

Going under again Alice dosnt mind to much as this time she new it was coming and she could hold her breath. Coming back up another laugh makes its way to the surfice as Kyle's arms are still wraped around her.

As a reflex she brings her ands down to Kyle's for a moment locking her fingers with his and though it was still in playing gest Alice felt safe like the worry and stress of the world was gone.

"Wait..you want me to call you my Uncle? That dosnt seem right."

Giving a little struggle Alice dosnt try to hard to break free but she dosnt stay very still eather.

"I'll never give up, I'll never surrender. We are just gonna have to stay here, all night, alone, in the pool, the moon our ownly whitness."


Kyle does not expect Alice to continue the fun, and is taken totally off guard as she pulls his feet out from under him. Down he goes, his turn to be dunked.

Coming back up, he sputters a little and whirls around, trying to locate Alice as the water drips down in his eyes. For the first time that day, he can let go and forget about what had been keeping him moody all day long.

"You little...."

Gaining a mischievous grin, he lunges at Alice from behind, wrapping his arms around her to pull her under. Both are under for just a moment before he stands up again, bringing their heads above water. Keeping his arms around her waist, he spits out a stream of water. "Say uncle!"


Hearing the shreak and the small smile from Kyle Alice almost feels herself being recharged. Kyle's laughs and smiles were almost like fule to her.

As she feels Kyle's hands on her shoulder it almost feels like a shock runs through her but before she has time to pin point it or even repond to it she feels the water rush over her and filling her nose. Coming back up from the water Alice gives a cough as a grin forms on her face.

Not saying anything Alice goes back under the water. Keeping her eyes open she finds Kyle's feet and grabs on to them taking him off balance so he falls backwards.

Coming up again no words are spoken but non needed to be as she made splashes at Kyle and her laughter rang out.


Kyle sighs a little as Alice swims away, but he doesn't turn around. He wanted things to be okay again... and he didn't want anything to complain about. Yeah, they were even now on knowing everything about each other. But it still hurt, and he'd still have to work through that aspect of it. He just hoped that if there was anything else later on, that Alice wouldn't be scared to talk to him then either.

Totally lost in thought, Alice startles him from behind. He grins a little at her comment, still not turning around. "I think if I were on fire, I'd be safe... we're in a swimming pool."

Ready to take another swim, Alice's fingers to his sides make him jump. He could stand being tickled if he knew it was coming, but whenever he was taken by surprise, he couldn't stand it.

A shriek escapes and he whirls around with a splash, now facing Alice. For the moment, his headache is forgotten.

"You twerp," he chides. For the first time that day, humor twinkles in his eye. Without even thinking, he reaches out to put both hands on her shoulders and pushes, dunking her all the way under water before letting go.


Floating on her back Alice lets the water wash around her as the cooling sensation drifts over everything but her face.

"Well, WWCK you now know everything about me. So..I guess there is no complainants now huh?"

Alice gives a smile to show she was messing around with Kyle and help no ill feelings. She wanted things back to normal, she wanted to laugh with Kyle again and have fun.

Treding water once again Alice just watch Kyle for a moment. The moonlight shone in through the glass above and bounced off the water casting a glow on Kyle. Alice had never noticed before just how buff Kyle was from all the karate he did. But now, in the water with the light it just seemed to hit every curve right and enchanced them.

Suddonly Alice is snaped from her moment of dreams relizing this was her best friend she was thinking about. Kyle had looked at her as a friend, and hadnt really made any other moved other than friendship. Not to mention was she really ready for more?

Dunking herself under the water to half cool off a grin forms in her mind as she swims over to where Kyle was. Staying under the water just a little while longer she new he must still be lost in thought.

Coming upbehind she gentil comes twords him looking over his shoulder and whispers.

"Dont think so hard I smell smoke and I would hate to have to dunk you under."

Bring her hands to Kyle's sides she moves her fingers to tickle him just a little.


Kyle wipes some water off his face and squints a little as some gets in his eyes. He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, letting himself sink so just his head is above water. "I'm... sorry too."

His eyes stay downward as he treads water. He still felt like he had a fever, and his head still hurt, but the water was seeming to help. And he knew that if he and Alice were going to be okay, they needed this conversation.

