

Hunter can't help a bit of disappointment, but he tries not to let it show, and just lets Alice go. Looking after her, he sighs. What had happened since last night? He recalled their walk in the park, their laughs, and even how Alice had let him take her hand. What had really gone on between her and Kyle this morning, and why had it seemed to make everything change? Or had he done something wrong without realizing it? He tries to think, but really can't come up with much.

Trying to shrug it off, he heads for the exit as well. "Somebody better come with me!" he hollers over his shoulder. "I'm not hauling in everyone else's bags... especially not the girls'. Theirs weigh a ton!"

He's quickly pursued, as expected, by Chloe and Myla, both in a hurry to put him in his place, while Jordan and Heath come to his rescue.

...It's been a while since the team has had a relaxing evening like this one. Laughing, swimming, a movie and some more swimming. No one had realized how close to getting burned out they'd been, and not having a program tonight had wound up being a blessing. By later that evening, Myla, Jordan and Chloe are situated on the couch to watch a movie. Heath, Blake and Shawn are involved in a brutal game of UNO, while Hunter sprawls on the living room floor, just observing everyone else's comings and goings.

Kyle has been dead to the world all evening, and only now emerges from the room with his swim trunks on.

"Hey, Kyle," Chloe greets him from the couch. "How's the head?"

"Um... still attached." Kyle grimaces as little though he tries to smile. "Thought a dip in the pool might help. Busy down there?"

"Last I checked there wasn't a soul in sight," Hunter relays. He knew... he'd been down there twice already to see if Alice had returned.

"Good." Kyle felt warm... almost feverish. But his body was achy after lying in bed all day. Wandering down to the ground level, he finds his way to the large indoor swimming pool. Hunter was right - it was empty. Tossing down his towel and pulling off his t-shirt, Kyle tests the water with a toe. It was warm. Moving to the deep end, he doesn't bother getting used to the water gradually. Springing off the edge, he dives, eventually coming up in the middle of the pool. Relaxing, he lets himself float on his back, wishing that life were as simple as this.

He just didn't feel right... but wasn't even sure why. He knew part of it was just that he didn't feel well. He knew part of it was because he was still feeling badly about that morning. And he knew part of it was the ever-present gnawing at the back of his mind, reminding him of what he really wanted to be doing.

Closing his eyes, Kyle drifts on the water, trying to forget... trying to let his mind work through so many things.

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