

*Katie step back and looks at Scott's handly work. He did a pretty good job. Leting out a yawn Katie fights her eyes to keep them open. It had been along time since Katie only got a few hours of sleep, but figuring they could probley sleep alittle on the plane on the way back. Going over to Scott giving him a gentil shake.*

"Your welcome Scotty. Go hope in the shower it will help you feel alittle more awake. Thats what I am doing. I'll see ya back here in about an hour."

*Katie heads outside leting the morning air whisp around her. Look around and across the yard Katie watches the sun as it rises taking in the air. Most of the ranch was asleep except for the small lights on in the bunk house.

Making her way across the lawn she draws near her bunk. Seeing an object on the step as she draws closer Katie instinly know what it is. Bending down and picking up the yellow rose Katie also knows who its from even through the note proves no name. Holding it close few tears fall from Katie's eyes. Steping inside and shuting the door behind her a few more fall. Katie was scaired of what wsa to happen today no matter who through she was strong. But she had for comfort in so many things and friend, and this time now was the right time for the rose. Katie would hold it close always. Quickly taking a shower and packing her bags Katie take the rose and puts it in a plastic bag along with a bit of wet cloth. Gently laying it in her bag Katie closes it.*

"Thank you J."

*Heading to the door Katie looks around one more time. She was going to miss this place, but if all went well she would be back soon to visit. Heading outside Katie makes her way across the yard again aiming for the mess hall.*

*Rosetta hope in the shower geting washes up fast. Steping out she yells into the other room.*

"BJ are you up and dressed?"

*Bj struggles with his shirt trying to put his head through the shirt arm hole but finally finding the head one. Grabing his pants her trys to put them on as well.*

"Errrrrmmmm....kinds of."

*Rosetta cant help but laugh and shake her head as she brushes out her hair. Even though it was a unearving day Rosetta couldent help but find humer in BJ.*

"Ok we are running late so hurry ok. Coming and brush your teeth."

*As Rosetta hears the little pitter patter of feet and than BJ appears Rosetta looks down at him and cant help but laugh.*

"Uh sweety...you have your pants on backwards come here."

*Bending down Rosetta help BJ take his pants off and than put them on the right way. As BJ steps up to the sink to brush his teeth Rosetta runs a brush through his freashly cleaned hair.

Once done in the bathroom Rosetta helps BJ get his socks on and heads out and across the lawn with him to the mess hall. Taking in the fresh air and looking around the ranch. Rosetta couldent help but be worryed about today. It was in Gods hands and she hoped with her heart of hearts things would work out. If she had to leave what would happen to the ranch. Rosetta shakes her head and trys not to think about continuing to head to the mess hall.*

*Misty mummbles and gives and elbow to Carson.*

"Dont you know better yet than to wake a woman up."

*Though Carson cant see her a grain forms on her face. Siting up slowly and stand Misty gives a streach but streaches to far and sits back down on the coutch in pain alittle bit. Staning again she takes it slow this time.*

"I cant wait till I can move normal again. I get the show first since you woke me up."

*Misty grains and makes her way into the bathroom shuting the door behind her.*

*Aerith's eyes flutter open and she trys to get her bearings. Than remembering she was at Wyatts. Siting up Aerith smiles at Wyatt. Today was the day when life could change. Memories of yesterday hung in Aerith's mind. She had a wonderful time and she hoped it wasent the last.*

"Ok I gues I can let you. Is it ok if I take a shower in your bathroom before we go? I have a change of clothing i braught."

*Wes steps out of the bathroom slowly walking over to his dressing. Grabing a light blue shirt her pulls it on over his head than walks back over to Cindy. Smiling down he kiss her on the head and than hold out his hand.*


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