

*Aerith streaches and yawns as the movie ends. That was always one of her fav and now that it had kind of a hiddin meaning or joke it ment even more. Aerith thinks for a moment about Wyatt's offer and searches is face. Looking for his intentions. Seeing what he ment was pure, and honnerable she smiles.*

"Well Robin Hood, since I am in shairwood forest already I guess I might as well stay. I dont want you to make an extra trip because of me. Not to mention having you sleep in you Jeep. So I guess the spair bedroom it is. However I'll leave early in the morning so if you had any planes I dont intarupts them on you. "

*Aerith stands and starts to collects the two guys bowls along with her own. Taking them into the kitchen and puting them in the sink. The evening was a good sorce of preocupieing her mind. But as things started to grow silent her mind started to play around again. Trying her best to lock out the feelings She keeps her smile. Truth be told, Aerith dident want to go home. She wasent in the mood to deal with her grandmother let alone know she liked Frankie and would have no problem leting him in the house. Aerith just dident want to deal with it now while she was still shaken by the whole night. Coming back into the living room Aerith offers a smile to Wyatt and Jason again.*

"Thank you again guys. Even if you say I dont need to thank you both I am anyways."

*Wes smiles at Con offering his hand.*

"Thank you . Its good to see you again. I glad you could make it."

*As BJ keeps her arms around Mick he slowly turns his head to look at all the faces. Seeing Jamie and Con again BJ perks up and waves. Soon warming up to everyone and not having a problem talking once again.

Finally BJ finds his way to Maggie look up at her he smiles.*

"Do you want to tome tolor wifh me?"

*Maggie looks down at BJ and than to Nate.

Nate smiles and nods his head.

Geting her brother ok Maggies takes BJ's hand as he leads her to the table where the coloring books and crayons are. Chattering with her and coloring.

As Nate watches the young boy and his sister walk off togther the smile on her face Nates own smiles grew. Bring Maggie here had been the right move and tomarrow would be even more fun for her.

Rosetta smiles back as Scott. This was the new intrest in Katie life now. Mick had filled her in alittle bit about Scott, and what happend with Jason. Rosetta felt sorry for her and new the feeling of losing someone close to you. But she was also happy to know Katie's heart was healing and Scott was there to help.*

"Well Scott, our home is your home. Your welcome here anytime you want. I hope you enjoy the short time you will have here tomarrow. There is no doubt in my mind Katie wont keep you busy and on your toes with fun. Hey who knows Maybe tomarrow Clint over there can show you the Shop. I hurd you liked cars and they have some pretty nice looking ones in there now that they are working on."

*Katie beams as she watches Scott and her Aunt talk. The look on her face showed she gave her approvel of Scott. That made Katie happy. She charished her Aunts thoughts on things very much.

Wes lets out his own yawn.*

"I think I'll come back with you. I'm geting old you know I cant pull all nighters anymore."

*Wes bids his goodnight to everyone helping Cindy up and out to the car, keep an invatation to anyone who wanted to sleep at there could they could.

Nate had hit it off with Wes as they sat and talked and thinking it was best for Maggie to stay close to him and not having enough room in any of the bunks for 2 he decied to head to Wes and Cindy's place with him. Leting BJ know Maggie would be back in the morning to play with them. Than leaning to Laura and giving her kiss goodnight. They follow Cindy and Wes out and back to there house.

Laura and Jamie decied to bunk together for the night, while Katie decieds to sleep in the refernished hour with her Aunt and BJ.

As everyone gets settled and all the light except the pourch light go out around the ranch Rosetta makes her rounds. Making sure everyone is comfortable and dident need anything. Doling out extra blanket and sleeping bags for people. Finally making her way back to the house.*

The still night offers much comfort and a change of pase for the who are new. The still quiet of the country offering peace to the mind. The only sounds that can be hurd are the bull frogs blowing, the owls hooting, the russling in the barn from the horses and a coyote now and than. A planket of peace lays over the ranch and the building on the outskirts as everyone dreams of what tomarrow will hold.

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