

Entering the parking lot Alice dosnt even relize how long they have been driving. Her mind had been far away darting from on thing to the next.

Stoping she fingers her keys for a moment. They day had been so quiet without any calls from Kyle, or the normal spunk he shaired with her.

Seeing Kyle's smile to her before entering the hotel Alice gives one back though its small.

Pulling herself out of her jeep and grabing her bags Alice makes her way into the hotel with the others. Entering the rooms Alice cant help but her own eyes spakle just a little as the sight of the rooms, and how big everything was.

Receving Hunter's offer for something to eat Alice shy's away just a little. She wasnt sure why, but she hurt inside, and just felt like withdrawing into herself. Was it because her best friend and her were hardly talking at the moment? Alice wasnt sure but she just...wasnt herself.

Offering a smile to Hunter she trys her best to let him know its nothing to do with him.

"I..dont feel to hungry at the moment. I was thinking about maybe going for a walk and just fetting some fresh air than maybe soak in the pool once everyone is out. Thank you for the offer though."

Giving a glance to where Kyle had disapeared Alice gives a small sigh before turning to head back out of the hotel. Alice was sure everyone would relize something was up and she wasnt her own hyperself. but it just felt right now, something was sucked out of her. and hurt like it did so long ago.

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