want to help him?”

“A healthy moving target runs better. Makes for more fun.”

“Oh, come on.” Donovan heads for the door. “He’s not your target. Boss’ orders.”

The door slams shut again, the room silent, except for the inner sobs of Scott. He’d lost everything and couldn’t even mourn. It was wretched to be alive.

excited or scaired

*Katie looks up at Reese and for a moment is a bit saprised. She can't remember a time when she ever saw him like this. Not to mention he new what they were doing down to the T. Looking to Jason and than back to Katie she listens intently.

I'm not sure if I should be excited or scaired by this whole thing. This is not like Reese at all.

Continuing to listen Katie mind moves a million miles a minute. Scott was alive last Reese new, he was....it was almost mind blowing to think about it and to think of what they might be doing to poor Scott was even worse. It was enough to make one go mad.

After Reese leave Katie just looks at Jason for a moment not sure what to make of everything. But finally as Jason stands Katie follows grabing her hoodie and her purse. If Scott was alive they had to find him. They had to bring him home no matter what it took.

I'm right behind you J.

Katie was ready to face anything, she was a part time bodyguard even if it wasnt officle. She couldnt sit back and just do nothing.*

*Herb enters the back door of the restront with bags in his hands. Now that Carson worked the kitchen and new what he was doing it made it easyer for Herb to get the stuff done that he needed too. Coming in late today because of poicking up stuff for around the restront Herb had no worrys that things were less than fine.

Setting the stuff down on the counter Herb starts to unpack everything and put it where it belongs his back to Carson.*

"You have no idea how much this helps me out Carson knowing your here so I can do what I need to. It really is a stress releaver."

*Turning Herb goes to bring some tomatos over to Carson to make some new sause when he stops and studys Carson's face and his black eye for a moment. A wave of worry hits him as he dosnt know what happend and wants to make sure Carson is ok.*

"What happend to your eye Carson? Are you ok?"

*Herb sets the tomatos down and continues to unpack the other items but keeps his attachen on Carson.*


Giving Charlotte a smile as they walk to the car, a new feeling suddenly hits Bret. He'd never been close to Maria's family at all...they hadn't liked him, and they'd never interacted at all. It was nice to know that Angelica approved of him, and he actually looked forward to interacting with her, especially now that he was part of the family. It was a good feeling...a peaceful one.

Mick glances up to Rosetta and shakes his head, though isn't feeling the greatest. "No...I just took a couple pain killers half an hour ago."

He scoots BJ over to the side so they can give Rosetta room, and Mick pats the now-empty space beside him. "Sit down and let's have us some food." He nudges BJ. "And don't leave any crumbs in my bed," he teases.

Settling back between his wife and adopted son, Mick gives a contented sigh. Though physically in a bit of pain, he couldn't be happier.

Enjoying the light meal while watching BJ's movie, they kid around with each other, just enjoying their time. And though Mick desperately wanted to be up and about, being tired was simply inevitable. Soon, he's laid his head back and is sound asleep, one arm around BJ, the other hand in Rosetta's.

"Now you two behave yourselves." Jason pauses outside of Katie's car as they get to Mom and Pop's, staring in at the dogs. Both sit in the back looking up very innocently.

Jason rolls his eyes and heads for the restaurant, holding the door open for Katie.

Once their owners have disappeared, the dogs root around in the backseat for a few minutes, Domino going playfully after one of Trooper's legs, while the enormous dog tries to play without squishing his tiny playmate. The car shakes as the tussle continues until Domino finally jumps into the front seat , putting her paws up on the steering wheel, just high enough that she could peek over to keep an eye on the restaurant door.

Not to be outdone, Trooper somehow manages to crawl to the front as well, squeezing his huge frame between the seats until he's half siting, half hanging off the passenger seat, also looking out the windsheild to wait for his master. A bit of drool ends up on the dashboard, Trooper knowing good and well what kind of goodies were inside that building.

"...so we still think it might be in Washington..." Jason sets his sub down and wipes his mouth, pointing to some of the papers he's got spread out on the table. "We just don't know where at all, or even if there's any Agency activity up there."

He takes a sip of his pop, still thinking. "And even then..." He sighs. "It's such a long shot that all of these clues are even connected. We could be barking up an entirely wrong tree."

The bell on the door of Mom and Pop’s rings, a lone figure entering the warm restaurant. His face was slightly flushed, his eyes filled with tension. It looked as though he’d slept in his clothes for at least one night if not more and he was just a bit grimy. For those who knew him, it was quite out of the ordinary to see him in such a state.

He scans the tables until he spots Katie and Jason. Lengthening his stride, he makes his way over to them quickly. Stopping at their table, he looks down at the open files and the papers. “Yeah, I thought so.”

Jason looks up, his eyes widening. “Reese. What on earth.”

Reese cocks his head. “If you guys are finished here, we’re taking a trip to Washington state.”

Jason looks at Katie, then back to his boss.
What on earth is going on? Where has he been? Why does he act like he knows what we’re doing?
“What’s going on?”

“I don’t think I need to tell you to that. Or Dalton, for that matter.”

He knows.

The corner of Reese’s mouth upturns slightly and he looks at Katie, then back to Jason. “You think I didn’t know you two well enough to know you wouldn’t let the subject drop? I just couldn’t make it official to avoid an uproar, and I didn’t want you two snooping around my own investigation.” His gaze drifts past Katie, softening a little. “In case we were wrong.”

He stands a little straighter. “Now. I’ve been hiding out for two days. I’m tired, I stink, and I’m hungry. And I can’t talk here. Meet me back at TJY in an hour. I have a location.”