"I guess I just took you for granted... figured you'd told me everything I guess... but I shouldn't have assumed that and... I shouldn't have felt bad either when you told me. You have a right to your own privacy."

Though concentrating at the design on the bottom of the pool, he was still remembering that Hunter had known before him about Alice's past. And part of his own mind was reminding himself to keep just a little distance. He and Alice were friends... best friends... but just friends nonetheless.

"So... yeah." He takes a swipe at his face again as his hair continues to drip.

Sorry again

Resting a soft hand on his arm Alice feels so bad that she had hurt her friend. She hadnt ment to, and she wanted to heal that pain.

"I didnt mean to hurt you Kyle. It still hurts to talk about my past some times. Some times I just keep it inside and done freely shair it with anyone."

Letting go on Kyle's arm Alice takes the hair band from her wrist and ties her hair back out of her face into a nice neat pony tail.

"I know I should of told you because your my best friend and you told me everything and for that I am sorry. I dont want you to think it was becuase I didnt trust you becuase thats not it at all. I am sorry I hurt you."


Kyle manages something close to a smile, but is still very quiet for several moments. He didn't rightly know what to say. There were a lot of things running through his mind, and a whole lot more he could say. But he knew he really didn't want to say all of them.

Using his feet, he springs backward from the wall, creating a wave as he sends himself into the middle of the pool again. Dunking under, he comes back up to comb his hands through his hair. Looking at Alice from a distance, he sees how not only is there space between them here, but there had been all day.

Swimming back up to her again, he concentrates on a little crack in the wall instead of looking her in the eye. "I... I'm sorry I didn't talk to you all day. It's just... I guess..." He gives a little shrug. "I guess my feelings were kinda hurt, that's all."


As Kyle comes closer Alice gives a little sigh and looks down into his eyes. They were mixed with so many differnt things as she was sure her own were too.

Thinking about Kyle's question Alice finally gives a small shake of her head. What to say and how to say it, she could write words and than when came to speeking them, she felt so stupid.

"No, the drive was horrable. With out hearing from my best friend it was boring, and...It just wasnt the same."

Silent for another moment Alice slips the rest of the way into the water with a little gasp. The water was colder than the Hot tub water but it still felt nice.

Treding water for a moment Alice leans back to look through the glass into the stary moonlit sky before turning up right again and moving back to the egde of the pool.

Looking at Kyle again and searching his eyes Alice trys to give a small smile.

"I really missed talking to you today too."


Startled by the small splash and Alice's voice, Kyle gives a start, spinning around and almost dunking himself. Treading water slowly, he looks up at Alice, a bit surprised that she'd initiated a conversation with him. Things between them had been so quiet all day... he'd wondered if she was upset with him too.

Floating closer, Kyle tilts his head back so he can look up at her face. "I'd hardly say floating in one little spot is hogging the pool."

Giving a sigh, he brings himself all the way to the edge, and rests his arms outside of the pool. He puts his chin on his hands down beside Alice, but doesn't look up. He felt downright miserable. "I... missed talking to you today," he admits. He wasn't sure how to tell her he was sorry for getting upset, but even if he did, he didn't know how to tell her why he was upset either. He wanted to get the whole thing off his chest, but just wasn't sure how.

"I take it the drive was... okay?"


Watching quietly as Kyle comes into the pool area Alice sits justs tucked away where it was easly to be over looked with her feel in the hot tub. Her walk had been nice, and half the way she even broke out into a run but now her body was paying for it and the warm water felt nice.

Just watching Kyle for a long moment Alice cant help but smile a little. Something about him, and not know she was there was a nice. He was himself and didnt try to put on any airs he was real.

Though reality comes back to her that this morning had not been the greatest maybe there was time to mend things.

Standing from the hot tub Alice wraps the towle around her wast and walks quietly over to the pool. Tossing her own towl aside Alice still very quietly slips her feet into the water and than leans down to cup her hand and splash some water at Kyle.

"Her Mr. your hogging the pool."


Hunter can't help a bit of disappointment, but he tries not to let it show, and just lets Alice go. Looking after her, he sighs. What had happened since last night? He recalled their walk in the park, their laughs, and even how Alice had let him take her hand. What had really gone on between her and Kyle this morning, and why had it seemed to make everything change? Or had he done something wrong without realizing it? He tries to think, but really can't come up with much.

