
Start to the day

*Aerith finishes up her food in no hurry at all. Savering every bite. Something about this breakfest really was differnt. Maybe it was she was in the company of a friend and there was warmth, insted of the normal cold silence. Aerith dident know but she liked it. After breakfest was over she helped Wyatt clean up and so dishes the chating never dieing out.

FInally off to her grandmother Aerith slips inside and heads up the steps. The spair bedroom door was open and the bed was upturned like someone had slept there that night. Not saprised Aerith blood still ran cold. Hurring to her own room she grabs some closths locking her door behind her and hops in the shower moving as fast as she can. Geting out and drying off Aerith runs a brush through her hair fast keeping the messed up look. Throwing on an green tank top and an old pare of jean shorts on she slips into her hiking flip flops and makes her way back down stairs to be greeted by her grandmothers yelling.*

"Where were you late night? What happend? Why did Frankie look like he had the crap beat out of him? He's a nice boy...."

*This goes on till Aerith finally turns biting her toung. How she wanted to yell back at her grandmother and scream. But if she started it wouldent be a good christion example and she would disapoint the lord for the things she would say. Exiting the house the yelling can be hurd from the front open door till is it shut muffling it. Geting into Wyatt's car Aerith musters up the best smile she can.*

"All right off to get the permit. Can we stop by an atm first though? Unless you think they take CCs."

*As Scott skids infront She looks up at him. She was upset but those eyes that looked back at her they showed they were sorry and dident mean to hurt her. Scaning Scotts face Katie sighs. She couldent be mad at Scott.

Wrapping her arms around him she leans her head on his shoulder. It wasent just about her. This was about Scott too. Katie had to think what he wanted as well now.*

"I'm sorry I got upset with you. I guess everything is wairing on me. You dont have to feel like your facing everything alone Scott. Cuz I am going to be right there with you. Come on...let me see if we can get that mess cleaned up, than if you feel up to it we can see if any breakfest if left. And maybe later if you dont want to be around everyone we can take a horse ride, or a hike or something."

*Katie offers Scott a smile and taking his hand in hers.*

"And you've already been my hero more than once. I'm sorry I said you wernt."

*Katie gives Scott's hand a gental squeeze.*

*Rosetta smiles and nods at Mike.*

"I'd like that."

*As Rosetta see Jade her smile grows. Giving a little wave. Hearing Jade call her step mom braught a warm feeling to Rosetta as she gives Micks arm a squeeze.*

"Hey Hun. Its good to see you. Ya Katie should be here shortly. I'm not sure where she is. We are just siting down for breakfest come join us you must be hungry."

*Wes stays upfront with Nate and Maggie. Talking and laughing only glanding back once and a while to make sure Cindy was ok. It was alittle warm out today and he dident want her to over do it.

Maggie smiles as she hold her brothers hand walking. Stoping to pick some flowers and than starting up again.*

"You guys are go...going to have a baby Wes?"

*Wes smiles at Maggie and nods.*

"We sure are. Its still to early to tell what it is, but whatever God gives up we will be happy."

*Wes keeps chating with Nate about the house and how it was build. The planes he had for each room and the backyard. Which reminded Wes he needed to show something to Jason back at the house later. As the ranch comes into view Wes slows his pace to walk with Cindy and Jason again.*

"We are almost there. Its just up ahead alittle ways."

*Giving a nod to Jason Wes offers.*

"Hey Jason, I know your big into motercicles and all, I've got one in the shop now I need to try and find out whats wrong with it. Clint and I have been working on it almost all week and we cant figure it out. Poor Clint is beating himself up over it he though he new all there was to know about bike but I guess even the best still have more to learn. Anyways I was wondering if maybe later you could take a look at it with me and show me a few thing. I'd really like to know alittle bit more and get this thing fixed up."

*Wendy makes her way to the shop. There was no work today but she had forgoten to get an invice sent out yesterday that needed to be done. Geting half way there she catches movment out of the side of her eye. Was that Ty storming to the bunk house. Something wasent right. Looking around and not seeing anyone consirn comes over her. She dident know this strange boy but something about him felt familure. Like she had known him for a while. Slowly making her way to the bunk house Wendy knocks on the door, a call following.*

"Ty? Its Wendy. Is everything ok?"

*The window to Misty room flys open as she pokes her head out calling.*

"I'm up I'm up you crazy loon. I've been awake for hours now. Give me a sec let me get my shoes on."

*Misty pulls her head back into the room and shuts the window. Carson tryed to smile, and show he was great but Misty saw past that and new he was still hurting. But Misty also new he was trying and she couldent ask for anything more than that. Steping outside and making her way to the sidewalk Misty smiles and shakes her head.*

"Oh of these days my nabors are going to call the cops for a disturbance."

*Misty laughs and locks her one hand with Carson's. Her other around her stomach. It was healing nicly, but still the pain and discomfort was there. Misy new though to get her muscles strong again she had to keep walking. At this stage it was the best thing for her.*

New feelings...new surprises

Wyatt just studies Aerith for a moment, an amused curl to his lips as he sees her blush. “Good. Then we’ll stop by your grandmother’s so you can change clothes, then we’ll pick up my dad – I’ll need to let Trooper out for a minute too, then we’ll head to the shop for your license and food, and we’ll be off…”

He takes another bit of eggs. “…After we finish breakfast, so take your time.”

Scott’s eyes widen slightly at Katie’s reaction to his hesitance, and opens his mouth, but he’s not even sure what to say. As he sees tears hit Katie’s eyes, he realizes the extent of damage he had unintentionally caused.

