
Pitter Patter

Sitting across from Dani Dalton felt nervous but content. It was nice having someone to talk with again.

"Well I know it sounds silly, but I have a butterfly and moth collection. Its just something I like to do. Its hard sometimes with my fingers being so big, but I do ok. It takes a lot of pashents but its almost soothing."

Looking down at his hands for a moment Dalton hopped Dani wouldn't laugh. It was a strange hobbies but it was something he liked. It had almost been over a year now that he had been working on them. Delicately preserving them, pinning them to frames.

Maybe that's where he had learned how to be so delicit and soft with his touch despite his size.

"Maybe sometime I can show you them. They really are pretty. What do you like to do in your free time?"

Feeling the raindrops his her face Thirteen looks up as it continues to rain hitting her in the face. Bring her hand to the drop on her face Thirteen just whipes it away as it mixes with her own tears.

She wasnt sure why she was so sad about this, but maybe depression had set in jus thinking about being locked up again.

As the rain starts to pound harder Thirteen let out a sneeze. The sound of the pitter patter rain drownding out almost everything except her own thoughts.


Dani smiles as she takes Dalton's arm and walks with him up and out of TJY. "Um, I don't know... I like most any kind of food... maybe we can go for Chinese?"

It isn't long before the two are seated in a quiet corner of the restaurant, waiting for their food. Dani tried to make it light, but she did feel a little awkward. It had been quite a while since a man had asked her out, and she hardly knew Dalton. But there was something about him that she trusted. Some people might be scared of him, just because of his size alone. But... Dani wasn't.

"So, um... I don't know much about you... tell me what keeps you occupied when you're away from work?"

Ryder looks around the main floor, barely hearing Sapphire. "No... no. Um... no, thanks. Just let me know if you see her, okay?"

Heading away, he goes straight for the control room. "Hal? Hal?" The room was empty. Giving a little growl, Ryder goes in anyway and checks one of the monitors, typing and clicking until he got what he wanted. Security camera five near the door. He rewinds then fast forwards. His heart drops as he sees what he hoped he wouldn't. He checks the time. It had been hours. "No... no, no, no, no!"

Getting up, Ryder sprints to Reese's office without knocking. "She's gone."

"What on earth are you talking about?!"

"Thirteen. She's gone. She left."

Reese is on his feet. "What do you mean she left? How?"

"I don't know. She was there, she was gone and I found the footage. She left hours ago."

"I warned you." Reese points a finger at Ryder. "I warned you to lock the door and you wouldn't do it. And this is what happens."

"Look, if-"

"Find her, Ryder," Reese orders. "Now! Take someone with you and go!"

Ryder doesn't need to be told twice. He's out the door and across the floor before anyone else even notices. Getting in his car, he looks up at the sky, frowning at the gray clouds. Pushing the pedal to the floor, he burns rubber, heading down the street.

Twenty minutes later, he's back on that side of town, but he's on foot, with Trooper by his side. A raindrop hits his face. "Thirteen!" He looks around the street, glancing into alleyways and parking lots. "Thirteen!" He knew she hadn't gone to the Agency, he just knew it. "Thirteen!"

The rain starts in earnest, and Ryder pulls the hood of his raincoat over his head. Trooper gives a little woof of complaint, but then strains at the leash. Ryder lets him and follows, hoping the dog was looking for Thirteen and not just a dry place to sit.

My lady

Sitting on the swing with her back to the road Thirteen gently rocks herself back and forth. The noises around her made her jump, and she felt scared but she had no where else to go. Tear still rolled down her cheeks as she sat and thought.

Feeling her tummy rumble Thirteen can guess its lunch time now. She couldn't help but wonder if Ryder had checked and saw if she was gone now or not.

She new she should go back, but she didn't want to be inside and she didn't want to be treated like a no one anymore. She had spend 22 years of her life locked away like a caged animal. Now Ryder had started to show her life outside that, and now they wanted to take it away from her again and keep her locked up again. It wasn't fair, and Ryder taught her it wasnt right eather.

