
So Small

*Misty shuts the door behind her and turns the water on. Alot was going through her mind, she had never been one to worry to much but today she was. Life had changed alot for her and now the thought of going to jail and being in that court room scaired her to no end.

Standing in the warm water Misy lets is wast over her as a toon and hum escaps her lips being drawn into thoughts.*

"What you got if you ain't got love
the kind that you just want to give away
It's okay to open up
go ahead and let the light shine through
I know it's hard on a rainy day
you want to shut the world out and just be left alone
But don't run out on your faith.

Cause sometimes that mountain you've been climbing is just a grain of sand
What you've been up there searching for
forever is in your hands
When you figure out love is all that matters after all
It sure makes everything else seem so small.

It's so easy to get lost inside
a problem that seems so big at the time
it's like a river thats so wide
it swallows you whole
While you sit around thinking about what you can't change
and worrying about all the wrong things
time's flying by
moving so fast
you better make it count 'cause you can't get it back.

Sometimes that mountain you've been climbing is just a grain of sand....."

*Misty words muffle to the sound of gargling as her face goes under the water . The water shuts off, and Misty pulles the shower curtin back. Drying off and throwing her clean clothing off. Misty also drys her hair and throws it on top of her head. Opening the bathroom door and stuping out so Carson can use it next.*

*Aerith makes her way into the kitchen pushing her wet hair out of her face. Taking a wiff of breakfest her tummy rummbles. Biting into her waffles she cant help but saver the tast. Homemade tasted so much better than frozen.

Aerith thinks about Wyatt's question for a moment before answering. She had had so much fun that she really hadent thought about the whole ordeal with Frankie since the morning. Now her mind went back to when she though she saw the guestroom door open in her grandmother house and it gave her chills.*

"You can take me right to work. I dont need anything alse that I can think of at the moment anyways."

*Drawing silent again for a moment Aerith sighs taking another bit of her breakfest. How she did wish she had somewhere alse to stay.*

"I dont know anyone alse except for my Grandmother around here who has space for another person. I guess I could always stay at a hotel or go back to New York. I'd rather go to a hotel before the other option. I'm not quiet ready to leave yet. I've got to many reasons to stay..."

*Aerith's eyes look up and meets Wyatts. How fast she had felt drawn to him. Like a magnet pulling metal. Wyatt was differnt, strong and shaired her love for God. Aerith loved the arua he had around him.*

"...even if a crazy guy is after me."

*Katie smiles as she receves Jason's grin. It was good to see that. Than hearing his comment or his bit of humor makes her laugh. It was nice to see that light. It was faint but it was there non the less.*

"You better believe is buddy, and dont you forget it."

*A new found hope that Jason was slowly be ok fills Katie heart as she follows in into the messhall. Seeing Scott wave and call her ove Katie smiles and sits down.*

"I dont think I am tired one bit so I dont know what your talking about."

*Katie cant help but laugh alittle as her eyes tell a differnt story about being tired. As Katie hears Scott's request for Jason to stay she is a bit saprised but fells a bit of happyness that Scott was trying. Giving his hand squeeze Katie looks back to Jason and gives alittle nod showing it was ok with her.*

"Yes please feel free to join us. I think it would be nice to have you join us for breakfest. Unless you would rather join the growps for there intresting conversation."

*Katie giggles again and rolls her eyes.*

*As BJ hang upside down his squeels of laughter finally stop as he cross his arms over his little chest.*

"Onwey if you and Jamie is going to eat now too. You guys need your stwanth so you can be strong wike me."

*BJ makes a muscle with his arm as he still hands upside down.

Coming up infront of BJ Jamie takes his head and brings him upright as Con still had his legs. A smile on her face.*

"Con your going to give the poor boy brain damage."

*Jamie cant help but hold BJ close as she draws close to Con BJ stuck in the middle for a hug. Jamie leans into give Con a kiss losing her grip slightly on BJ.

As BJ see Jamie give Con a kiss he wiggles a funny look in his face. Finally sliping to the ground BJ goes running into the other room.*


*After a few moments BJ reapears his little eyes peeking out from behind the door.*

"Is it safe to come out yet?"

*Jamie cant help but laugh at BJ's display.

Rosetta turns leaning into Mick and laughs as BJ goes running into the other room, and than he little head and eyes reapear.*

"He acts just like you Mick."


Carson flinches as he receives Misty’s elbow. “Hey, at least I was nice! I could have pushed you off the couch.”

Grinning, he nods. “Yeah, it’ll be nice when you can move normal. Then I can go back to pushing you around.”

Seeing her get to the bathroom first, he yells after her. “Hey, don’t take too long! Or I’ll have to visit my neighbor, and won’t they be thrilled with my request.”

