

Jason manages to stay awake, though rolls his eyes at Domino’s sound sleeping.

As the movie plays on, Wyatt watches Aerith out of the corner of his eye, keeping close watch on her. When the credits start to roll, Wyatt stifles a yawn and stretches. “Mm-hmm…good flick.”

Looking at the clock, he wishes it weren’t so late. “Hotshot, whatcha gonna do?”

Jason turns his head to him. “Eh…since you offered. I’ll call Carson and tell him not to call the cops. I’ll stay.”

“Alright.” Wyatt nods, then turns back to Aerith. He didn’t want to spoil the evening, nor did he want to scare her away. But he wasn’t going to let this one go. It was too serious. “Okay, Maid Marian, you’ve got two choice. One, you conk out in my spare bedroom…” He looks down the hall with emphasis. “With a bed all your own since Jason will probably claim this couch. Or two, I take you back to your grandmother’s, and you can know that my jeep will be parked out front all night.”

Jason quirks an eyebrow, but stays out of this one. He was a bit intrigued by Wyatt’s offered options.

Laura sticks close to Nate, her hand gripping his tightly. As she sees Cindy though, she starts to relax just a little, finally managing to get in her own hug. “Oh, Cindy, it’s been way too long!” Laura’s eyes dance as she stands back. “And I hear congratulations are in order.”

Cindy beams. “Thank you. And yes, it has been way too long. When I left Nevada, I never thought it would be for good. But…” She looks up over her shoulder at Wes. “I guess things change a person’s mind.”

Con overhears her and his eyes show his own enthusiasm. “Oh yeah, Austin told me the news.” He nods to both Cindy and Wes. “Congratulations!”

Ty greets Wendy a bit timidly, though accepts the handshake. “Hi… I’m Ty.”

Clint comes up beside Wendy and offers his own hand with a smile. “I’m this beauty’s boyfriend Clint. Good to have you here.”

As their hands meet, they suddenly lock eyes. A cold chill runs down Ty’s spine. Who was this guy? Why did he evoke such a strange feeling? A…almost a connection…a feeling like Ty knew him…or should know him.

Clint studies Ty’s eyes. There was something so familiar about them.

Ty finally breaks the exchange, withdrawing, to put his hands back in his pockets. “It’s um…nice to meet you both.”

Jim watches from his seat in the corner, tears welling behind his eyes. How was he supposed to handle this? How could he do this? The sight at seeing his sons…his two sons…together… It made him want to shout for joy and cry at the same time. So much time was lost…so many years were gone…how could he justify it? How could he explain?

Mick returns Rosetta’s embrace passionately, feeling as though he never wanted to let her go. But he knows he must, and as they part, he can’t help the smile on his lips. He watches her go to Katie and can see how happy she is…her own happiness made him happy.

Standing a few moments, he suddenly hears BJ’s scream. Seeing the boy come running, Mick holds out his arms and scoops him up, bringing him into a bear hug. “Hey, Bud!” He grins at BJ’s fast chatter, and chuckles when he stops and buries his face. Reaching up, he runs a hand through his hair, letting him know it’s okay. “Psst, look who we got here,” he encourages, pointing. “You remember Con, don’t you? And Jamie? There’s Laura, and she’s Con’s sister. And Nate…and his sister Maggie. And over there, that’s Katie, and her friend Scott. And then over there is Ty.”

Scott nods to Rosetta, his awkwardness making him feel so far out of his element. He had to admit though, that being introduced as Katie’s boyfriend had a certain appeal though, and I it helped him relax just a little. “Your niece has told me an awful lot about this place. I’m glad I could tag along and finally see it for myself.”

As the greetings and chatter continue, everyone winds up sitting around the tables, too excited for anyone to go to sleep just yet.

But as the time wears on, bodies give in to tiredness. Cindy leans onto Wes, resting her head on his shoulder. “Sorry, hun, but I’m getting pretty tired. If I don’t get home, I’m never going to be able to get out of bed in the morning.” She straightens to smile at him. “You can come back though if you want to. I wouldn’t mind.”

Arrangements start to be made where everyone is going to sleep. Bunkhouses would be full, but no one minded sleeping on floors. Con opts to go out to the lookout to see Pete and sleep out there, and Scott is quick to jump on that same chance, finding the opening he wanted to have room to breathe away from the crowd for a while.

Mick invites Ty to bunk with him, knowing secretly that it would probably be best not to let him and Clint interact too much before tomorrow when all would be told.

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