Thnder rumbled in the distance as a storm started to roll in as the sky started to grow darker.

Looking up as Dani enter again Dalton took note to her puffy eyes, and the redness but didnt draw attachen to them. She still looked so pretty.

Standing from his desk and turning the moniter off, Dalton gives a small smile.

"Well I am happy they wont be doing anything to you. I'd hate to be left hanging for lunch."

Placing his sun glasses on and than walking over to Dani he holds his arm out for her to take a hold gentily.

"Now my lady, where would you like to go to relax and just have a nice time?"

Dalton helps escort Dani out of TJY not minding who was looking, or whispering.

Looking up from her desk as Ryder came to a skidding halt Sapphire thinks for a long moment.

"I was wrapped up in my work so I didnt see anyone but about three hours ago I thought I saw someone go up on the elevator. I am not sure if it was Thirteen or now."

Sapphire shows a look of sarrow on her face as she looks up at Ryder.

"Sorry I dont know more. Did you need help with getting her?"


Dani can't help her smile and she looks down, now just a little embarrassed. "Um... okay. I'll go talk to Reese and... I'll come back then."

Looking up at Dalton one more time, her eyes are dry now. For some reason, she wasn't quite as worried.

The morning seems to go by so slowly, but only because unwanted work is involved. It really doesn't take all that long for Dani to talk to Reese and for Ryder to busy himself with unimportant tasks.

Dani comes slowly down the hall again, her eyes red and puffy from more tears that she had cried. But it was over now.

She lightly taps on Dalton's open office door and steps inside just a little hesitantly. She had tried to look a little better but it wouldn't do much good. It would be obvious to anyone that she'd been crying, and her hair was a mess and she didn't have any makeup on.

"I... they're not going to do anything to me," she mentions quietly. "I mean... for helping Alec. Reese said since I didn't have mal-intent that it would be okay but... I guess I learned my lesson."

Swallowing, she looks back up at Dalton and bites her lip. "If... you still want to go to lunch? I should get to Mom and Pop's afterward... no use in making Carson any more mad at me than he is already. But I really just want to sit and relax somewhere first and i guess I am kind of hungry."

Ryder looks at the clock and sighs. He'd stayed away from the spare room for the last few hours, even though he hadn't wanted to. It felt like tough love, but it didn't feel right since it wasn't intentional.

Stopping by the break room, he checks to see that there are some sandwiches and pop still there. He would bring Thirteen in here to eat lunch with him at least.

Ambling to the spare room, he taps on the door. "Thirteen?" No response. Frowning, he hopes she wasn't still upset with him. After another try, he finally just opens the door. To his surprise, the room is empty. "Thirteen?"

A strange feeling settled over Ryder as he backs out of the room and looks down the hall. He tries the bathroom, but finds it empty. He checks the empty offices, goes downstairs and even checks on Alec. But no matter where he goes, Thirteen is no where to be found. Surely she wouldn't have gone outside. She was still so scared But... where else...

His walk turns into a run. Skidding by Sapphire's cubicle, he stops. "You seen Thirteen anywhere?"


Being left there alone now Thirteen was scared and confused. Though Ryder looked sorry and said his hands were tied, why was there a change now? Thirteen still couldnt help but think she did something wrong.

Just standing in the middle of the room Thirteen could feel the hot tears that rolled down her cheek. Why was she so upset?

No, she didn't want to be here in this room. Outside, she didn't mind it there now, and it was obvious she wasn't wanted here anymore or thats how it felt.

Grabbing what little she had Thirteen opens the door and pokes her head out looking around. Not seeing anyone she slowly and quietly slips out of TJY aiming for the door and leaving through the elevator. Her destination the closes park.

A more assured smile spreads on Dalton's face and he cant help but laugh himself just a little. He new he made an idiot of himself but he was happy it had not scaired Dani away.

"Ok, when you are done just come back to the office and I'll take you to lunch."

