
Start to the day

*Aerith finishes up her food in no hurry at all. Savering every bite. Something about this breakfest really was differnt. Maybe it was she was in the company of a friend and there was warmth, insted of the normal cold silence. Aerith dident know but she liked it. After breakfest was over she helped Wyatt clean up and so dishes the chating never dieing out.

FInally off to her grandmother Aerith slips inside and heads up the steps. The spair bedroom door was open and the bed was upturned like someone had slept there that night. Not saprised Aerith blood still ran cold. Hurring to her own room she grabs some closths locking her door behind her and hops in the shower moving as fast as she can. Geting out and drying off Aerith runs a brush through her hair fast keeping the messed up look. Throwing on an green tank top and an old pare of jean shorts on she slips into her hiking flip flops and makes her way back down stairs to be greeted by her grandmothers yelling.*

"Where were you late night? What happend? Why did Frankie look like he had the crap beat out of him? He's a nice boy...."

*This goes on till Aerith finally turns biting her toung. How she wanted to yell back at her grandmother and scream. But if she started it wouldent be a good christion example and she would disapoint the lord for the things she would say. Exiting the house the yelling can be hurd from the front open door till is it shut muffling it. Geting into Wyatt's car Aerith musters up the best smile she can.*

"All right off to get the permit. Can we stop by an atm first though? Unless you think they take CCs."

*As Scott skids infront She looks up at him. She was upset but those eyes that looked back at her they showed they were sorry and dident mean to hurt her. Scaning Scotts face Katie sighs. She couldent be mad at Scott.

Wrapping her arms around him she leans her head on his shoulder. It wasent just about her. This was about Scott too. Katie had to think what he wanted as well now.*

"I'm sorry I got upset with you. I guess everything is wairing on me. You dont have to feel like your facing everything alone Scott. Cuz I am going to be right there with you. Come on...let me see if we can get that mess cleaned up, than if you feel up to it we can see if any breakfest if left. And maybe later if you dont want to be around everyone we can take a horse ride, or a hike or something."

*Katie offers Scott a smile and taking his hand in hers.*

"And you've already been my hero more than once. I'm sorry I said you wernt."

*Katie gives Scott's hand a gental squeeze.*

*Rosetta smiles and nods at Mike.*

"I'd like that."

*As Rosetta see Jade her smile grows. Giving a little wave. Hearing Jade call her step mom braught a warm feeling to Rosetta as she gives Micks arm a squeeze.*

"Hey Hun. Its good to see you. Ya Katie should be here shortly. I'm not sure where she is. We are just siting down for breakfest come join us you must be hungry."

*Wes stays upfront with Nate and Maggie. Talking and laughing only glanding back once and a while to make sure Cindy was ok. It was alittle warm out today and he dident want her to over do it.

Maggie smiles as she hold her brothers hand walking. Stoping to pick some flowers and than starting up again.*

"You guys are go...going to have a baby Wes?"

*Wes smiles at Maggie and nods.*

"We sure are. Its still to early to tell what it is, but whatever God gives up we will be happy."

*Wes keeps chating with Nate about the house and how it was build. The planes he had for each room and the backyard. Which reminded Wes he needed to show something to Jason back at the house later. As the ranch comes into view Wes slows his pace to walk with Cindy and Jason again.*

"We are almost there. Its just up ahead alittle ways."

*Giving a nod to Jason Wes offers.*

"Hey Jason, I know your big into motercicles and all, I've got one in the shop now I need to try and find out whats wrong with it. Clint and I have been working on it almost all week and we cant figure it out. Poor Clint is beating himself up over it he though he new all there was to know about bike but I guess even the best still have more to learn. Anyways I was wondering if maybe later you could take a look at it with me and show me a few thing. I'd really like to know alittle bit more and get this thing fixed up."

*Wendy makes her way to the shop. There was no work today but she had forgoten to get an invice sent out yesterday that needed to be done. Geting half way there she catches movment out of the side of her eye. Was that Ty storming to the bunk house. Something wasent right. Looking around and not seeing anyone consirn comes over her. She dident know this strange boy but something about him felt familure. Like she had known him for a while. Slowly making her way to the bunk house Wendy knocks on the door, a call following.*

"Ty? Its Wendy. Is everything ok?"

*The window to Misty room flys open as she pokes her head out calling.*

"I'm up I'm up you crazy loon. I've been awake for hours now. Give me a sec let me get my shoes on."

*Misty pulls her head back into the room and shuts the window. Carson tryed to smile, and show he was great but Misty saw past that and new he was still hurting. But Misty also new he was trying and she couldent ask for anything more than that. Steping outside and making her way to the sidewalk Misty smiles and shakes her head.*

"Oh of these days my nabors are going to call the cops for a disturbance."

*Misty laughs and locks her one hand with Carson's. Her other around her stomach. It was healing nicly, but still the pain and discomfort was there. Misy new though to get her muscles strong again she had to keep walking. At this stage it was the best thing for her.*

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