
My lady

Sitting on the swing with her back to the road Thirteen gently rocks herself back and forth. The noises around her made her jump, and she felt scared but she had no where else to go. Tear still rolled down her cheeks as she sat and thought.

Feeling her tummy rumble Thirteen can guess its lunch time now. She couldn't help but wonder if Ryder had checked and saw if she was gone now or not.

She new she should go back, but she didn't want to be inside and she didn't want to be treated like a no one anymore. She had spend 22 years of her life locked away like a caged animal. Now Ryder had started to show her life outside that, and now they wanted to take it away from her again and keep her locked up again. It wasn't fair, and Ryder taught her it wasnt right eather.

Thnder rumbled in the distance as a storm started to roll in as the sky started to grow darker.

Looking up as Dani enter again Dalton took note to her puffy eyes, and the redness but didnt draw attachen to them. She still looked so pretty.

Standing from his desk and turning the moniter off, Dalton gives a small smile.

"Well I am happy they wont be doing anything to you. I'd hate to be left hanging for lunch."

Placing his sun glasses on and than walking over to Dani he holds his arm out for her to take a hold gentily.

"Now my lady, where would you like to go to relax and just have a nice time?"

Dalton helps escort Dani out of TJY not minding who was looking, or whispering.

Looking up from her desk as Ryder came to a skidding halt Sapphire thinks for a long moment.

"I was wrapped up in my work so I didnt see anyone but about three hours ago I thought I saw someone go up on the elevator. I am not sure if it was Thirteen or now."

Sapphire shows a look of sarrow on her face as she looks up at Ryder.

"Sorry I dont know more. Did you need help with getting her?"

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