“Oh yeah, sure.” Wyatt nods and thumbs down the hall. “Help yourself. Towels are in the closet. Just watch the hot water knob – sometimes it sticks.” Finally rising, he picks up the blanket his dad had used and folds it, throwing it over the chair. Heading to his own room and private shower, he and Reese get ready for the day, meeting back in the kitchen again to whip up some homemade waffles for a quick breakfast.

Once Aerith joins them, they set up at the kitchen table. Halfway through the meal, Wyatt looks across at Aerith. “So…would you prefer me to take you straight to work or do you need to go home?” He pauses, not really liking the second choice. “I’m not too thrilled leaving you alone with Frankie on the loose…is there anywhere else you can stay?”

Jason sighs just a little and nods at Katie. “Yeah, I know it…personally I wish we could just get out there and start kicking butt, but I guess sitting through a court hearing first is what needs to happen.” A wry grin shows through – the first in a long time.

Gesturing to the mess hall, he starts his walk again. “I better get something to eat before we leave, otherwise I’ll be scared you really will turn me in to Rick once we get back.”

Con laughs along with BJ, not caring about acting like a kid in front of the other people. “Fighting” with the little boy, he takes the blows as if he’s being hit by someone his own size. Wrapping BJ up in a bear hug finally though, he sweeps him up and turns him upside down. “Alright, kiddo, are you ready to eat your breakfast, or what?”

Mick smiles and gives Rosetta a hug. “If just for one more day to spend with you, I’m happy.”

Scott looks up as he sees Katie and Jason enter the messhall. Lifting an eyebrow, he forces himself not to speculate, and waves them over. Smiling at Katie, he offers her a nod. “I see you made it back in one piece. Though I give you fair warning, you’re going to have to either keep me awake on the plane or give me a pillow. There’s not much in between with me today.”

Gesturing for her to sit down, he looks up at Jason for a moment before his eyes relent. “Care to join us?”

“Um…” Jason makes a quick glance around the room, spotting others who are already engrossed in conversations. Even his mom is surrounded at the moment. He looks back down to Katie, questioning if she wanted him there are not.


*Wes helps Cindy out to the truck than heads back inside to help Nate and Maggie with there stuff. Everyone piles into Wes truck and makes there way back to the ranch. The ride is quiet and slow but soon they get there. Taking Cindy's hand once again they enter the mess hall and find a comfortable place to chat with there new found friends before its time to go. Wes makes sure to stay close to Cindy and that she gets something to eat. She would need his saport today and he shoulder if need be.*

*As Rosetta steps to the side with Mick worry shows in her eyes. Thinking something was worng for Micks searouse tone. Receving the good new a smile breaks in Rosetta's face.*

"Oh Mick!"

*A few tears make there way down Rosetta's cheek as she hold Mick. She was happy he was staying and greatful to Jim for going in Mick's place.*

"Oh Mick, I'm so happy you dont have to leave again. BJ will be happy to know that too."

*Rosetta looks over and watches BJ.

Jamie cant help but laugh as the small boy does a playful karote chop to Con's arm. It looked massave in the small boys hands. He could hardly even fit grip on.

BJ giggles as he plays with Con ending with a big hug.

Jamie smile wided and she watched the two boys play.*

*Katie gives alittle jump at Jason's voice. Katie was half awake and dident hear anyone near to her. Looking up she smiles at Jason. It was nice to see him make another step but actully saying hi today. Scaning Jason's face Katie own eyes show she receved the rose and were saying there thinks without any words."

"Good Morning. Ready for an exciting day?"

*Katie rolls her eyes as her sarcasum shows through along with how tired she was. Stoping for a moment Katie lays a gentil hand on Jason's shoulder. Not saying much alse but giving a small smile. only a few more words come.*

"Its gonna be ok. It has to be. We've got eachother backs today."

Getting ready

Cindy takes Wes' hand and nods, forcing a smile to the surface. "I am now." She'd asked if they could drive this morning since she didn't feel up to the walk, and the trip to the messhall is quick. Arriving, it's obvious that the others are up and awake, also meeting together before the Nevada gang left.

As people walk by, heading to the mess hall, Becky leans her head back to look up at Jim's face. "You better pack, hun. They'll be leaving right after breakfast."

"I know." Jim tightens his hug around his wife. "Packing a shirt isn't hard. Leaving you is."

Mick steps inside, glancing around the large room until he finds Rosetta. Pasting on a smile, he walks up to her from behind and slings his arms around her, giving her kiss on the head. "Mornin', my love." Turning her around, he looks in her eyes, giving her cheek a soft stroke with the back of his hand. "Come here."

Seeing that BJ was occupied and well taken care of by Con, Mick takes Rosetta to the side, away from the chatter. "I'm staying here," he informs her quietly. "They want someone from the ranch there, but Jim volunteered to take my place." The look that passes through Mick's eyes, show how glad he is that he can stay, and how grateful he is for his brother's sacrifice. "He'll be there for all of us, and he'll get to spend the flight back with Ty too."

