

Leo laughs and slides off the hood with a dramatic bow. "Your wish is my command!"

Spinning around, he runs right into Ron, who promptly drops his toolbox on impact. A howl is let loose from Leo's mouth and he grabs at his foot that the toolbox landed on. "Ohhhh, I'm in pain!"

Ron doesn't have much sympathy for him, and starts to pick up the tools. "The rest of us are in pain from listening to you two flirt with each other since you got here too. Serves you right for not paying attention."

"Hey, but I-"

"Now now, children," Axel chides teasingly from his car. "Play nice."

"I can't play at all now," Leo complains, rubbing his foot through his tennis shoe. "I think I broke a toe."

"You big wuss." Ron rolls his eyes. "Work. Car. Darrell will be here any minute."

Receiving the kiss to the cheek, Ryder's mouth curls into a smile. He saw Thirteen's cheeks flush and knew that she was probably a little embarrassed, not sure what to do.

"You're welcome," comes his whispered response. He reaches down to tilt her chin up again and leans close, watching Thirteen's eyes to ensure he wasn't scaring her. Cocking his head just a little his lips barely brush against hers-


Ryder shoots up and whips around to the stern voice coming from around the corner at the door. "What the-"

Trooper hadn't even barked. The dog knew the vehicle and the familiar scent of Hal.

"Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in?" Hal's voice rolls into the kitchen before he appears, a frown on his face.

Ryder sighs and throws up his hands. "I can take a guess. How long did it take you to find me?"

"Not long after we realized this morning that the girl was gone. Jason knew where you were."

Ryder rolls his eyes. "Great. Reese ready to kill me?"

"No, he's got his hands full of Dani Banks at the moment. Sounds like she's the one who let Alec loose - you were right. He's got her down there now, but I can't go back without you."

"Well what am I supposed to do with Thirteen now, huh? We can't just keep her at TJY the rest of her life, and she doesn't deserve prison."

"You're gonna have to talk to Reese about it," Hal warns. "Not me. I'm sorry." He gives Thirteen a gentler glance, not wanting to scare her any more than he probably already had. "Both of you need to get ready to go. I'll follow you in."

Dani whips around, startled by Dalton. She has to look up to see his face, and her own grows hot. "Yes... yes I'm fine... I mean no... I..."

She sniffs again, as another several tears escape to trickle down her face. Her head is lowered again. "I'm in trouble and... and I didn't meant to... I didn't know.... but now Carson's mad and I have to talk to Reese and... and.... I should just stay away from here... I shouldn't ever have come."

Her voice trembles as she talks, almost in a whimper. "I didn't know Alec was lying to me... I just feel so.... so stupid."

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