Standing almost stunned as Katie leaves, he just stands for a moment.

“Oh, that was smooth,” Pete comments dryly.

Scott throws him a withering look. But instead of arguing, he follows Katie’s route out the door. His nervousness was silly and destructive. “Katie…wait.”

Jogging to catch up to her, he skids in front to stop her. Laying his hands on his shoulders, he looks at her with apology. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize just how important this visit was to you.” Maybe more accurately, he didn’t realize how important his own presence with her here was.

He searches her eyes, his own fear showing, despite his decision. “I got a problem…it isn’t at all that I don’t want to come with you…I don’t know when I could ever not want to spend time with you… I just…I get scared of crowds and strangers.”

Scott swallows hard, not liking to admit what has affected his life since he was a kid. “But I don’t want it to affect us. So…just let me clean up my mess in there and I’ll come with you…because I really do want to…I just need you to stick close.”

His eyes beg Katie to understand and not be upset with him for him balking at going with her. “I’ll be your hero…but even a hero has an Achilles heel.”

Mick returns Rosetta’s hug, holding her close. “Mm, of course I’m hungry for your cooking.” He leans down to give her a light kiss. “Later on, let’s go out for a while, just you and me…maybe go for a ride.”

He chuckles as she tries to get Jamie to relax.

Con smirks at Rosetta. “What are you laughing at?” He nods to Jamie. “The only way I can get her to stop helping is if I sit on her, and she’s complained that I’m too heavy, so I guess you’re on your own."

Mick chuckles at everyone' antics. Movement catches his eye and he looks towards the door. But seeing who enters comes as a surprise.

Jade opens the door and steps inside, just a bit hesitantly. It was busier here than she'd thought it would be. Scanning the face, she spots Mick and a smile breaks through. She makes her way quickly to him. "Dad!"

Mick would never be able to express how good that one word sounded. Turning to her, he holds his arms open for a big hug. "Jade...what on earth are you doing here?"

Jade withdraws and shrugs. "Oh, a little bird told me about some troubles that everyone here might be facing, and I didn't want to pass up another chance to see you..." Her eyes drift to Rosetta. "Or my step-mom to be."

Mick grins. He still didn't like Jade being anywhere near danger, but having her here did his heart good. "Well I'm glad you came. Katie's around here somewhere."

Jade's eyes light up. "Really? Oh good!"

"How did you get here anyway?"


"That would take a while. You didn't know about everybody being here?"

Jade shakes her head. "I guess it was just good timing."

Cindy thinks for a moment. “I think walking sounds lovely this morning, and I feel up to it.” She nods. “Just give me a minute to clean up and get some socks and shoes on.”

In no time, the small group is outside and heading down the narrow dirt road to the ranch. They chat for a while about light subjects, though Jason remains fairly quiet, just trying to figure out where he belongs.

Cindy walks hand-in-hand with Wes, but still sensing Jason’s resistance to conversation, she gives her husband’s hand a squeeze, then hangs back, joining her son. She slows her pace so she and Jason wind up just a short distance behind the others.

“How are you doing, Jason?”

Jason’s mouth upturns just a little. “You need to ask?”

His mother looks up at him as they walk slowly. “No…I can see you’re physically well, but your mind seems awfully far away.” She pauses, thinking. “I’ve missed hearing from you…”

“I know…” Jason gives a little weary sigh. It wasn’t like he hadn’t felt guilty about that already. “I just…I don’t know…”

“What’s wrong? What’s troubling you so much?”

“Time in prison isn’t enough?”

“No…the time itself isn’t…what happened to you, Jason?”

Jason stuffs his hands into his jeans pockets. “I don’t know…I guess I just…got sucked into a dark pit I couldn’t pull myself out of.”

“And now?”

“I don’t know.”

Cindy is quiet for several minutes, just hearing the conversation up ahead between Wes and Nate. “I was sorry you had to miss the wedding.”

“Yeah. Me too.”

“What do you think of Wes?”

“He’s a good guy.” Jason nods. “Looks like he’s taking good care of you. Is he?”

Cindy can’t help her smile. “Yes…he is.” She pauses. “I hope the two of you can get to know each other better.”

Jason thinks for a moment. “I’m too old to call him Daddy, he’s too much a stranger for me to call him Dad…but I won’t avoid getting to know him.”

Cindy knows Jason is doing the best he can at this point, and is satisfied. “So what do you think of having a brother or sister?”

Jason glances down to his mom, the awkwardness getting just a little bit worse. “I…well…”

Cindy chuckles. “We were surprised too.”

Almost a laugh slips from Jason. “Sorry…I don’t want to seem like I don’t care.”

“You don’t.” Cindy slips her arm through his. “I know this isn’t easy for you. Is there anything I can do to make it better?”

Jason shakes his head. “Naw…it’s me. I guess I just don’t know exactly where I fit in my family anymore… I know you still love me and all, and I’ll always be your son, I just…” He shrugs. He doesn’t even know what he’s trying to say.

Cindy gives his arm a squeeze before letting it go. “I know. Whether it helps or not, Wes is very much happy to have you with us as a part of this family, and our home is your home whenever you need it to be. You won’t be excluded just because we’ll have a little one around, and…I would at least half expect you to come by and visit a little more to see your sibling.”

It was an idea totally foreign to Jason. He’d grown up and only child…had never really had a father figure to speak of…now he was nearing twenty-two and suddenly his mom was married, and he was going to be a big brother. It didn’t seem like it should be strange…but it sure felt that way. “I’ll try,” is all he can say.

