
Happy Time

*Aerith clams a spot on the floor leaning aganst the coutch with her bowl of chips and dip on the table. She cant help but laugh at Scott's comment to Jsaon.*

"Well I wont pick a chick flick than. How about....."

*Aerith cocks her head as she looks at Wyatt's movies from her seat. A smile spreading across her face.*

"How about adventure, romance, funny, danger in one. It seems to fit too."

*Aerith looks back at Wyatt and grins and than looks to Jason.*


*After the movie is put in Aerith keeps munching on her chips, finally finished she hopes up on the coutch curling her legs up under her as she intently watches the movie. Throwing Wyatt a grin even now and than. And checking if Jason is awake still or not. Silent snores can be hurd from Domino as she sleep curled up in Jason's lap.*

"Hey who touched me...?"

"Con...Katie wont stop pulling my hair.."

"I was not!"

"Whats that smell?"

"Fresh air!!"

*The comotion continues the whole way to the ranch. Finally as they arrive everyone draws silent in antisapation. Katie's heart races. She hadent been home in almost a year. Everyone files into the mess hall one by one.

Nate keeps Laura close on oneside and Maggie on the other. He dident know anyone here and felt alittle out of place but the feeling soon passed the smiling face and greetings. They braught a peaceful air. Hope, Love, peace, faith rained here.

Angel stands gives smiles to everyone greeting those she new and introducing herself to those she dident. It was good to see Mick again and Katie. It was nice to see new people that everyone had become friends with as well. This was a happy time.

Wendy stands with Clint glad to see everyone again. As her eyes find Ty she stops. Looking from Ty to Clint and than back to Ty again she felt like she was seeing double at first. But shakes it off that couldent be possable. Clint dident have any brother. Smiling at the newcomer Wendy offers a hand to Ty.*

"Hi! I'm Wendy."

*Wes stand with Cindy greeting his brother with a hug. Than introducing himself to Nate, Laura and Maggie. Than rejoins his wife wraping her arms around her from behind. She dident have to say anything and he new she was disapointed Jason wasent there. He new she missed him.

As Rosetta's eyes land on Mick a big smiles spreads across her face.*


*Rosetta walks over to him and embraces him giving him a kiss that matched. She had only gone a few weeks without him but it felt like ages. Rosetta holds him close for a long while finally leting go to scans the other. She zero's in on the young man that much be Ty. There was no doubt he looked just like Jim and Mick when they were younger. Looking around again Rosetta spots Katie and walks over to her giving her a hug.*

"Look at you sweetheart. The year has been good on you. You look so grown up from the last time I saw you. And your up walking again."

*Rosetta brushes some hair from Katie's face.*

"I'm so proud of you."

*Katie embraces her Aunt. It was good to see her again. She hadent addmited it but she did miss her more than anyting and it was good to be here again. This was home. Backing away alittle Katie takes Scott by the hand and pulls him alittle closer a smile on Katie's face as she proudly introduced him.*

"Aunt Rosetta this is my boyfriend Scott. Scott this is my Aunt Rosetta."

*Rosetta smiles at Scott.*

"Its very nice to finally get to meet you Scott."

*As the chit chat continues there is finally a lull in the conversation when things are quiet for a moment. The sound of pitter padding feet can be hurd coming down the hall followed by Screams.*


*Soon little BJ apears running as fast as his little legs can carry him around the courner. Running to Mick and jumping into his arms throwing them around his neck in a tight embrace.*

"Your back, you finally tame home. I missed you."

*BJ hugs Mick tight and starts to babble wildly to him not even noticing anyone alse. Tilling finally her stops and looks around. His cheeks grow red as her relizes he is the center of attachen. Burrying his face into Mick's shoulder in a shy mannor.*

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