
All yours

Scott fidgets with the wires in front of him, twisting and splicing one after putting his glasses back down on his nose. "A man can live without breakfast..."

Why was he making up excuses? Why couldn't he just go to make Katie happy? It was only one day, for crying out loud. But his nervousness held him back.

Pete rolls his eyes and nods. "Scott, don't make me pull that ace of out my sleeve."

Scott stops his work, though unable to see Pete. "You wouldn't."

"I would."


Pete sighs and stands up from his chair. Going to Scott's legs, he reaches down and pulls.

Scott has nothing to hang on to and lets out a cry as he's dragged back through the wires out from under the desk. "Cut it out!"

Pete claps the dust off his hands. "There." He nods to Katie. "He's all yours."

Scowling, Scott turns around the grab his glasses that had fallen off his face. "Pete, if I don't get this done, it won't get done in time! I have to set this stuff up."

"So do it tonight." Pete crosses his arms. "Don't make me do it, Scott."

Grimacing, Scott turns around to crawl halfway back under the desk, grabbing the screwdriver he'd dropped, and taking the opportunity to hide his eyes from Katie. He felt ridiculous. Taking a deep breath, he backs out and finally stands up. "Alright. Fine. Katie, you win." He turns around to her hold his arms out to the sides. "I'm all yours."

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