

*Angelica gives Bret a smile back knowing he is trying. She might not have agree with how they got married and that it was so fast but she couldnt do anything about it and her sister was her own woman. After all even if Angelica didnt addmit it she did like Bret.*

"Breakfest sounds perfect to me."

*Coming back over to Charlotte she gives her arm a gentil pat.*

"You have a keep. I approve."

*Charlotte beams as she receved her sisters words and links her arm with Bret's her face shinning like no tomarrow.*

"I plan on keeping him for a long time. Thank you Angelica."

*Putting her arm around Jason's wast Katie toss him a smile. It was good to see him happy again, a smile on his face was a good sight.

Your such a goof.

Walking with Jason out of TJY and Trooper close behind on one side, Domino trots proudly on the other. Finally decieding to take Katie's car they hope in and are finally on there way to Mom and Pop's.*

*BJ Smiles up at Mick again and hold up a movie with a bear on the front in overalls.*

"It's called Patttttinton's missing button."

*Getting distracted for a moment BJ just looks at the case and studys it as if looking for something. Than holding it up her offers it to Rosetta to pop in.*

*Giving a smile Rosetta takes the movies and goes to the VCR putting it in. Coming back around to Mick and seeing him wince a little in pain her own hand movies to his.*

"Are you ok? Need me to get you anything?"

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