Dalton's large hand makes its way down Dani's face and to her arm. Who ever though such a large man could be so soft and gentil.

"I'll take you anywhere you want to go, it dosnt matter."

A small light shone in Dalton's eye though he was also so scaired. He'd never really asked a girl on a date before. But he was sure it would be ok.


Thirteen's voice and tears cut Ryder to the quick. He knew that even though he wasn't meaning to, that Thirteen was taking his actions like a cold shoulder. He hadn't wanted it this way. But Reese had been firm, and that, mixed with a bit of guilt, resulted in this necessary decision.

"I'm sorry..." His voice softens. Reaching out, he pulls Thirteen a little closer, tucking her hair behind her ear. "I just... it has to be this way. Please try to understand... for me? I... I'm sorry."

His eyes search hers, trying to convey what was going on. How could he tell her that this was out of his hands? How could he tell her that he was sorry for earlier... that Reese was right - he shouldn't have taken her to Jason's? How could he tell her that he knew he shouldn't have kissed her? He was on duty... this was his job. He needed to respect the rules... not only for his job's sake, but for her sake as well. It wasn't right that he was the only thing in her life... she needed more.

"I'm sorry," he repeats again. "I'll be in my cubicle and I'll see you for lunch."

Dani's stomach gives a little lurch as Dalton's hand runs down her face. She swallows hard and can feel the heat replacing the tears.

Hearing what he has to say, she blinks and straightens just a little, confused for a moment. "I..." Letting him finish, her eyebrows rise. Suddenly she wasn't worried about the trouble she was in, but rather she wanted to understand just what Dalton was saying.

Before she can stop it, a little giggle breaks through. She didn't mean to make fun of him in the least. But hearing him fumbling around his words hit her as cute and even charming in a way that she couldn't help the giggle.

"Yes." The reply was out before she could think. "If... if I'm not in to much trouble here."

Gutter Flower

Looking up at Ryder now in the room she hated again her lip trembled just a little. She could feel the change with him now and she wasn't sure why. Only hours ago she had gotten a completely different feeling from him and now it almost seemed cold.

"But Ryder, I...I don't want to stay here. I promise I wont make trouble and I will be super quiet."

Thirteen trys to hold her little tears back. She was trying she really was, had she dont something wrong?

"I've been good Ryder and haven't gotten scared when we have been out. Please don't make me stay here."

Begging was not something Thirteen wanted to do and she didn't want to make Ryder feel bad but she just didn't understand and it almost hurt that Ryder seemed so cold now.

Giving a nod a small smile makes its way on Dalton's face. A gentil hand running down the side of Dani's face. She did something to him, and he felt so open around her.

"Yes, really."

He ment what he said and he new it made Dani feel good and thats what mattered. Making such a pretty flower shine and bloom was something that should happen more in the dark world.

"You Dani Bank's are what I call a gutter flower."

Stoping for a moment he almost cringers before he continues.

"I know that sounds horrable but....Your so beautiful and have been delt such a crappy hand. If I could pick you and take you some place better, where would you want me to take you?"

Cringing again Dalton shakes his head.

"Dani can I take you on a date is what I mean? I think..."


Trooper gives a little growl to show he's displeased with the tension in the air, but a look from Ryder warns him to stand down.

Hal glances at the dog warily, already having made a mental note not to act as a threat towards Thirteen. He turns, leaving to wait for the other two.

Ryder's fingers have curled around Thirteen's hand automatically, and he waits until Hal is gone to turn to her. There was an apology in his eyes... but not just for the intrusion. His face shows he's just about to say something, then changes his mind. "Come on," he prompts gently. "It'll be okay. We gotta go back for a little while at least."

After picking up the living room, making sure Trooper was set for the day and gathering anything they'd brought, Ryder leads Thirteen outside and in the car. Pulling from the driveway, he checks his rearview mirror to see that Hal was close behind...

