

Though the tension is high, being able to move forward spurs on the Elite agents. They had to think positively, and had to believe that they would be bringing Katie home.

Once everyone is familiar with where they were going and the layout, Scott and Jason both prepare to leave.

Jason's face is a bit pale, but he's on his own two feet with Rick's permission to go. The only stipulation was that Misty would go with the first group and stay back, but be there for both Katie and Jason if he needed any more help. Wyatt would also go with the first team as the driver.

As the groups form, there's not a whole lot more that can be said. They wait and watch the clock, waiting for the right time. Jason looks to Misty, hoping she was okay with all of this. "You ready?"

Scott looks over the blueprints of the building for the hundredth time. He automatically memorizes where all of the exits are in case they needed to get out quickly. His greatest fear was that once again he wouldn't be able to get out. Taking a deep breath, he gathers up his kit and aims for the downstairs garage. There would be communication devices and bullet-proof vests waiting. No one wanted to take any chances with this thing.

Reese paces a little, leery and uncomfortable with the whole thing. Time seemed to be dragging by. He often glances to Phinox to make sure everything is still on route, and continues to look after Derek and Jay, making sure they are ready as well.

The bus pulls off the interstate, making its way into town. They’d made better time than anticipated, and were here early. Without a program tonight though, they would be able to relax – something the whole team needed.

Getting to the hotel took a little doing after Jordan took a wrong turn, but eventually, they’re pulling into the parking lot. The team files out of the bus, taking time to stretch before heading for the door. They would find their rooms then grab a few bags to take in.

Kyle is the last one out of the bus, his feet dragging. Color had not yet returned to his face, and his eyes proved he was still tired. The headache had evened off but was still present… at least he hadn’t thrown up since that morning.

Trudging along in the rear, he sees Alice is still with them and he manages to force half a smile in her direction. It was rare he didn’t ride with her, or at least carry on some crazy conversation over the phone during the day. But today had been quiet. Unfortunately, there was more than Kyle not feeling well that had kept him down, and he still didn’t know how to deal with everything Alice had told him. It wasn’t like him not to go bounding over to her and drag her into the hotel with the others. Today it was a subdued walk, his hands tucked in his pockets.

Someone had sponsored this leg of the trip, and Break Out wasn’t sure what rooms to expect. It was a nice surprise as they entered the suite. One side was a room for the guys, the other for the girls, and in the middle a nice living room area with kitchen.

“Mmmm…” Myla flops down on a couch, enjoying the air conditioning. “This is nice.”

“It certainly is.” Jordan joins her, forcing her to make room as he nuzzles his head into her and closes his eyes, exhausted from the drive.

She giggles. “Don’t forget we’re not alone here.”

A grin surfaces on Jordan’s face. “We can send them to their rooms.”

“Ohhhhh no.” Heath plops down right in front of the couch grabbing the tv remote. “This is too comfy. The kids get to stay up late tonight.”

Myla ruffles Jordan’s hair. “Think we can let them stay up for one night?”

“Oh, I suppose,” Jordan mumbles. “As long as they’re not too loud.”

Several of the others laugh at the teasing. Jordan and Myla were far from anyone’s parents, but they always got razzed, being the only married couple on the trip.

“We get our own bathrooms!” Chloe squeals from one end. She sticks her head out and spies Alice. “You gotta see this – it’s huge!”

Heath cranes his neck to see back at his cousin. “What is it with women and bathrooms anyway?”

“It’s the only place we’re not allowed,” Shawn quips.

Blake snorts. “Naw that’s not it. They just like to stare at themselves in the mirror all day.” A throw pillow to his head snaps his attention to the couch where Myla’s eyes twinkle back at him.

“It’s getting too noisy,” Jordan complains, hiding his humor.

“You big party pooper.” Myla gives him a light backrub. “There’s a swimming pool downstairs.”

Jordan’s head snaps up, even though his eyes are only half-open. “I’m so there.”

Myla giggles. “Dibs on the hot tub!”

Kyle grins a little at all the mischief, but just shakes his head. For once, he didn’t join in. Heading for the guys’ bedroom, he finds one of the beds and flops down on his stomach, burying his hands under the pillow and letting his eyes fall shut. A real bed always felt good, especially today.

Hunter wanders around the suite just checking things out. Spying the girls by the other room, he ambles over. “Ladies.”

Chloe sets her hands on her hips. “No boys allowed.”

“What? I wanted to see what the big deal was.” Hunter cranes his neck to see into the bathroom.

Chloe knew good and well he was teasing, but she played it up anyway. “Out, out, out!” She gives him a shove.

Laughing, Hunter backs off, raising his hands as Chloe pushes past him. “Someone needs to cool off in the pool.” Still grinning as the humor sparkles in his eyes, he turns around to Alice. He hadn’t had a chance to talk to her all day, even though he’d wanted to. “I think we’re all going a little stir crazy,” he muses. Cocking his head, he looks at Alice for a moment, gaining back the bravery he’d lost earlier in the day. “We passed a little fast food joint on the way in…” His eyes ask her to join him for supper. “I figure burgers and fries is as least threatening as I can get,” he admits a little wryly. “And everyone else is stuck with me all day so they’re sick of my company.”

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