
excited or scaired

*Katie looks up at Reese and for a moment is a bit saprised. She can't remember a time when she ever saw him like this. Not to mention he new what they were doing down to the T. Looking to Jason and than back to Katie she listens intently.

I'm not sure if I should be excited or scaired by this whole thing. This is not like Reese at all.

Continuing to listen Katie mind moves a million miles a minute. Scott was alive last Reese new, he was....it was almost mind blowing to think about it and to think of what they might be doing to poor Scott was even worse. It was enough to make one go mad.

After Reese leave Katie just looks at Jason for a moment not sure what to make of everything. But finally as Jason stands Katie follows grabing her hoodie and her purse. If Scott was alive they had to find him. They had to bring him home no matter what it took.

I'm right behind you J.

Katie was ready to face anything, she was a part time bodyguard even if it wasnt officle. She couldnt sit back and just do nothing.*

*Herb enters the back door of the restront with bags in his hands. Now that Carson worked the kitchen and new what he was doing it made it easyer for Herb to get the stuff done that he needed too. Coming in late today because of poicking up stuff for around the restront Herb had no worrys that things were less than fine.

Setting the stuff down on the counter Herb starts to unpack everything and put it where it belongs his back to Carson.*

"You have no idea how much this helps me out Carson knowing your here so I can do what I need to. It really is a stress releaver."

*Turning Herb goes to bring some tomatos over to Carson to make some new sause when he stops and studys Carson's face and his black eye for a moment. A wave of worry hits him as he dosnt know what happend and wants to make sure Carson is ok.*

"What happend to your eye Carson? Are you ok?"

*Herb sets the tomatos down and continues to unpack the other items but keeps his attachen on Carson.*

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