"Alright, wait here just a few minutes, okay?" Ryder makes sure that Thirteen is sitting in Susanne's extra chair before approaching Reese's office. He wasn't looking forward to this, and he didn't want Thirteen to have to be there either.

It is only moments before Ryder is in the next office with the door closed behind him as he sits down across from Reese. The conversation is tense and to the point.

"Not only was it against protocol, against my orders and stupid, it was inappropriate!" Already upset from all the other events, Reese throws his arms in the air. "You took her to Jason's house! Have you no sense left in your head?!"

"I didn't act inappropriately!" Ryder defends, though his face reddens slightly.

Reese quirks an eyebrow, already picking up on a vibe that was awfully close to guilt. "Oh, really?"

Ten minutes later, the door opens again and Ryder comes back into Susanne's office. Gesturing to Thirteen, he offers the best smile he can and takes her by the hand to quietly lead her back across the main floor, down the hall and to the spare room. Once there, the door stays open and he turns Thirteen so she can see his face.

"I'm not in all that much trouble," he reassures. He knew that had been a fear of hers. But something is different. Something in his tone isn't quite as warm. Something has changed.

"You're gonna have to stay here," he tells her pretty flatly. "I'm sorry. But Reese won't have it any other way and... it's probably best. He's probably right. So... tell me what you need to get through the day and night and... I'll get it for you. Then I have other work I need to do."

Dani sniffs again, and is a little surprised at Dalton's gentleness and the offer of a tissue. With such a horrible morning, for a moment she felt a little warm again.

His comment catches her off guard and she looks up quickly. "Really?" She swallows and sniffs one more time. "I mean... I have?"

Old Hulk

Ryan rolls her own eyes at Leo as she gives a chuckle. She felt back that Leo was always the one getting picked on but she also had to admit it was kind of funny.

"I am sure its not broken you big wuss, you just might lose a nail or something. So no gold shoes to match the shorts, and tank top tonight ok?"

Giving another grin Ryan turns again and pops the hood on her car to start working on it before they all got in trouble when the boss showed up.

Feeling Ryder's hand on her chin Thirteen looks up at him again. Seeing him lean in a little closer Thirteen continues to watch Ryder's eyes searching, and wondering about his intent. Her own eyes almost go wide as she new what would happen next. A panic ran over her but not because she was scaired but because she didnt know what to do, or how to react.

Quickly trying to calm herself and think images pass in her mind of the differnt books she read but as she feels Ryder's breath on her face as was lost, and feeling his soft gentil lips on her own Thirteen closes her own eyes intisapating the next moment as she almost felt like melting.

But the moment was shattered as the male voice eckos through the house. Jumping Thirteen can feeling herself tense once again and start to shiver just a little she slips her hand into Ryder's for his reasurance that everything would be ok.

Feeling sorry for Dani, Dalton's face held a softer look. He had hurd what happend, and that Dani might have been the reason for Alec's escape but he also tryed to have an understanding.

"We all lean sometimes that not everyone can be trusted. Family or not. You thought you were doing good, and thats a good thing. But next time you just have to think better ya know?"

Dalton gives a small sigh as he looks down at Dani. He hated seeing anyone cry let alone a woman. It just broke his heart.

"People will be mad, but we have Alec again so they will get over it."

Pulling a tissue from his pocket his large hands almost hide it was he softlys trys to whip Dani's tears away. Thinking for a moment before talking again. It wasnt often he showed a soft side, but maybe this was just another crack in his hard shell.

"I'm awfully glad you come around. You always walk past my office and though I dont always say something. You've given this old Hulk something to smile about."


Leo laughs and slides off the hood with a dramatic bow. "Your wish is my command!"

Spinning around, he runs right into Ron, who promptly drops his toolbox on impact. A howl is let loose from Leo's mouth and he grabs at his foot that the toolbox landed on. "Ohhhh, I'm in pain!"

Ron doesn't have much sympathy for him, and starts to pick up the tools. "The rest of us are in pain from listening to you two flirt with each other since you got here too. Serves you right for not paying attention."