“A location, but…how…”

Reese quirks an eyebrow. “Not here, Jase. I had to be sure before I involved you guys. And I am now. He’s alive. At least…he was. No promises now, but…I won’t stand for doing nothing.”

“But you…”

“You don’t want to let our comrade down, do you?” Reese pats Jason’s shoulder. “An hour. Be ready to leave and tell no one. Not even friends, and under no circumstances are you to breathe a word to Sapphire or other family. I don’t know what we’ll find... And you're both under direct orders not to talk to Austin or be in contact with Carter about this.” He turns, giving a quick wave to Mabel, then is so fast out of the restaurant that Jason has no time for further questioning.

Dumfounded, Jason stares after him, then looks back at Katie. “That dog…he knew we’d investigate, and I’d bet you anything, somehow he used what we found. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been in Washington. He must have pinpointed a location…he had to have talked to somebody to get any facts…”
If it were any other time, I’d laugh. He had us and our actions pegged. That’s the last time I underestimate him. The only thing that worries me is why he's hiding this from Austin and Carter.

“Come on.” Jason closes his folder and downs the rest of his drink. “I’m not waiting around here.”

Tossing payment on the table, he dons his jacket, grabs his keys and makes sure Katie’s with him to exit Mom and Pop’s quickly.

Carson glances up from the kitchen in time to see Reese leave, then Jason and Katie hurry after him. A strange pang hits him… almost a wish that he was involved and knew what was going on. He missed the action.

Looking down, he goes back to his work. It was a fairly quiet day today, but he wished it were busier. One of these times Herb would corner him and ask him about the black eye he was sporting this morning, and he really didn't want to have to try and explain that one. Dani had left before he'd gotten back from his jog that morning, so she hadn't seen it yet, but he would be seeing Jess later, and was sure to get questioned one way or the other.

“You fool!”

The back of a hand comes flying full force into Scott’s face, knocking him out of his chair and onto the floor. Scott’s energy spent, he can’t even fend off the kicks that come to his back and ribs. All he can do is pull himself into a ball and hope that the attack would stop.

Donovan grabs the syringe off the table. “I might not be able to kill you, but for that stunt you just pulled, you’re going to pay.”

“Donovan!” Riggs comes into the room. “What happened?”

“This worm tried to send a message to his friends,” Donovan scoffs. “I cut off the power soon enough that no one will be the wiser – they think he’s dead anyway. But he won’t be back in this room again. We’re through.”

“But the boss said to use him.”

Donovan gestures to Scott. “We did. He gave us more than enough information, but now he screwed up. So it’s over for him. He’ll not be back here again. His cell is now his home.”

Riggs crosses his arms and scowls. “I told you I shoulda killed him when I wanted to. Now we have to go to the expense of keeping him alive even when he’s doing us no good.”

Donovan reaches down and sticks the needle into Scott’s arm. “He’s just another addition to our little zoo. The boss likes it that way, you know that.” Standing up, he tosses the empty syringe into the trash. “I’ll let you get him out of here.”

“Oh, thanks.”

“Do it!”

Riggs smirks with displeasure. “Whatever.”

Scott is already starting to writhe in pain, unable to move on his own, unable to even think straight.

Riggs simply grabs his arms and literally drags him out of the lab and down the hall to the stairs that would take them to the underground cell.

Scott cries out as a last ditch effort, but it’s no use. The next thing he knows is the darkness of the cold cell once more as a soothing wet cloth is put to his forehead. The floor was hard…he knew where he was… he also knew the hand that touched him. “I… can’t… too… hurts…” His words get tangled as his mind tries to get past the pain and make some sense.

“Just lie here,” the rough voice instructs. “Quit fighting and they’ll leave you alone. They’re not going to use you anymore, and if you act sedated, there’s no more fun in giving you anymore of that stuff.”

Scott rolls over onto his side, balling up again, a whimper coming to his lips. If no one could come, he just wanted to die. It would be easier that way. He just wanted this to end. Hope had already died. “But…”

“No buts.” The ally doesn’t retreat, but puts the cloth to Scott’s forehead again. “Just…rest.” He sighs. “They’re not going to kill you, so the only way they won’t hurt you anymore is if you just lay low and don’t fight. Can you do that?”

Scott didn’t have the energy to fend off a fly, let alone Donovan anymore. Taking a deep breath, he shudders before his eyes roll back in his head, unconsciousness taking over again.


*Angelica gives Bret a smile back knowing he is trying. She might not have agree with how they got married and that it was so fast but she couldnt do anything about it and her sister was her own woman. After all even if Angelica didnt addmit it she did like Bret.*

"Breakfest sounds perfect to me."

*Coming back over to Charlotte she gives her arm a gentil pat.*

"You have a keep. I approve."

*Charlotte beams as she receved her sisters words and links her arm with Bret's her face shinning like no tomarrow.*

"I plan on keeping him for a long time. Thank you Angelica."

*Putting her arm around Jason's wast Katie toss him a smile. It was good to see him happy again, a smile on his face was a good sight.

Your such a goof.

Walking with Jason out of TJY and Trooper close behind on one side, Domino trots proudly on the other. Finally decieding to take Katie's car they hope in and are finally on there way to Mom and Pop's.*

*BJ Smiles up at Mick again and hold up a movie with a bear on the front in overalls.*

"It's called Patttttinton's missing button."

*Getting distracted for a moment BJ just looks at the case and studys it as if looking for something. Than holding it up her offers it to Rosetta to pop in.*

*Giving a smile Rosetta takes the movies and goes to the VCR putting it in. Coming back around to Mick and seeing him wince a little in pain her own hand movies to his.*

"Are you ok? Need me to get you anything?"