

Dani can't help her smile and she looks down, now just a little embarrassed. "Um... okay. I'll go talk to Reese and... I'll come back then."

Looking up at Dalton one more time, her eyes are dry now. For some reason, she wasn't quite as worried.

The morning seems to go by so slowly, but only because unwanted work is involved. It really doesn't take all that long for Dani to talk to Reese and for Ryder to busy himself with unimportant tasks.

Dani comes slowly down the hall again, her eyes red and puffy from more tears that she had cried. But it was over now.

She lightly taps on Dalton's open office door and steps inside just a little hesitantly. She had tried to look a little better but it wouldn't do much good. It would be obvious to anyone that she'd been crying, and her hair was a mess and she didn't have any makeup on.

"I... they're not going to do anything to me," she mentions quietly. "I mean... for helping Alec. Reese said since I didn't have mal-intent that it would be okay but... I guess I learned my lesson."

Swallowing, she looks back up at Dalton and bites her lip. "If... you still want to go to lunch? I should get to Mom and Pop's afterward... no use in making Carson any more mad at me than he is already. But I really just want to sit and relax somewhere first and i guess I am kind of hungry."

Ryder looks at the clock and sighs. He'd stayed away from the spare room for the last few hours, even though he hadn't wanted to. It felt like tough love, but it didn't feel right since it wasn't intentional.

Stopping by the break room, he checks to see that there are some sandwiches and pop still there. He would bring Thirteen in here to eat lunch with him at least.

Ambling to the spare room, he taps on the door. "Thirteen?" No response. Frowning, he hopes she wasn't still upset with him. After another try, he finally just opens the door. To his surprise, the room is empty. "Thirteen?"

A strange feeling settled over Ryder as he backs out of the room and looks down the hall. He tries the bathroom, but finds it empty. He checks the empty offices, goes downstairs and even checks on Alec. But no matter where he goes, Thirteen is no where to be found. Surely she wouldn't have gone outside. She was still so scared But... where else...

His walk turns into a run. Skidding by Sapphire's cubicle, he stops. "You seen Thirteen anywhere?"

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