"Hey, but I-"

"Now now, children," Axel chides teasingly from his car. "Play nice."

"I can't play at all now," Leo complains, rubbing his foot through his tennis shoe. "I think I broke a toe."

"You big wuss." Ron rolls his eyes. "Work. Car. Darrell will be here any minute."

Receiving the kiss to the cheek, Ryder's mouth curls into a smile. He saw Thirteen's cheeks flush and knew that she was probably a little embarrassed, not sure what to do.

"You're welcome," comes his whispered response. He reaches down to tilt her chin up again and leans close, watching Thirteen's eyes to ensure he wasn't scaring her. Cocking his head just a little his lips barely brush against hers-


Ryder shoots up and whips around to the stern voice coming from around the corner at the door. "What the-"

Trooper hadn't even barked. The dog knew the vehicle and the familiar scent of Hal.

"Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in?" Hal's voice rolls into the kitchen before he appears, a frown on his face.

Ryder sighs and throws up his hands. "I can take a guess. How long did it take you to find me?"

"Not long after we realized this morning that the girl was gone. Jason knew where you were."

Ryder rolls his eyes. "Great. Reese ready to kill me?"

"No, he's got his hands full of Dani Banks at the moment. Sounds like she's the one who let Alec loose - you were right. He's got her down there now, but I can't go back without you."

"Well what am I supposed to do with Thirteen now, huh? We can't just keep her at TJY the rest of her life, and she doesn't deserve prison."

"You're gonna have to talk to Reese about it," Hal warns. "Not me. I'm sorry." He gives Thirteen a gentler glance, not wanting to scare her any more than he probably already had. "Both of you need to get ready to go. I'll follow you in."

Dani whips around, startled by Dalton. She has to look up to see his face, and her own grows hot. "Yes... yes I'm fine... I mean no... I..."

She sniffs again, as another several tears escape to trickle down her face. Her head is lowered again. "I'm in trouble and... and I didn't meant to... I didn't know.... but now Carson's mad and I have to talk to Reese and... and.... I should just stay away from here... I shouldn't ever have come."

Her voice trembles as she talks, almost in a whimper. "I didn't know Alec was lying to me... I just feel so.... so stupid."


Feeling her cheeks getting red Thirteen looks up into Ryder's eyes, as she tummy did flip flops again. It was a strange feeling but it didn't feel like something that should be feared.

Leaning up just a little Thirteen gives Ryder a small kiss on the cheek before retreating again and leaning back into the chair. She had only read it in books about kissing, and didn't know if she did it the right way or not but it was done.

"Thank you for everything."

Letting out a small sigh Thirteen looks down at her hands for a moment. She liked being around Ryder, she liked talking to him. What would she do when he was gone?

Ryan grins and shakes her head as Leo hopes up on her car.

"I get out at 6, unless someone keeps sitting on the hood of the car I need to work on!"

She cant help but give a slap to Leo's arm as she goes over to one of the doors and opens it starting the engine with a bang right underneath Leo.

"Mind grabbing my tools for me?"

Not really getting into the mold of things yet today Dalton was hardly awake but his hearing was as sharp as always. Picking up on the soft sniffles, and the scuffing of feet for a moment maybe his hearing was off today. But hearing it again he knows its really there.

Looking up from his desk he see Dani slowly walking past his office and can catch the redness of her face, and the bloodshot eyes before she lowers her gaze again.

Getting up from his desk and worried something was wrong he quickly exits the office. In a few long strides she was close enough to Dani to stop her. Gentily placing his hand on her shoulder she gently asks.

"Hey, are you ok?"

How could you

Ryder stares over Thirteen's shoulder into the mirror, the only emotion showing through a little grin at the corner of his mouth.

In response to her question, he moves around in front of her, bent low so his face is inches from hers, his hands on the chair beside her shoulders. "I think you're beautiful. And don't you ever let anyone else tell you otherwise."

