

Trooper gives a little growl to show he's displeased with the tension in the air, but a look from Ryder warns him to stand down.

Hal glances at the dog warily, already having made a mental note not to act as a threat towards Thirteen. He turns, leaving to wait for the other two.

Ryder's fingers have curled around Thirteen's hand automatically, and he waits until Hal is gone to turn to her. There was an apology in his eyes... but not just for the intrusion. His face shows he's just about to say something, then changes his mind. "Come on," he prompts gently. "It'll be okay. We gotta go back for a little while at least."

After picking up the living room, making sure Trooper was set for the day and gathering anything they'd brought, Ryder leads Thirteen outside and in the car. Pulling from the driveway, he checks his rearview mirror to see that Hal was close behind...

"Alright, wait here just a few minutes, okay?" Ryder makes sure that Thirteen is sitting in Susanne's extra chair before approaching Reese's office. He wasn't looking forward to this, and he didn't want Thirteen to have to be there either.

It is only moments before Ryder is in the next office with the door closed behind him as he sits down across from Reese. The conversation is tense and to the point.

"Not only was it against protocol, against my orders and stupid, it was inappropriate!" Already upset from all the other events, Reese throws his arms in the air. "You took her to Jason's house! Have you no sense left in your head?!"

"I didn't act inappropriately!" Ryder defends, though his face reddens slightly.

Reese quirks an eyebrow, already picking up on a vibe that was awfully close to guilt. "Oh, really?"

Ten minutes later, the door opens again and Ryder comes back into Susanne's office. Gesturing to Thirteen, he offers the best smile he can and takes her by the hand to quietly lead her back across the main floor, down the hall and to the spare room. Once there, the door stays open and he turns Thirteen so she can see his face.

"I'm not in all that much trouble," he reassures. He knew that had been a fear of hers. But something is different. Something in his tone isn't quite as warm. Something has changed.

"You're gonna have to stay here," he tells her pretty flatly. "I'm sorry. But Reese won't have it any other way and... it's probably best. He's probably right. So... tell me what you need to get through the day and night and... I'll get it for you. Then I have other work I need to do."

Dani sniffs again, and is a little surprised at Dalton's gentleness and the offer of a tissue. With such a horrible morning, for a moment she felt a little warm again.

His comment catches her off guard and she looks up quickly. "Really?" She swallows and sniffs one more time. "I mean... I have?"

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