Scott throws the rest of his things in his bag and zips it shut, taking a last glance around the room. His hair still wet from his shower, he combs it back quick and throws on his glasses. His eyes were hurting enough the way it was without forcing contacts into them.

Walking carefully down the path, he takes more time than he wanted. He wouldn't admit it to many, but he could barely move his legs today, they were so sore.

Finally arriving at the mess hall, he sets his bag down and scans the room for Pete. It was rare that Pete joined everyone for meals, but today he'd come up to see the group off again and to get instructions from Scott.

Finding him, Scott takes him to the side and starts explaining the equipment to him and what he'd done earlier. It doesn't take long, and soon Scott is sitting at one of the tables by himself and looking around for Katie. She was the one person that made him feel less like a fish out of water around here.

Jason gives a weary sigh and makes his way to where he knew everyone would be. Glancing around, he sees his mom isn't there yet, and makes a mental note to be sure to see her before they leave. Halfway to the mess hall, he stops for a moment, seeing Katie is coming as well. His thumbs hooked in his jeans pockets, he cocks his head, giving a slight grin. No matter his awkwardness, and no matter if Katie had Scott or not, she needed encouragement as much as anybody else did on a day like today. "Mornin'."


*Katie step back and looks at Scott's handly work. He did a pretty good job. Leting out a yawn Katie fights her eyes to keep them open. It had been along time since Katie only got a few hours of sleep, but figuring they could probley sleep alittle on the plane on the way back. Going over to Scott giving him a gentil shake.*

"Your welcome Scotty. Go hope in the shower it will help you feel alittle more awake. Thats what I am doing. I'll see ya back here in about an hour."

*Katie heads outside leting the morning air whisp around her. Look around and across the yard Katie watches the sun as it rises taking in the air. Most of the ranch was asleep except for the small lights on in the bunk house.

Making her way across the lawn she draws near her bunk. Seeing an object on the step as she draws closer Katie instinly know what it is. Bending down and picking up the yellow rose Katie also knows who its from even through the note proves no name. Holding it close few tears fall from Katie's eyes. Steping inside and shuting the door behind her a few more fall. Katie was scaired of what wsa to happen today no matter who through she was strong. But she had for comfort in so many things and friend, and this time now was the right time for the rose. Katie would hold it close always. Quickly taking a shower and packing her bags Katie take the rose and puts it in a plastic bag along with a bit of wet cloth. Gently laying it in her bag Katie closes it.*

"Thank you J."

*Heading to the door Katie looks around one more time. She was going to miss this place, but if all went well she would be back soon to visit. Heading outside Katie makes her way across the yard again aiming for the mess hall.*

*Rosetta hope in the shower geting washes up fast. Steping out she yells into the other room.*

"BJ are you up and dressed?"

*Bj struggles with his shirt trying to put his head through the shirt arm hole but finally finding the head one. Grabing his pants her trys to put them on as well.*

"Errrrrmmmm....kinds of."

*Rosetta cant help but laugh and shake her head as she brushes out her hair. Even though it was a unearving day Rosetta couldent help but find humer in BJ.*

"Ok we are running late so hurry ok. Coming and brush your teeth."

*As Rosetta hears the little pitter patter of feet and than BJ appears Rosetta looks down at him and cant help but laugh.*

"Uh sweety...you have your pants on backwards come here."

*Bending down Rosetta help BJ take his pants off and than put them on the right way. As BJ steps up to the sink to brush his teeth Rosetta runs a brush through his freashly cleaned hair.

Once done in the bathroom Rosetta helps BJ get his socks on and heads out and across the lawn with him to the mess hall. Taking in the fresh air and looking around the ranch. Rosetta couldent help but be worryed about today. It was in Gods hands and she hoped with her heart of hearts things would work out. If she had to leave what would happen to the ranch. Rosetta shakes her head and trys not to think about continuing to head to the mess hall.*

*Misty mummbles and gives and elbow to Carson.*

"Dont you know better yet than to wake a woman up."

*Though Carson cant see her a grain forms on her face. Siting up slowly and stand Misty gives a streach but streaches to far and sits back down on the coutch in pain alittle bit. Staning again she takes it slow this time.*

"I cant wait till I can move normal again. I get the show first since you woke me up."

*Misty grains and makes her way into the bathroom shuting the door behind her.*

*Aerith's eyes flutter open and she trys to get her bearings. Than remembering she was at Wyatts. Siting up Aerith smiles at Wyatt. Today was the day when life could change. Memories of yesterday hung in Aerith's mind. She had a wonderful time and she hoped it wasent the last.*

"Ok I gues I can let you. Is it ok if I take a shower in your bathroom before we go? I have a change of clothing i braught."