Leo watches Ryan walk away and straightens up, his mouth hanging open for a minute. "But... it... I... I just..."

Inwardly kicking himself, he steps after her, getting between her and the car she was going to work on. "I didn't say I didn't want to go," he corrects. "But how many times have you told me no? You can't blame me for not believing you."

Bouncing up to sit on the hood of the car so Ryan couldn't open it yet, he looks up at her with a grin. "How could I say no to you? What time do you get off work?"

"I'm sorry!"

"Dani, how could you?!" Carson paces inside the interrogation room, his temper rising. "I thought you were smarter than that!"

"He told me he could prove he was innocent!" A tear runs down Dani's cheek. She'd barely had time to get ready for anything this morning when Carson had received a phone call of confirmation from Reese, and she'd been brought in to TJY for questioning. Alec was back in the holding cell.

"And you believed him?!" Still upset, Carson looks at his watch. "I gotta go. Aerith and Mabel are already opening up the restaurant and I can't bail on them today. You're gonna have to deal with Reese yourself."

"But Carson-"

"No! You got yourself into this mess. I can't spend my time fighting your battle. You were stupid enough to think Alec was legit, and to swallow his lies and help him escape, you can figure out how to get yourself out of this. I'll see you later."

Seeing her brother heading out the door, another tear falls from Dani's eye as her lower lip trembles. She hadn't meant to cause trouble. She'd believed Alec... she thought he was good deep down, like Carson was. She knew she shouldn't have helped him escape but he'd said he would come back in an hour with evidence.

Standing up from the table, she knew she should be grateful they hadn't locked her in here. Reese was being as nice as possible, letting her tell him when she was ready to talk. But this was still scary and she didn't know what would happen, now that she'd helped a criminal escape.

Wandering into the hall, Dani swipes at her eyes and ducks her gaze as someone passes her. She would go to Reese's office and let him know she was ready. There wasn't much to tell. He probably knew everything already. But if something was going to happen to her because of all this then... she would find out now.

Her feet scuffed on the floor as she headed to the offices on the other side of the main floor. Passing an open door, she glances up just in time to see Dalton, but she's quick to lower her eyes again. She was so ashamed and she hurt too, for upsetting her brother like she had.


Taking a few steps backwards Ryan looks at Leo for a long moment almost shocked by his response. Maybe she had taken him for granted or just read him wrong.

Not sure how to respond to Leo since he said no Ryan is quiet for a few moments longer.

"Do I always have to have a punchline?"

Ryan cross her arms over her chest as a small grin was on her face. The only thing she could do was what she normally did. Never had she been in a situation like this before.

"I don't understand you Leo? You have been chasing me around for months now ever week asking me out at least once and now when I decide to finally give it a go, you don't want to?"

Shaking her head and turning to walk twords the car she would be working on today Ryan gives a heavy sigh.

"Your worse than a woman you know that Leo?"

Thirteen makes
it quick getting her shower taken care of though the water felt nice and she would of liked to stay longer she new Ryder was waiting.

Once breakfast was done and Thirteen was sitting in the chair with the towel around her neck she closed her eyes and let Ryder go to work. Though she could feel herself shaking just a little Thirteen new she would be ok in Ryder's hands.

Once Ryder is finished and Thirteen opens her eyes looking at her own reflection in the mirror. Moving her head side to side to look at herself in the mirror.

"It looks good, I like it."

Looking into the mirror again Thirteen brings her hands up to Ryder's arms and moves them just a little as he makes his comment on her being pretty. Now seeing his face in the mirror Thirteen just looks at him for a long moment studying his eyes as a strange feeling enters her tummy.

"You think I'm pretty?"

Pretty young lady

Leo's concentration is on the tool bench and he lifts an eyebrow as Ryan comes up behind him. Giving her a sidelong glance, his hands stay busy wiping grease off a wrench with a rag. "Dinner? You and me?"

