

Wyatt smiles as he continues to prepare breakfast. "Well, I hope you like eggs and bacon, because that's about all I've got for breakfast food around here. I should probably go to the store and stop thinking about ice cream and get some 'real' food."

Grinning, he grabs both now-ready plates and heads for the kitchen table. After a quick prayer of thanks, he nods. "Dig in."

While eating, Wyatt grows a bit thoughtful. "So...I got to thinking last night and... I figure life's too short to waste a day with unknowns lurking in the shadows." He takes a sip of coffee. "That said, I'm just too doggone hooked on seeing you that I don't particularly want to spend today thinking that it might be my last chance to get out and do something with you. And that said, you're invited to go fishing with me and my dad today. If you can't get off work, just tell Mabel what you're doing, and I'm sure she wouldn't pass up the opportunity to get us together again."

He pauses, searching for a reaction in Aerith's eyes. "They sell fishing licenses down at the corner shop, not to mention fixings for a picnic lunch, and the river we go to has this nice little place with big rocks to sit on and enjoy the sun...letting the breeze blow..." He gets a far off look in his eyes as he grows purposely dramatic. "The scent of the water...the anticipation of a fish on the end of the line..."

Stopping, he withholds his grin and looks back down to his breakfast with a shrug. "Or you can blow me off and I'll take you back to your grandmother's so you can be with her, or spend the day working around cranky customers."

As more people filter into the mess hall, the noise of voices and clattering chairs grows. Con looks into the kitchen and grins, leaning casually on the doorframe as he watches Jamie. He doesn't say a word, just stands, smiling.

Mick enters the mess hall with Ty close behind. Not wanting to make anyone nervous before breakfast, though not wanting to delay this any longer, Mick heads in Jim's direction.
Arriving at the table, Jim automatically stands up, setting down his coffee mug. His eyes can't leave Ty, a thousand emotions filling him.

Ty looks at him a little warily. Why was this man looking at him like that?

Mick gestures between them. "Jim, this is Ty Baker. Ty, this is my brother, Jim."

Jim stretches out his hand and shaking Ty's, simply can't believe he's standing here. But this would take delicate words. "You want to take a walk?"

Ty raises his eyebrows. "Um...I guess..."

Mick nods to him. "Kinda crowded in here."

"Well yeah, but what about...." The look on Mick's face warns Ty that this was something important for some reason. "Um...okay."

Jim throws Mick a grateful glance before heading to the back door with Ty behind him.

Mick watches them go, and lifts up a silent prayer. This had to be so hard for Jim.

Pete throws up his hands in surrender. "I didn't do a thing to this man of yours! Honest! He insisted on diving into that mess all by himself and when I tried to pull him out, he yelled at me."

"I only yelled at you for this mass of atrocious wiring," Scott throws out, still not seeing Katie. "Quit bothering my help," he chides her with humor. "He's supposed to be concentrating on staying out of my way."

Turning his head, he sees Katie to the side and grins at her comment. "Eh, well, you know...I gotta get that screen set up in the mess hall so people here can see the trial, but first I have to sort through this whole thing, not to mention I gotta replace one of the cameras and fix the computer that Austin botched up three months ago." He knew maybe he was looking for excuses not to have to mingle with everybody else....it was safer for him behind a computer.

Jason accepts Wes' handshake, his awkwardness growing. "Wes." He gives a respectful nod. He feels like he should smile, but it just doesn't want to come. He was entering a stranger's house, and it was his own mother's house.

He lets his bag slide from his shoulder and sets it down, deciding just to stay standing.

Cindy groans. "Who is here at this time of the morning?" Yawning, she sits up, sensing it's somebody important. "Okay, I'm up, I'm up, I'm coming." Dragging herself up out of bed, she grabs a pair of comfy jeans and a t-shirt to shuffle down the hall.

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, it takes her a moment to focus on who is standing in the entryway. But when finally realizing who it is, her eyes light up. "Jason! Oh, Jason!" Going to him quickly, she wraps her arms around him in a hug, tears filling her eyes. "I was so disappointed when you didn't come with the others."

Jason automatically returns his mother's hug, closing his eyes for just a moment as the emotions start to seep out. "Yeah well...guess I got delayed a little bit."

Cindy pulls herself away and stands, just looking at her son. His shoulders were broader...maybe his waste a little slimmer....He looked good. Except...there was something in his eye....something she couldn't put her finger on. Just from this single moment's exchange, she could sense that Jason had changed, and it wasn't for the better. He had a weary look about him that pained her. But he was here...he was really here.

Beaming, she reaches up to put a hand to the side of his face. "I'm so happy you came."

Jason's eyes glance over to Wes, then back to his mom again. He just wasn't quite sure how to interact with his mom anymore. So much had changed. Where was his place now?

"Are you going back to the ranch for breakfast?"

"I...haven't actually been there yet."


"No..." Jason knows his hesitance is obvious. "Guess I just wanted to come here first."

"Well how about we all go?" Cindy suggests. "Nate and Maggie are here - I'm sure they'll be getting up soon, and we all can go get something to eat." She looks to her husband. "What do you think?"

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