Cindy keeps her smile, even though a part of her heart is so sad for her son. She wanted to see him happy again…she wanted to see that spark back in his eye. But it had grown dim…she could see the change in him…she could sense the darkness that had overcome him. His words were the same…he spoke the truth…but underneath was a misery only he knew. She hoped that maybe today at some point Wes and Jason would get a little time alone…maybe that would help with at least the present awkwardness.

Out back behind the barn, suddenly raised voices can be heard. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go…this wasn’t how they wanted it to go. But it had…and the damage was done.

Ty stalks up past the barn again, hot and loathed tears stinging his eyes. They were tears of anger, tears of confusion. He had no where to go…no where to run, no where to hide. He’d been pressured into coming here, under a secret no on had even implied. Mick hadn’t even had the decency to tell him what was really going on.

Reentering the bunkhouse that was now empty, he slams the door and slides to the floor, pulling his knees up to his chest. He was stuck here until tomorrow.

Another figure storms in he opposite direction across a vacant pasture. Clint’s hands are balled into tight fists as confusion rages inside of him. He’d been lied to…misled. Angry at his father, he kicks a fence post out of frustration. He couldn’t believe that Ty was his brother…his brother that supposedly had died as a baby…that guy back there was his brother! And his own father had deceived him.

Jim sinks down behind the barn, surrounded by lush grass. But the beauty of the morning had vanished from his sight. He’d tried so hard…he’d tried to break the news gently. He had wanted so badly to wrap his arms around his lost son, but Ty would have nothing to do with him. Becky would be coming…what was he supposed to tell her? That he’d ruined their one chance to get to know their son? That he’d messed everything up by the words he had chosen? That now, not only was one son upset with them, but both?

Carson’s palm bangs against Misty’s window. “Hey, you gonna sleep all day?!” he calls loudly. His own mood wasn’t quite as good as he portrayed, and in all reality he was still feeling pretty low for his actions two days prior. But he was trying his best to move on…with each passing day, he could strive to move on past the tragedy of Ashlyn, and move on past the guilt he held about Misty getting hurt.


*Kaite watches Scott and Pete for a moment as they fight between eachother. Scott dident really want to come out of hiding he was being forced, and that was not Katie's intentions. Leting out a sigh Katie shakes her head turning to head for the door.*

"Scott I dont want to win. I dont want you to be forced. I want you to spend time with me, and time with my family cuz you want to. Not because someone is making you. I'm tired of making people do things. For once, I'd just like someone to want to. I cant be the hero all the time. Someone needs to be my hero to once and a while too."

*As Kaite feels a tear in her eye it shokes her. What she was crying....over what. This is crazy, stupid and insaine. Heading for the door Katie stops for a moment before exiting and starting back to the ranch.*

All yours

Scott fidgets with the wires in front of him, twisting and splicing one after putting his glasses back down on his nose. "A man can live without breakfast..."

Why was he making up excuses? Why couldn't he just go to make Katie happy? It was only one day, for crying out loud. But his nervousness held him back.

Pete rolls his eyes and nods. "Scott, don't make me pull that ace of out my sleeve."

Scott stops his work, though unable to see Pete. "You wouldn't."

"I would."


Pete sighs and stands up from his chair. Going to Scott's legs, he reaches down and pulls.

Scott has nothing to hang on to and lets out a cry as he's dragged back through the wires out from under the desk. "Cut it out!"

Pete claps the dust off his hands. "There." He nods to Katie. "He's all yours."

Scowling, Scott turns around the grab his glasses that had fallen off his face. "Pete, if I don't get this done, it won't get done in time! I have to set this stuff up."

"So do it tonight." Pete crosses his arms. "Don't make me do it, Scott."

Grimacing, Scott turns around to crawl halfway back under the desk, grabbing the screwdriver he'd dropped, and taking the opportunity to hide his eyes from Katie. He felt ridiculous. Taking a deep breath, he backs out and finally stands up. "Alright. Fine. Katie, you win." He turns around to her hold his arms out to the sides. "I'm all yours."


*Aerith smiles as she sits down at the table with Wyatt. Taking a bit of the eggs she smiles even more.*

"Wow..these are really good. I mean I know they are just eggs but, I dont know they just tast differnt and good."

*Aerith sits in silence and enjoys her meal listing to Wyatt talk. As Wyatt talks about being hooked on seeing her, and not knowing if this will be the last time or not Aerith locks eyes with him. For a moment forgeting about her meal.

She had him once like she had Jason that fish was something she liked to do but hadent in so long since her dad passed away. Wyatt new this would mean alot to her and offered to shair his time with his dad with her.*

"Your Lucky today is my day off. I think I can stand not dealing with my grandmother for one day."

*Aerith finally breaks her gaze as she can feel the heat creep in her cheeks. Turning back to hear mean and muching on a peace of bacon.*

*Bringing the food to the table Rosetta spot Mick and smiles going over to him and giving him a good morning hug. Leting it linger.*

"Morning you. I made you fav for breakfest. Hope your hungry."

*Rosetta's eyes dance as she looks back at Mick. Oh how happy she was to have him back. Her heart danced and sang for joy.*

*As Jamie hurrys around the kitchen she grabs out plates and forkes. Turning she see Con standing in the doorway. Geting a grin on her face she draws closer to him.*

"What are you looking at?"

*Sticking out her toung she hands him the plates.*

"Since your standing there hold those for me. Thanks Sweety."

