
Gutter Flower

Looking up at Ryder now in the room she hated again her lip trembled just a little. She could feel the change with him now and she wasn't sure why. Only hours ago she had gotten a completely different feeling from him and now it almost seemed cold.

"But Ryder, I...I don't want to stay here. I promise I wont make trouble and I will be super quiet."

Thirteen trys to hold her little tears back. She was trying she really was, had she dont something wrong?

"I've been good Ryder and haven't gotten scared when we have been out. Please don't make me stay here."

Begging was not something Thirteen wanted to do and she didn't want to make Ryder feel bad but she just didn't understand and it almost hurt that Ryder seemed so cold now.

Giving a nod a small smile makes its way on Dalton's face. A gentil hand running down the side of Dani's face. She did something to him, and he felt so open around her.

"Yes, really."

He ment what he said and he new it made Dani feel good and thats what mattered. Making such a pretty flower shine and bloom was something that should happen more in the dark world.

"You Dani Bank's are what I call a gutter flower."

Stoping for a moment he almost cringers before he continues.

"I know that sounds horrable but....Your so beautiful and have been delt such a crappy hand. If I could pick you and take you some place better, where would you want me to take you?"

Cringing again Dalton shakes his head.

"Dani can I take you on a date is what I mean? I think..."

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