Trying to shrug it off, he heads for the exit as well. "Somebody better come with me!" he hollers over his shoulder. "I'm not hauling in everyone else's bags... especially not the girls'. Theirs weigh a ton!"

He's quickly pursued, as expected, by Chloe and Myla, both in a hurry to put him in his place, while Jordan and Heath come to his rescue.

...It's been a while since the team has had a relaxing evening like this one. Laughing, swimming, a movie and some more swimming. No one had realized how close to getting burned out they'd been, and not having a program tonight had wound up being a blessing. By later that evening, Myla, Jordan and Chloe are situated on the couch to watch a movie. Heath, Blake and Shawn are involved in a brutal game of UNO, while Hunter sprawls on the living room floor, just observing everyone else's comings and goings.

Kyle has been dead to the world all evening, and only now emerges from the room with his swim trunks on.

"Hey, Kyle," Chloe greets him from the couch. "How's the head?"

"Um... still attached." Kyle grimaces as little though he tries to smile. "Thought a dip in the pool might help. Busy down there?"

"Last I checked there wasn't a soul in sight," Hunter relays. He knew... he'd been down there twice already to see if Alice had returned.

"Good." Kyle felt warm... almost feverish. But his body was achy after lying in bed all day. Wandering down to the ground level, he finds his way to the large indoor swimming pool. Hunter was right - it was empty. Tossing down his towel and pulling off his t-shirt, Kyle tests the water with a toe. It was warm. Moving to the deep end, he doesn't bother getting used to the water gradually. Springing off the edge, he dives, eventually coming up in the middle of the pool. Relaxing, he lets himself float on his back, wishing that life were as simple as this.

He just didn't feel right... but wasn't even sure why. He knew part of it was just that he didn't feel well. He knew part of it was because he was still feeling badly about that morning. And he knew part of it was the ever-present gnawing at the back of his mind, reminding him of what he really wanted to be doing.

Closing his eyes, Kyle drifts on the water, trying to forget... trying to let his mind work through so many things.


Entering the parking lot Alice dosnt even relize how long they have been driving. Her mind had been far away darting from on thing to the next.

Stoping she fingers her keys for a moment. They day had been so quiet without any calls from Kyle, or the normal spunk he shaired with her.

Seeing Kyle's smile to her before entering the hotel Alice gives one back though its small.

Pulling herself out of her jeep and grabing her bags Alice makes her way into the hotel with the others. Entering the rooms Alice cant help but her own eyes spakle just a little as the sight of the rooms, and how big everything was.

Receving Hunter's offer for something to eat Alice shy's away just a little. She wasnt sure why, but she hurt inside, and just felt like withdrawing into herself. Was it because her best friend and her were hardly talking at the moment? Alice wasnt sure but she just...wasnt herself.

Offering a smile to Hunter she trys her best to let him know its nothing to do with him.

"I..dont feel to hungry at the moment. I was thinking about maybe going for a walk and just fetting some fresh air than maybe soak in the pool once everyone is out. Thank you for the offer though."

Giving a glance to where Kyle had disapeared Alice gives a small sigh before turning to head back out of the hotel. Alice was sure everyone would relize something was up and she wasnt her own hyperself. but it just felt right now, something was sucked out of her. and hurt like it did so long ago.


Though the tension is high, being able to move forward spurs on the Elite agents. They had to think positively, and had to believe that they would be bringing Katie home.

Once everyone is familiar with where they were going and the layout, Scott and Jason both prepare to leave.

Jason's face is a bit pale, but he's on his own two feet with Rick's permission to go. The only stipulation was that Misty would go with the first group and stay back, but be there for both Katie and Jason if he needed any more help. Wyatt would also go with the first team as the driver.

As the groups form, there's not a whole lot more that can be said. They wait and watch the clock, waiting for the right time. Jason looks to Misty, hoping she was okay with all of this. "You ready?"

Scott looks over the blueprints of the building for the hundredth time. He automatically memorizes where all of the exits are in case they needed to get out quickly. His greatest fear was that once again he wouldn't be able to get out. Taking a deep breath, he gathers up his kit and aims for the downstairs garage. There would be communication devices and bullet-proof vests waiting. No one wanted to take any chances with this thing.