*Grabing the coffee pot she is about to start refilling people's coffee when Rosetta breaks away from Mick taking the pot from Jamie.*

"Your here to relax let me do this. Con tell to sit and relax I've got everything undercontroll."

*Seeing Con with a stack of plates Rosetta lets out a laugh.*

*Katie sits on the floor her legs crossed.*

"Scott Johnson, this is a mini vacation you can do that later come on. Your going to miss breakfest and you arnt ment to be doing work."

*Katie new Scott felt uncomfortable being around the large group but she wanted him to come anyways. They could be the last day she might spend with her family, friends, and Scott. She dident want to leave anyone out. Katie looks to Pete still trying to hold her smile.*

"Pete would you please tell him to stop working for once."

*Nate finishes up in the room with Maggie remaking the bed, and geting dress both shairing the tiny bathroom that ws connected to the bedroom. Once everything is all done they both step out. Nate smiles when he see Jason giving alittle wave.*

"Hey Hotshot! Glad you made it."

*Turning to Wes Nate's eyes light up.*

"Now...did someone say something about food?"

*Wes watches Cindy and Jason. Her eyes so full of life seeing her son. It felt good to have Jason in there home.

Wes greets Maggie and Nate as they imerge from the bedroom not being able but to laugh at Nate comment about food.*

"You sure did. We were all going to head up to the ranch and get some grub before the day starts. You both are more than welcome to join us or hang back if you like for now. Its no problem eather way."

*Nate looks at his sister who had been begging him all morning to see Bj again. Giving a smiles her turns back to the other.*

"We will come with."

*Wes smiles and nods.*

"Well I am ready when you are Hun. Did you want to walk or drive?"


Wyatt smiles as he continues to prepare breakfast. "Well, I hope you like eggs and bacon, because that's about all I've got for breakfast food around here. I should probably go to the store and stop thinking about ice cream and get some 'real' food."

Grinning, he grabs both now-ready plates and heads for the kitchen table. After a quick prayer of thanks, he nods. "Dig in."

While eating, Wyatt grows a bit thoughtful. "So...I got to thinking last night and... I figure life's too short to waste a day with unknowns lurking in the shadows." He takes a sip of coffee. "That said, I'm just too doggone hooked on seeing you that I don't particularly want to spend today thinking that it might be my last chance to get out and do something with you. And that said, you're invited to go fishing with me and my dad today. If you can't get off work, just tell Mabel what you're doing, and I'm sure she wouldn't pass up the opportunity to get us together again."

He pauses, searching for a reaction in Aerith's eyes. "They sell fishing licenses down at the corner shop, not to mention fixings for a picnic lunch, and the river we go to has this nice little place with big rocks to sit on and enjoy the sun...letting the breeze blow..." He gets a far off look in his eyes as he grows purposely dramatic. "The scent of the water...the anticipation of a fish on the end of the line..."

Stopping, he withholds his grin and looks back down to his breakfast with a shrug. "Or you can blow me off and I'll take you back to your grandmother's so you can be with her, or spend the day working around cranky customers."

As more people filter into the mess hall, the noise of voices and clattering chairs grows. Con looks into the kitchen and grins, leaning casually on the doorframe as he watches Jamie. He doesn't say a word, just stands, smiling.

Mick enters the mess hall with Ty close behind. Not wanting to make anyone nervous before breakfast, though not wanting to delay this any longer, Mick heads in Jim's direction.
Arriving at the table, Jim automatically stands up, setting down his coffee mug. His eyes can't leave Ty, a thousand emotions filling him.

Ty looks at him a little warily. Why was this man looking at him like that?

Mick gestures between them. "Jim, this is Ty Baker. Ty, this is my brother, Jim."

Jim stretches out his hand and shaking Ty's, simply can't believe he's standing here. But this would take delicate words. "You want to take a walk?"

Ty raises his eyebrows. "Um...I guess..."

Mick nods to him. "Kinda crowded in here."

"Well yeah, but what about...." The look on Mick's face warns Ty that this was something important for some reason. "Um...okay."

Jim throws Mick a grateful glance before heading to the back door with Ty behind him.

Mick watches them go, and lifts up a silent prayer. This had to be so hard for Jim.

Pete throws up his hands in surrender. "I didn't do a thing to this man of yours! Honest! He insisted on diving into that mess all by himself and when I tried to pull him out, he yelled at me."

"I only yelled at you for this mass of atrocious wiring," Scott throws out, still not seeing Katie. "Quit bothering my help," he chides her with humor. "He's supposed to be concentrating on staying out of my way."

Turning his head, he sees Katie to the side and grins at her comment. "Eh, well, you know...I gotta get that screen set up in the mess hall so people here can see the trial, but first I have to sort through this whole thing, not to mention I gotta replace one of the cameras and fix the computer that Austin botched up three months ago." He knew maybe he was looking for excuses not to have to mingle with everybody else....it was safer for him behind a computer.

Jason accepts Wes' handshake, his awkwardness growing. "Wes." He gives a respectful nod. He feels like he should smile, but it just doesn't want to come. He was entering a stranger's house, and it was his own mother's house.

He lets his bag slide from his shoulder and sets it down, deciding just to stay standing.

Cindy groans. "Who is here at this time of the morning?" Yawning, she sits up, sensing it's somebody important. "Okay, I'm up, I'm up, I'm coming." Dragging herself up out of bed, she grabs a pair of comfy jeans and a t-shirt to shuffle down the hall.

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, it takes her a moment to focus on who is standing in the entryway. But when finally realizing who it is, her eyes light up. "Jason! Oh, Jason!" Going to him quickly, she wraps her arms around him in a hug, tears filling her eyes. "I was so disappointed when you didn't come with the others."