*Wes steps out of the bathroom slowly walking over to his dressing. Grabing a light blue shirt her pulls it on over his head than walks back over to Cindy. Smiling down he kiss her on the head and than hold out his hand.*



At Katie's comment, Scott shakes his head. "You have no idea," he says quietly under his breath, "how many people see you that way."

Downing several more cups of coffee, finishing off the mountain dew and cranking up the music prove to get Scott through the next several hours. By the time the sun begins to show itself over the horizon, the equipment has been positioned at the wall, everything cleaned up and cleared away as if nothing had happened all night.

Scott eases down at one of the tables, folding his arms to provide his head with a pillow. He was exhausted. But now it was time to get back to the cabin clean up, change clothes and get back here in time to leave. If he had a spare minute, maybe he'd get some breakfast in there too.

His eyes drift shut as he fights his tiredness. "Thanks for your help, Katie," he mumbles.

Cindy pulls on her shirt and runs a hand through her wet hair, trying to make herself halfway presentable before getting to the ranch. After Wes had helped calm her down, she'd been able to go back to sleep for a couple hours and was now feeling better, physically, at least. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she waits for Wes to get ready too.

Jason exits the bunkhouse quietly, one of the first up, and makes his way off the porch to amble the ranch yard. He doesn't particularly feel like going to the mess hall just yet. The night had been long and he'd gotten little sleep, his mind racing with what would happen today. The thought of going back to prison was almost more than he could take.

"Mornin, you."

Jason turns his head quickly, spotting Jade by the fence. He offers something close to a smile and approaches her slowly. "You're up early."

"So are you." Jade gives a soft sigh. "I was just trying to get things figure out I guess, and decided it wasn't worth lying in bed anymore."


"Yeah...I finally got my dad back and now he might be taken away again, this time for good."

"We all might," Jason muses.

Jade turns to look up at him. "You gonna be okay?"

He raises an eyebrow. "Aren't I always?"

"No." Jade pats his arm gently with concern. "I don't like seeing you so...sad."

Jason forces a dry laugh. "Me either."

On the steps of the side bunk, Jim sits with Becky in front of him, one step lower, leaning back against him as his arms wrap around her. They've been sitting for at least an hour, watching the sunrise, neither speaking...neither needing to. Everything that could be said had already been spoken...now it was time's duty to do the rest. Jim and Mick had spoken last night as well, and had agreed to the best option.

Mick ambles across the yard toward the mess hall, in not much of a hurry. It was almost as if what was going through everyone's minds was that if they could just slow down enough, maybe time itself would slow down. But that impossibility was just that - impossible.
Glancing to the house, Mick wonders if Rosetta is up yet...he needed to talk to her.

And at one of the bunkhouses, a small object lies near the door to be noticed by anyone coming or going. It would be the last rose, but it would serve its purpose well. Its delicate yellow petals quiver slightly in the morning breeze, its stem wrapped in a short handwritten note.
@->-- You'll always be my hero. Thank you for also being my friend. --<-@

Carson moves a little, ready to roll over in bed, when he realizes that not only is he not in bed, but he's got someone in front of him. Blinking in the dim morning light, he begins to remember. He was still on the couch. Lying on his side to the back, Misty was beside him, his arm still around her.

Relaxing again, he rests his head back down, giving the top of Misty's head a kiss. "Psst...I hate to break it to you," he says quietly, "but it's morning."

"Oh my word!"

Wyatt jumps, startled out of his deep sleep by his father's voice. "Wha? Huh?"

Reese throws off his blanket and lets down the footrest of the easy chair with a thud. "Do you know what time it is?!"

Wyatt squints at the clock, still in a fog. "Ohhh bother. We're supposed to be at the office already." They'd planned to be at TJY early to begin preparing for court and to meet up with Lockheart.

Looking down, he sees Aerith is still cuddled up next to him. He'd love to sleep in late and just stay here, but unfortunately, today was the day that no one could stop. He gives her shoulder a gentle shake. "Sorry, babe, but your pillow is going to have to get up."

Wont back down!

*Katie sits and stairs at Scott for a long moment. Leting his words sink in. The meaning to them hit Katie hard. For the first time she saw herself through Scott eyes. She saw what he saw in her.

Shaking her head she gives a laugh bumping her elbow into him playfuly and standing.*

"Well I am glad you think so. At least someone does."

*Keeping the grin on her face Katie heads into the kitchen to get both of them more coffee.*

*Wes' heart goes out to his wife. He dident try to addmit it for her sake but he was worryed too. He loved his life right now, and dident want anything to change. He new though he had to stay strong, he had to help Cindy stay strong too. Combing a hand though her hair Wes continues to keep a strong arm around her giving her the shelter she needed.*

"Its going to be ok. Your not going to lose me. I promise you that. I dont give up that easly."