A little laugh surfaces. "What gives, Ryan? I keep waiting for the punchline here."

He sets down the tool and rag, then turns around to lean back against the tool bench and fold his arms across his chest. He cocks his head, studying Ryan's eyes. "I rank among the most-ignored. How come all of a sudden you want me around?" It was apparent that though he continually tried to get Ryan's attention, now that he was getting it, he didn't believe it was real.

Ryder grins as Thirteen leaves the chair, and he stretches long, yawning again. "Me, trim your hair?" He would have laughed, had he not suddenly seen a disastrous picture in his mind. Making Thirteen sit in a strange shop in a strange chair with a stranger behind her with scissors... not good. Well, he'd cut hair before. He could do it again.

"Alright. Go clean up and I'll meet you in the kitchen. Then we'll have breakfast."

A little while later, Ryder has Thirteen sitting in a kitchen chair with a towel around her neck, her hair still damp from the shower. He takes a comb and gently works through a few tangles. "Okay, here we go..."

He grabs the scissors off the counter, and studies her hair for a moment before going to work. He's silent as he clips, letting the short trimmings fall to the floor. Coming around the front of Thirteen, he bends a little and tells her to close her eyes as he trims around the edges. His thumb rests under her chin to tilt her head back as need be.

It doesn't take long before the scissors are laid aside, and he's raking his fingers through her hair instead, helping it dry the rest of the way. Finding a small mirror, he leans down from behind her and holds the mirror up in front of her face, smiling over her shoulder. "There now... who's the pretty young lady, hmm?"

Outside of Town

Squinting her eyes as she enters the shop Ryan's eyes held dark circles under them proving that she might not have gotten much sleep last night. After dropping Leo off for the night she stayed up a little later joining with a few other people she new at the bar to celebrate her victory before finally heading home and to bed as the sun came over the horizon.

Making her way to the the time clock to punch in Ryan cant help but stop and watch the men work on the cars as her eyes fall on Leo and linger there for a long moment just watching his every move.

Hearing her cell phone ring snaps her out of whatever trans she had been in.

"Whiting here...."

Ryan swipes her badge in with a beep letting her know for the day she was working.

"Yeah, tonight...I...."

Looking out at Leo once again Ryan lets out a small sigh.

"...yeah I'll be there. Alright, bye."

Putting her phone away she was a little more dishearten than before but maybe it would still work. That was if Leo wanted to come with her.

Going out to the shop bay Ryan gives a wave to everything coming up behind Leo and slinging an arm around his shoulder leaning on him.

"So, I have a little bit of cleaning up to do outside of town and well I was wondering if maybe you'd like to come Leo and keep me company. Promise I wont make you wair any short shorts or a tank top."

Ryan gives a grin as she looks at Leo, humor in her eyes, but the searous glint behind them was there.

"Maybe after we could do dinner!"

Slowly opening her eyes Thirteen almost forgets she had fallen asleep in Ryder's lap but hearing his voice brings a small smile to her face.

"Can you trim it for me?"

Looking up at Ryder she gives a smile again, but than as if relizing again where she was her cheek get a little red as she sits up.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep on you, it just....it was nice to sleep soundly and feel safe for once."

Giving a little stretch Thirteen slips gently off Ryder's lap so he can have room to move and stretch out himself.

Someone needs...

Leo just stands, watching Ryan walk away. Miles sets his hands on his hips. "Well now... looks like you finally snagged yourself a girl."

Leo watches until Ryan is out of sight in the crowd before turning his face to Miles. A grin is forced to the surface. "Heh... sure."

"You're supposed to sound happy, Stupid."

"I would be..."


"If I thought it were true." Leo shakes his head, a laugh finally coming to light. "You know me. Angels are always out of my reach." Still grinning, he slings an arm around Miles' shoulders. "Let's go route her on, Pal. She wants to hear us."

...A win was cheered on from the sidelines as loudly as any other. Many were not surprised that Ryan had won, though many were upset over money lost.