Jason automatically returns his mother's hug, closing his eyes for just a moment as the emotions start to seep out. "Yeah well...guess I got delayed a little bit."

Cindy pulls herself away and stands, just looking at her son. His shoulders were broader...maybe his waste a little slimmer....He looked good. Except...there was something in his eye....something she couldn't put her finger on. Just from this single moment's exchange, she could sense that Jason had changed, and it wasn't for the better. He had a weary look about him that pained her. But he was here...he was really here.

Beaming, she reaches up to put a hand to the side of his face. "I'm so happy you came."

Jason's eyes glance over to Wes, then back to his mom again. He just wasn't quite sure how to interact with his mom anymore. So much had changed. Where was his place now?

"Are you going back to the ranch for breakfast?"

"I...haven't actually been there yet."


"No..." Jason knows his hesitance is obvious. "Guess I just wanted to come here first."

"Well how about we all go?" Cindy suggests. "Nate and Maggie are here - I'm sure they'll be getting up soon, and we all can go get something to eat." She looks to her husband. "What do you think?"


*Aerith eyes drift open as she stairs at the wall. For a moment Aerith forgot where she was. After a few seconds Aerith's mind starts to clear up as she remembers just where she is and why the memoire of what happend with Frankie showing themself again, but she felt better today than yesterday. Everything was going to be ok and work out. Throwing the blanket back as she hears Wyatt call her name she smiles. Yelling back into the other room.*

"I'll be right out Robin let me clean up my mess."

*Aerith climbs out of bed and streaches turn back around and making up the bed nicly so it looks like no one even was laying in it. Running a hand through her hair Aerith opens the bedroom door and exits making her way into the kitchen. Inhailing deeply lets the small of the food fill her.*

"Oh it smells so good."

*Aerith stands behind Wyatt looking over her shoulder at the food. Everything did smell good.*

*Rosetta had been up early starting breakfest in the kitchen with Jamie right behind her. Both ladys hurryed about laughing.*

"No no...watch the eg..."

*Before Jamie could finish speaking Rosetta knocks he carten of eggs on the ground making a mess. Looking down and than back at Jamie Rosetta cant help but start laughing. She couldent help it. Having more people here, the ground of friends old and new was like old time.

Bending down Rosetta cleans up the mess and open the fridge pulling out more eggs.*

"Ok let try this again."

*Rosetta and Jamie continue there chatter as they laugh and joke in the kictchen till the breakfest is done and placed on the table.*

*Katie makes her way up the path to the caben passing Con and Austin on the way she dident see Scott with them so new thats where he still was. Finally making it Katie lets out a sigh as she pushes the door open and steps inside. Seeing Pete and only Scott's lets she giggles.*

"PETE....What are you doing to my boyfriend. It looks like he is be attacked by wires and your not even helping him."

*Katie cant help but laugh again as she goes over to the desk and squats down looking at Scott.*

"Your going to miss some good food if you dont stop messing around. Is THIS what you plane of doing all day and naglect me."

*Katie playfuly falls back on her bottem pretending to wither away.*

*As Wes receves the shove from his wife he opens his eyes for a moment not understanding what was going on he hurd nothing. As Cindys eyes drift shut and she continues speaking. Leting out a tired sigh Wes leans over and gives Cindy a kiss on the forhead.*

"I'll be right back."

*Slowly geting out of bed Wes pulls a t-shirt on and makes his way across the house his barefeet scuffing on the floor. Nearing the door and seeing a figure standing there in the new morning light Wes sences are hightend. Surly it wasent someone from the ranch already. Opening the door a smile spreads across his face as he see Jason. Offering his hand to him and ushering him in side his smiles grows. It was great to see Jason again and he new Cindy would be excited.*

"Jason, I'm glad you made it. You look like your doing good. If you want go ahead and relaxI'm going to grab your mother. She never let me live it down if I dident wake her."

*Walking twords the back of the house again Wes slips into the bedroom and around the side of the bed. Shaking Cindy softly he whispers.*

"Hun, there is someone here to see you. Come on its time to get up. You have a visitor."


Wyatt gives a little smirk at Aerith's comment of leaving early in the morning to not interfere with his plans, but he says nothing.

"Come on, I'll show you to your room." Walking down the hall, he opens the door to the spare room. "It's all yours. Right next door is the bathroom, and just so you know, my room is upstairs. We've got two watchdogs in the living room, so I don't expect any surprise." He throws Aerith a wink.

Pausing in front of her for just a moment, he searches her eyes. He didn't want to think about what would happen the day after tomorrow...ll he wanted right now was to enjoy his family and friends. And in his opinion, Aerith had entered that circle. "Good night." Walking back down the hall, he talks over his shoulder. "If you need anything, just give a yell and I'll...make sure Jason gets up to help you."

A teasing smile playing on his lips, he heads upstairs.

Jason takes Domino outside, and once they're back in, she heads for her own bed in the corner of the living room, while Jason flops down on the couch. His mind was restless though. He didn't want to sleep. After his earlier episode, he knew the nightmares were just lurking around the corner. Rest just wouldn't come. Several hours later, he gave up.

"...and grace comes in the morning!" Wyatt's singing voice carries through the kitchen, backed up by the sizzling in the frying pan as he prepares eggs and bacon.

Domino looks up at him expectantly, but receives a headshake.

"Sorry, pooch. I bet Scott feeds you scraps, but I've got just enough for two people here. You'll have to stick with your dog food."

