
Old Hulk

Ryan rolls her own eyes at Leo as she gives a chuckle. She felt back that Leo was always the one getting picked on but she also had to admit it was kind of funny.

"I am sure its not broken you big wuss, you just might lose a nail or something. So no gold shoes to match the shorts, and tank top tonight ok?"

Giving another grin Ryan turns again and pops the hood on her car to start working on it before they all got in trouble when the boss showed up.

Feeling Ryder's hand on her chin Thirteen looks up at him again. Seeing him lean in a little closer Thirteen continues to watch Ryder's eyes searching, and wondering about his intent. Her own eyes almost go wide as she new what would happen next. A panic ran over her but not because she was scaired but because she didnt know what to do, or how to react.

Quickly trying to calm herself and think images pass in her mind of the differnt books she read but as she feels Ryder's breath on her face as was lost, and feeling his soft gentil lips on her own Thirteen closes her own eyes intisapating the next moment as she almost felt like melting.

But the moment was shattered as the male voice eckos through the house. Jumping Thirteen can feeling herself tense once again and start to shiver just a little she slips her hand into Ryder's for his reasurance that everything would be ok.

Feeling sorry for Dani, Dalton's face held a softer look. He had hurd what happend, and that Dani might have been the reason for Alec's escape but he also tryed to have an understanding.

"We all lean sometimes that not everyone can be trusted. Family or not. You thought you were doing good, and thats a good thing. But next time you just have to think better ya know?"

Dalton gives a small sigh as he looks down at Dani. He hated seeing anyone cry let alone a woman. It just broke his heart.

"People will be mad, but we have Alec again so they will get over it."

Pulling a tissue from his pocket his large hands almost hide it was he softlys trys to whip Dani's tears away. Thinking for a moment before talking again. It wasnt often he showed a soft side, but maybe this was just another crack in his hard shell.

"I'm awfully glad you come around. You always walk past my office and though I dont always say something. You've given this old Hulk something to smile about."

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