The crowd grew rowdy and didn't disperse until late. Friends dwindled for the night, only to reunite again the next day.

"Leo! Toss me that screwdriver!" Ron flails his arm out from under the car. "Leo? Leo!"



Leo pushes off the tool bench and scrounges for the tool before tossing it to Ron.

"What's with you?" Ron asks, just a little annoyed.

"He didn't get enough sleep last night," Axel teases from another car. "Up too late watching those things we don't talk about around here."

"Stuff a sock in it, Axel."

Axel spins around, taken totally off guard. "Whoa, easy. Sorry. You alright?"

"Yeah, fine." Leo waves him off, relaxing. "Sorry. Need help with that over there?"


The morning light peeked through the blinds on the windows, playing about Ryder's face. He stirs, squinting a little. Yawning, he starts to stretch, then remembers the bundle on his lap. He'd slept like a rock all night and had almost forgotten that Thirteen had joined him on the chair.

Running his fingers through her hair, he tries to wake her gently. "Someone needs a haircut," he muses quietly.

The most

Giving a smile for maybe the first time her cheaks go red as she can feel the heat up her neck. It was strange. The hardness was still there but Leo had found an unseen entrances.

Composing herself Ryan leans her head against Leo's for a moment looking into his eyes.

"Your two sweet you know that."

Pulling away she looks to Miles and rolls her eyes giving him a grin and than looking back to Leo.

"I guess I should get going if I wanna race huh? I expect to hear your voice above everyone else after all its the one I like the most."

Turning around again Ryan leaves before throwing one more glance over her shoulder then getting into her car.


Being taken in by Ryan's kiss, it takes Leo a moment just to realize what was going on. His muffled protest goes unheard, but quickly dwindles as his arm wraps around Ryan's waist, the other over her shoulders.

"Aw man!" Miles spins around to turn his back on them. "The race is about to start and you two are... yeah."

Leo ignores him completely, blinking as Ryan finally pulls away. Hearing her question, he just stares at her dumbly for a moment. "Uh... um... I... didn't know angels needed luck."


Walking away Ryan stops as she is about to turn to say something but catches part of the conversation and Leo thinking she was joking. Maybe she was, maybe she wasnt or maybe it was the moonlight, the music and the thrill of the race that made her want to do what she did next. Or maybe, just maybe somewhere she had grown to like Leo a little more.

Walking quickly back over to Leo Ryan takes him in by the arms and turns him around looking at him in the eyes for a moment before bringing her lips to his and giving him a deep kiss that last for a few moments before pulling away as she grins.

"I said wish me luck or was the incentive of a date not good enough?"


Feeling Thirteen's hands, then her weight on his lap, Ryder opens his eyes, and lifts his arms, a bit bewildered. He expected her to say something, but she remains quiet, simply curling up on his legs.

He blinks, not really sure how to react as she nuzzles her face into his chest. Slowly, he lets his arm drop and wrap around her, pulling her close so she can't roll off the chair. His other hand takes the blanket to tuck it around her, his fingers brushing lightly against her cheek.

Taking a deep breath, he lets it out slowly, wondering how on earth he'd gotten himself into this position. It wasn't that he didn't like it... but he would have a hard time letting go.

Bending his neck, he plants a soft kiss in Thirteen's hair. "You're welcome," he whispers.

Leaning back, he closes his eyes once more. Sleep was quick to come.

Getting yanked closer to Ryan, Leo's eyes go wide for just a moment. Too soon though, she's already pulled away, and his arm is left hanging open.

A silly grin spreads on his face and he lets out sly growl, lifting and lowering his eyebrows.

Miles slaps his arm. "She serious?"

Leo stops the act and smirks, thinking Ryan is out of earshot. "Kidding? She's just fooling around. She is so out of my league, man."

"Hasn't stopped you from asking her on a date every five minutes."


"Sure." Miles gives him a knowing look and elbows him.

Leo elbows him back. "Whatever. Let's go find Ron."