Domino sighs and waits for several more minutes before finally getting up and trotting out of the kitchen as if disgusted with Wyatt's inhospitable nature.

Wyatt bobs his head to the song that's playing on the Christian radio station, and retrieves two plates from the cupboard before grabbing the toast as it pops up out of the toaster. With one hand he butters it, and with the other he turns the bacon on the stove.

"Yo, Marian!" he calls loudly, knowing he can be heard from the spare room. "Rise and shine! It's breakfast in Sherwood!" He'd already been up for an hour, and the rest of the house was quiet. The note on the table from Jason had been expected, so he wasn't surprised it was just him, Aerith and Domino this morning.

Jim eases down into a chair in the mess hall, coming from starting a pot of coffee. Today was going to be a very different day. He was excited to think about Becky and Rosalyn getting back today, and he was nervous about talking with Ty. He'd spoken to Becky on the phone the night before and she had been just as shocked as he had. She had promised to talk to Becky on their way back to the ranch today and break the news to her. Both knew she would probably take the news better than Clint. Jim didn't even know where to start with his older son.

Mick is showered and fully dressed, and gives Ty a shake to his arm. "Hey. I got someone I want you to meet. Time to get up."

Ty rolls over and groans. "Five more minutes."

"No....now." Mick grins and shakes the cot enough that Ty rolls out onto the floor. "This is ranch life - up with the sun."

Ty gives another groan, but picks himself up. "Hmm?"

Mick chuckles. "Come on. I want you to meet Jim."


"One of my brothers. He was in the background last night. He wants to meet you."

"How come?"

"Stop asking questions and get in the shower."

Ty rolls his eyes, but grabs the bag he brought along and heads to the small bathroom. He really didn't like being ordered around, but for some reason, taking direction from Mick wasn't all that hard. Besides, he wasn't on his own turf here, and it was easier on the nerves to just follow someone else's lead. He had no idea what today was going to bring.

"Hey, Scott! Con and I are going up to the mess hall!" Austin waits for a response, but only hears muffled voices from the next room over - the same ones on the same subject that had been going on for the last hour and a half. "Scott!"




Austin rolls his eyes, and gestures to Con. "I'm not waiting."

Con chuckles and calls over his shoulder as he heads out of the cabin behind Austin. "Don't wait too long - food might be all gone!"

Scott lies on his back, half his body stuck underneath a desk, surrounded by a mass of wires and cords. He hears the door close and knows that Austin and Con had left. He wanted to go with them...but at the moment, this cabin felt safer. It was just him and Pete, and his mind was being kept busy with what he did best...and he didn't have to be in a crowd of strangers.

"So did you find it?"

Scott rolls his eyes at Pete, who is hunched over in the corner with a flashlight. "In this mess?! You've got wires crossed, plugs where there shouldn't be, you got loose wires, and you've got cords I don't even recognize! I can't believe the cameras are working at all!"

"Yeah, well..." Pete grins and tries to help from the other side, feeding another wire back through to Scott. "How about this one?"

"Good heavens, no." Scott scoots back even further so his head is in a small clearing in the mess. He shifts his glasses up from his eyes to be on his forehead and stares at everything. From the other side, all that's visible is his waist down. "Got another flashlight?"

"Yeah, sure." Pete passes back over the desk and accidentally lets it drop. It falls, hitting Scott in the face.

"Aw, thanks!"

Pete cringes and peers over the back of the desk. He tries to stifle a laugh. "Oops."

Once Scott thinks about it, he starts to realize how ridiculous the two of them must look, and starts to laugh himself. "Just go get my bag, will you? And be careful? I've got expensive stuff in there."

A lone figure walks up the driveway, taking in the sight of the small house and yard. Everything was neatly trimmed and sparkling in the morning dew. It was a pretty house, set back from everything else, in a peaceful clearing, surrounded by just the country.

The vehicle in the driveway is recognized, convincing him he's really at the right place. Shifting his backpack on his shoulder, he steps up on the porch. It felt weird to not just walk in...this was just very different.

Finally he rings the doorbell and waits.

Cindy opens her eyes, realizing that she's just heard the doorbell. It wasn't even six in the morning yet. Who on earth would be calling? Reaching over, she gives Wes' arm a shove. "Somebody's at the door," she mumbles, her eyes drifting shut again. "Go see who it is before...Nate and Maggie are disturbed."

Jason swallows hard and waits. He felt ridiculously nervous.


*Aerith streaches and yawns as the movie ends. That was always one of her fav and now that it had kind of a hiddin meaning or joke it ment even more. Aerith thinks for a moment about Wyatt's offer and searches is face. Looking for his intentions. Seeing what he ment was pure, and honnerable she smiles.*

"Well Robin Hood, since I am in shairwood forest already I guess I might as well stay. I dont want you to make an extra trip because of me. Not to mention having you sleep in you Jeep. So I guess the spair bedroom it is. However I'll leave early in the morning so if you had any planes I dont intarupts them on you. "

*Aerith stands and starts to collects the two guys bowls along with her own. Taking them into the kitchen and puting them in the sink. The evening was a good sorce of preocupieing her mind. But as things started to grow silent her mind started to play around again. Trying her best to lock out the feelings She keeps her smile. Truth be told, Aerith dident want to go home. She wasent in the mood to deal with her grandmother let alone know she liked Frankie and would have no problem leting him in the house. Aerith just dident want to deal with it now while she was still shaken by the whole night. Coming back into the living room Aerith offers a smile to Wyatt and Jason again.*

"Thank you again guys. Even if you say I dont need to thank you both I am anyways."