Reese paces a little, leery and uncomfortable with the whole thing. Time seemed to be dragging by. He often glances to Phinox to make sure everything is still on route, and continues to look after Derek and Jay, making sure they are ready as well.

The bus pulls off the interstate, making its way into town. They’d made better time than anticipated, and were here early. Without a program tonight though, they would be able to relax – something the whole team needed.

Getting to the hotel took a little doing after Jordan took a wrong turn, but eventually, they’re pulling into the parking lot. The team files out of the bus, taking time to stretch before heading for the door. They would find their rooms then grab a few bags to take in.

Kyle is the last one out of the bus, his feet dragging. Color had not yet returned to his face, and his eyes proved he was still tired. The headache had evened off but was still present… at least he hadn’t thrown up since that morning.

Trudging along in the rear, he sees Alice is still with them and he manages to force half a smile in her direction. It was rare he didn’t ride with her, or at least carry on some crazy conversation over the phone during the day. But today had been quiet. Unfortunately, there was more than Kyle not feeling well that had kept him down, and he still didn’t know how to deal with everything Alice had told him. It wasn’t like him not to go bounding over to her and drag her into the hotel with the others. Today it was a subdued walk, his hands tucked in his pockets.

Someone had sponsored this leg of the trip, and Break Out wasn’t sure what rooms to expect. It was a nice surprise as they entered the suite. One side was a room for the guys, the other for the girls, and in the middle a nice living room area with kitchen.

“Mmmm…” Myla flops down on a couch, enjoying the air conditioning. “This is nice.”

“It certainly is.” Jordan joins her, forcing her to make room as he nuzzles his head into her and closes his eyes, exhausted from the drive.

She giggles. “Don’t forget we’re not alone here.”

A grin surfaces on Jordan’s face. “We can send them to their rooms.”

“Ohhhhh no.” Heath plops down right in front of the couch grabbing the tv remote. “This is too comfy. The kids get to stay up late tonight.”

Myla ruffles Jordan’s hair. “Think we can let them stay up for one night?”

“Oh, I suppose,” Jordan mumbles. “As long as they’re not too loud.”

Several of the others laugh at the teasing. Jordan and Myla were far from anyone’s parents, but they always got razzed, being the only married couple on the trip.

“We get our own bathrooms!” Chloe squeals from one end. She sticks her head out and spies Alice. “You gotta see this – it’s huge!”

Heath cranes his neck to see back at his cousin. “What is it with women and bathrooms anyway?”

“It’s the only place we’re not allowed,” Shawn quips.

Blake snorts. “Naw that’s not it. They just like to stare at themselves in the mirror all day.” A throw pillow to his head snaps his attention to the couch where Myla’s eyes twinkle back at him.

“It’s getting too noisy,” Jordan complains, hiding his humor.

“You big party pooper.” Myla gives him a light backrub. “There’s a swimming pool downstairs.”

Jordan’s head snaps up, even though his eyes are only half-open. “I’m so there.”

Myla giggles. “Dibs on the hot tub!”

Kyle grins a little at all the mischief, but just shakes his head. For once, he didn’t join in. Heading for the guys’ bedroom, he finds one of the beds and flops down on his stomach, burying his hands under the pillow and letting his eyes fall shut. A real bed always felt good, especially today.

Hunter wanders around the suite just checking things out. Spying the girls by the other room, he ambles over. “Ladies.”

Chloe sets her hands on her hips. “No boys allowed.”

“What? I wanted to see what the big deal was.” Hunter cranes his neck to see into the bathroom.

Chloe knew good and well he was teasing, but she played it up anyway. “Out, out, out!” She gives him a shove.

Laughing, Hunter backs off, raising his hands as Chloe pushes past him. “Someone needs to cool off in the pool.” Still grinning as the humor sparkles in his eyes, he turns around to Alice. He hadn’t had a chance to talk to her all day, even though he’d wanted to. “I think we’re all going a little stir crazy,” he muses. Cocking his head, he looks at Alice for a moment, gaining back the bravery he’d lost earlier in the day. “We passed a little fast food joint on the way in…” His eyes ask her to join him for supper. “I figure burgers and fries is as least threatening as I can get,” he admits a little wryly. “And everyone else is stuck with me all day so they’re sick of my company.”