
So Small

*Misty shuts the door behind her and turns the water on. Alot was going through her mind, she had never been one to worry to much but today she was. Life had changed alot for her and now the thought of going to jail and being in that court room scaired her to no end.

Standing in the warm water Misy lets is wast over her as a toon and hum escaps her lips being drawn into thoughts.*

"What you got if you ain't got love
the kind that you just want to give away
It's okay to open up
go ahead and let the light shine through
I know it's hard on a rainy day
you want to shut the world out and just be left alone
But don't run out on your faith.

Cause sometimes that mountain you've been climbing is just a grain of sand
What you've been up there searching for
forever is in your hands
When you figure out love is all that matters after all
It sure makes everything else seem so small.

It's so easy to get lost inside
a problem that seems so big at the time
it's like a river thats so wide
it swallows you whole
While you sit around thinking about what you can't change
and worrying about all the wrong things
time's flying by
moving so fast
you better make it count 'cause you can't get it back.

Sometimes that mountain you've been climbing is just a grain of sand....."

*Misty words muffle to the sound of gargling as her face goes under the water . The water shuts off, and Misty pulles the shower curtin back. Drying off and throwing her clean clothing off. Misty also drys her hair and throws it on top of her head. Opening the bathroom door and stuping out so Carson can use it next.*

*Aerith makes her way into the kitchen pushing her wet hair out of her face. Taking a wiff of breakfest her tummy rummbles. Biting into her waffles she cant help but saver the tast. Homemade tasted so much better than frozen.

Aerith thinks about Wyatt's question for a moment before answering. She had had so much fun that she really hadent thought about the whole ordeal with Frankie since the morning. Now her mind went back to when she though she saw the guestroom door open in her grandmother house and it gave her chills.*

"You can take me right to work. I dont need anything alse that I can think of at the moment anyways."

*Drawing silent again for a moment Aerith sighs taking another bit of her breakfest. How she did wish she had somewhere alse to stay.*

"I dont know anyone alse except for my Grandmother around here who has space for another person. I guess I could always stay at a hotel or go back to New York. I'd rather go to a hotel before the other option. I'm not quiet ready to leave yet. I've got to many reasons to stay..."

*Aerith's eyes look up and meets Wyatts. How fast she had felt drawn to him. Like a magnet pulling metal. Wyatt was differnt, strong and shaired her love for God. Aerith loved the arua he had around him.*

"...even if a crazy guy is after me."

*Katie smiles as she receves Jason's grin. It was good to see that. Than hearing his comment or his bit of humor makes her laugh. It was nice to see that light. It was faint but it was there non the less.*

"You better believe is buddy, and dont you forget it."

*A new found hope that Jason was slowly be ok fills Katie heart as she follows in into the messhall. Seeing Scott wave and call her ove Katie smiles and sits down.*

"I dont think I am tired one bit so I dont know what your talking about."

*Katie cant help but laugh alittle as her eyes tell a differnt story about being tired. As Katie hears Scott's request for Jason to stay she is a bit saprised but fells a bit of happyness that Scott was trying. Giving his hand squeeze Katie looks back to Jason and gives alittle nod showing it was ok with her.*

"Yes please feel free to join us. I think it would be nice to have you join us for breakfest. Unless you would rather join the growps for there intresting conversation."

*Katie giggles again and rolls her eyes.*

*As BJ hang upside down his squeels of laughter finally stop as he cross his arms over his little chest.*

"Onwey if you and Jamie is going to eat now too. You guys need your stwanth so you can be strong wike me."

*BJ makes a muscle with his arm as he still hands upside down.

Coming up infront of BJ Jamie takes his head and brings him upright as Con still had his legs. A smile on her face.*

"Con your going to give the poor boy brain damage."

*Jamie cant help but hold BJ close as she draws close to Con BJ stuck in the middle for a hug. Jamie leans into give Con a kiss losing her grip slightly on BJ.

As BJ see Jamie give Con a kiss he wiggles a funny look in his face. Finally sliping to the ground BJ goes running into the other room.*


*After a few moments BJ reapears his little eyes peeking out from behind the door.*

"Is it safe to come out yet?"

*Jamie cant help but laugh at BJ's display.

Rosetta turns leaning into Mick and laughs as BJ goes running into the other room, and than he little head and eyes reapear.*

"He acts just like you Mick."

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