*Wes smiles at Con offering his hand.*

"Thank you . Its good to see you again. I glad you could make it."

*As BJ keeps her arms around Mick he slowly turns his head to look at all the faces. Seeing Jamie and Con again BJ perks up and waves. Soon warming up to everyone and not having a problem talking once again.

Finally BJ finds his way to Maggie look up at her he smiles.*

"Do you want to tome tolor wifh me?"

*Maggie looks down at BJ and than to Nate.

Nate smiles and nods his head.

Geting her brother ok Maggies takes BJ's hand as he leads her to the table where the coloring books and crayons are. Chattering with her and coloring.

As Nate watches the young boy and his sister walk off togther the smile on her face Nates own smiles grew. Bring Maggie here had been the right move and tomarrow would be even more fun for her.

Rosetta smiles back as Scott. This was the new intrest in Katie life now. Mick had filled her in alittle bit about Scott, and what happend with Jason. Rosetta felt sorry for her and new the feeling of losing someone close to you. But she was also happy to know Katie's heart was healing and Scott was there to help.*

"Well Scott, our home is your home. Your welcome here anytime you want. I hope you enjoy the short time you will have here tomarrow. There is no doubt in my mind Katie wont keep you busy and on your toes with fun. Hey who knows Maybe tomarrow Clint over there can show you the Shop. I hurd you liked cars and they have some pretty nice looking ones in there now that they are working on."

*Katie beams as she watches Scott and her Aunt talk. The look on her face showed she gave her approvel of Scott. That made Katie happy. She charished her Aunts thoughts on things very much.

Wes lets out his own yawn.*

"I think I'll come back with you. I'm geting old you know I cant pull all nighters anymore."

*Wes bids his goodnight to everyone helping Cindy up and out to the car, keep an invatation to anyone who wanted to sleep at there could they could.

Nate had hit it off with Wes as they sat and talked and thinking it was best for Maggie to stay close to him and not having enough room in any of the bunks for 2 he decied to head to Wes and Cindy's place with him. Leting BJ know Maggie would be back in the morning to play with them. Than leaning to Laura and giving her kiss goodnight. They follow Cindy and Wes out and back to there house.

Laura and Jamie decied to bunk together for the night, while Katie decieds to sleep in the refernished hour with her Aunt and BJ.

As everyone gets settled and all the light except the pourch light go out around the ranch Rosetta makes her rounds. Making sure everyone is comfortable and dident need anything. Doling out extra blanket and sleeping bags for people. Finally making her way back to the house.*

The still night offers much comfort and a change of pase for the who are new. The still quiet of the country offering peace to the mind. The only sounds that can be hurd are the bull frogs blowing, the owls hooting, the russling in the barn from the horses and a coyote now and than. A planket of peace lays over the ranch and the building on the outskirts as everyone dreams of what tomarrow will hold.


Jason manages to stay awake, though rolls his eyes at Domino’s sound sleeping.

As the movie plays on, Wyatt watches Aerith out of the corner of his eye, keeping close watch on her. When the credits start to roll, Wyatt stifles a yawn and stretches. “Mm-hmm…good flick.”

Looking at the clock, he wishes it weren’t so late. “Hotshot, whatcha gonna do?”

Jason turns his head to him. “Eh…since you offered. I’ll call Carson and tell him not to call the cops. I’ll stay.”

“Alright.” Wyatt nods, then turns back to Aerith. He didn’t want to spoil the evening, nor did he want to scare her away. But he wasn’t going to let this one go. It was too serious. “Okay, Maid Marian, you’ve got two choice. One, you conk out in my spare bedroom…” He looks down the hall with emphasis. “With a bed all your own since Jason will probably claim this couch. Or two, I take you back to your grandmother’s, and you can know that my jeep will be parked out front all night.”

Jason quirks an eyebrow, but stays out of this one. He was a bit intrigued by Wyatt’s offered options.

Laura sticks close to Nate, her hand gripping his tightly. As she sees Cindy though, she starts to relax just a little, finally managing to get in her own hug. “Oh, Cindy, it’s been way too long!” Laura’s eyes dance as she stands back. “And I hear congratulations are in order.”

Cindy beams. “Thank you. And yes, it has been way too long. When I left Nevada, I never thought it would be for good. But…” She looks up over her shoulder at Wes. “I guess things change a person’s mind.”

Con overhears her and his eyes show his own enthusiasm. “Oh yeah, Austin told me the news.” He nods to both Cindy and Wes. “Congratulations!”

Ty greets Wendy a bit timidly, though accepts the handshake. “Hi… I’m Ty.”

Clint comes up beside Wendy and offers his own hand with a smile. “I’m this beauty’s boyfriend Clint. Good to have you here.”

As their hands meet, they suddenly lock eyes. A cold chill runs down Ty’s spine. Who was this guy? Why did he evoke such a strange feeling? A…almost a connection…a feeling like Ty knew him…or should know him.

Clint studies Ty’s eyes. There was something so familiar about them.

Ty finally breaks the exchange, withdrawing, to put his hands back in his pockets. “It’s um…nice to meet you both.”

Jim watches from his seat in the corner, tears welling behind his eyes. How was he supposed to handle this? How could he do this? The sight at seeing his sons…his two sons…together… It made him want to shout for joy and cry at the same time. So much time was lost…so many years were gone…how could he justify it? How could he explain?

