
Someone needs...

Leo just stands, watching Ryan walk away. Miles sets his hands on his hips. "Well now... looks like you finally snagged yourself a girl."

Leo watches until Ryan is out of sight in the crowd before turning his face to Miles. A grin is forced to the surface. "Heh... sure."

"You're supposed to sound happy, Stupid."

"I would be..."


"If I thought it were true." Leo shakes his head, a laugh finally coming to light. "You know me. Angels are always out of my reach." Still grinning, he slings an arm around Miles' shoulders. "Let's go route her on, Pal. She wants to hear us."

...A win was cheered on from the sidelines as loudly as any other. Many were not surprised that Ryan had won, though many were upset over money lost.

The crowd grew rowdy and didn't disperse until late. Friends dwindled for the night, only to reunite again the next day.

"Leo! Toss me that screwdriver!" Ron flails his arm out from under the car. "Leo? Leo!"



Leo pushes off the tool bench and scrounges for the tool before tossing it to Ron.

"What's with you?" Ron asks, just a little annoyed.

"He didn't get enough sleep last night," Axel teases from another car. "Up too late watching those things we don't talk about around here."

"Stuff a sock in it, Axel."

Axel spins around, taken totally off guard. "Whoa, easy. Sorry. You alright?"

"Yeah, fine." Leo waves him off, relaxing. "Sorry. Need help with that over there?"


The morning light peeked through the blinds on the windows, playing about Ryder's face. He stirs, squinting a little. Yawning, he starts to stretch, then remembers the bundle on his lap. He'd slept like a rock all night and had almost forgotten that Thirteen had joined him on the chair.

Running his fingers through her hair, he tries to wake her gently. "Someone needs a haircut," he muses quietly.

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