Mick returns Rosetta’s embrace passionately, feeling as though he never wanted to let her go. But he knows he must, and as they part, he can’t help the smile on his lips. He watches her go to Katie and can see how happy she is…her own happiness made him happy.

Standing a few moments, he suddenly hears BJ’s scream. Seeing the boy come running, Mick holds out his arms and scoops him up, bringing him into a bear hug. “Hey, Bud!” He grins at BJ’s fast chatter, and chuckles when he stops and buries his face. Reaching up, he runs a hand through his hair, letting him know it’s okay. “Psst, look who we got here,” he encourages, pointing. “You remember Con, don’t you? And Jamie? There’s Laura, and she’s Con’s sister. And Nate…and his sister Maggie. And over there, that’s Katie, and her friend Scott. And then over there is Ty.”

Scott nods to Rosetta, his awkwardness making him feel so far out of his element. He had to admit though, that being introduced as Katie’s boyfriend had a certain appeal though, and I it helped him relax just a little. “Your niece has told me an awful lot about this place. I’m glad I could tag along and finally see it for myself.”

As the greetings and chatter continue, everyone winds up sitting around the tables, too excited for anyone to go to sleep just yet.

But as the time wears on, bodies give in to tiredness. Cindy leans onto Wes, resting her head on his shoulder. “Sorry, hun, but I’m getting pretty tired. If I don’t get home, I’m never going to be able to get out of bed in the morning.” She straightens to smile at him. “You can come back though if you want to. I wouldn’t mind.”

Arrangements start to be made where everyone is going to sleep. Bunkhouses would be full, but no one minded sleeping on floors. Con opts to go out to the lookout to see Pete and sleep out there, and Scott is quick to jump on that same chance, finding the opening he wanted to have room to breathe away from the crowd for a while.

Mick invites Ty to bunk with him, knowing secretly that it would probably be best not to let him and Clint interact too much before tomorrow when all would be told.

Happy Time

*Aerith clams a spot on the floor leaning aganst the coutch with her bowl of chips and dip on the table. She cant help but laugh at Scott's comment to Jsaon.*

"Well I wont pick a chick flick than. How about....."

*Aerith cocks her head as she looks at Wyatt's movies from her seat. A smile spreading across her face.*

"How about adventure, romance, funny, danger in one. It seems to fit too."

*Aerith looks back at Wyatt and grins and than looks to Jason.*


*After the movie is put in Aerith keeps munching on her chips, finally finished she hopes up on the coutch curling her legs up under her as she intently watches the movie. Throwing Wyatt a grin even now and than. And checking if Jason is awake still or not. Silent snores can be hurd from Domino as she sleep curled up in Jason's lap.*

"Hey who touched me...?"

"Con...Katie wont stop pulling my hair.."

"I was not!"

"Whats that smell?"

"Fresh air!!"

*The comotion continues the whole way to the ranch. Finally as they arrive everyone draws silent in antisapation. Katie's heart races. She hadent been home in almost a year. Everyone files into the mess hall one by one.

Nate keeps Laura close on oneside and Maggie on the other. He dident know anyone here and felt alittle out of place but the feeling soon passed the smiling face and greetings. They braught a peaceful air. Hope, Love, peace, faith rained here.

Angel stands gives smiles to everyone greeting those she new and introducing herself to those she dident. It was good to see Mick again and Katie. It was nice to see new people that everyone had become friends with as well. This was a happy time.

Wendy stands with Clint glad to see everyone again. As her eyes find Ty she stops. Looking from Ty to Clint and than back to Ty again she felt like she was seeing double at first. But shakes it off that couldent be possable. Clint dident have any brother. Smiling at the newcomer Wendy offers a hand to Ty.*

"Hi! I'm Wendy."

*Wes stand with Cindy greeting his brother with a hug. Than introducing himself to Nate, Laura and Maggie. Than rejoins his wife wraping her arms around her from behind. She dident have to say anything and he new she was disapointed Jason wasent there. He new she missed him.

As Rosetta's eyes land on Mick a big smiles spreads across her face.*


*Rosetta walks over to him and embraces him giving him a kiss that matched. She had only gone a few weeks without him but it felt like ages. Rosetta holds him close for a long while finally leting go to scans the other. She zero's in on the young man that much be Ty. There was no doubt he looked just like Jim and Mick when they were younger. Looking around again Rosetta spots Katie and walks over to her giving her a hug.*

"Look at you sweetheart. The year has been good on you. You look so grown up from the last time I saw you. And your up walking again."

*Rosetta brushes some hair from Katie's face.*

"I'm so proud of you."

*Katie embraces her Aunt. It was good to see her again. She hadent addmited it but she did miss her more than anyting and it was good to be here again. This was home. Backing away alittle Katie takes Scott by the hand and pulls him alittle closer a smile on Katie's face as she proudly introduced him.*

"Aunt Rosetta this is my boyfriend Scott. Scott this is my Aunt Rosetta."

*Rosetta smiles at Scott.*

"Its very nice to finally get to meet you Scott."

*As the chit chat continues there is finally a lull in the conversation when things are quiet for a moment. The sound of pitter padding feet can be hurd coming down the hall followed by Screams.*


*Soon little BJ apears running as fast as his little legs can carry him around the courner. Running to Mick and jumping into his arms throwing them around his neck in a tight embrace.*

"Your back, you finally tame home. I missed you."

*BJ hugs Mick tight and starts to babble wildly to him not even noticing anyone alse. Tilling finally her stops and looks around. His cheeks grow red as her relizes he is the center of attachen. Burrying his face into Mick's shoulder in a shy mannor.*