

Listen to Scott Dalton's heart breaks even more. It hurt to see his younger friend in so much pain and to be treated the way he was.

"Oh Scott, I have been with you in the office almost every day for the last week. I watch you and make sure your ok when you dont even know I am looking. If you were a spy and sneeking information out of TJY I would know about it. No, your not on the wrong side."

Dalton didnt know if Scott would eat and drink or not but he hoped it would make his friend feel better. Pushing the moutain dew and jerky closer to Scott a small smile froms on his face something not often seen. He'd stay with Scott for as long as he needed, He wouldnt let his friend without anyone.

Looking up at Carson Nate lets out a sigh and than looks back to the computer screen. He needed to just sit, he was still upset about Scott and if he tryed to do anything else it just wouldnt work. Not to mention Carson hadnt had any sleep and he really needed some.

"Try and get some sleep Carson you need it. I'll be ok here for an hour or two. I need this."

Nate didnt feel like any help right now without any leads he was a sitting duck. The least he could do was watch Katie and feel like he was helping.

Standing in the doorway of TJY Phinox watchs Nate and Carson. His heart beat so fast he still didnt know if they new who he was yet or not. This could go well, or this could end bad. There was still time he could turn back and run still. No his thoughts were strong, he was tired of running he could any listen everyone would listen with an open mind.

Walk in father Phinox takes in a deep sigh the time had come, and his crimes would be payed for.

Catching movment out of the courner of his eye Nate turns his head and see Phinox. Standing from his chair quickly something resembaling a growl forms in his throut.

Seeing Nate's reaction Phinox knows that they know who he is. Holding up his hands in defence to show he ment know harm he finds his voice.

"Please let me explain, I really do want to help you find your friend and I am from the spanish secret service."

Am I?

Carson had no idea Dalton was behind him, and is taken totally off guard as the big man lifts him up. His hands wrap around Dalton's wrists, but he doesn't fight... not here... not like this. Not only did Dalton outweigh him, but there was enough at stake here that there was no time for a brawl.

Thankfully, he was set down again, and he backs up several steps out of Dalton's way. He lets Nate do the talking though... he really had nothing more to say.

Watching Dalton leave, Carson turns back to Nate, just a little out of breath. "Yeah... okay," he agrees. "I'll be right back." Heading off in the direction of Reese's office, Carson tries to think of a way to explain what had happened. Scott was still denying knowing anything, yet he had spilled information when triggered correctly. Carson really had no idea what was going on. He still held firmly to the fact that Scott had to be an Agency ally or dead... but Carson didn't want to believe Scott was a spy, and obviously, he was alive. What had happened really?

Scott keeps his face buried, but hearing Dalton's voice, he knows that he's okay. Though he's still shaking, he knows that no one else is going to hurt him. That much he could believe in... Dalton he trusted.

It takes a few moments, but Scott finally lifts his head, swiping at the tears with the back of his hand. "No... I'm not okay," he manages weakly. "They think I'm a spy and I... I don't even know."

Resting his elbows on the table, he hides his face in his hands again. "I was fine... just fine.... why now? I don't understand."

The memories pounded on the door to his soul, but he would not open it up. The images wanted to break forth, but he held them back, way down deep. Whatever it was, frightened him. And he knew... he knew on some level that something had happened to him that had been bad enough for him to have not yet dug it up... not even after all his counseling sessions. It had been buried deep... and something today had triggered it.

"I don't know what's happening to me... I don't know what information I know or why... I don't... I don't know who I am, Dalton..."

Turning, his red eyes stare at his big friend, pleading for someone to believe in him. "Am I a spy?"

Reese comes back slowly from his office, followed by Carson. He'd already called on Jason, who met them back at the cubicle as well. All four were once again trying to decide their next step.

"Alright..." Reese's voice is tight with worry as he didn't understand everything. "Carson just explained that Scott does indeed hold Agency information. But his behavior is unstable, and the pieces still don't add up. It's Carson's opinion that while Scott confirmed Phinox as part of the Agency, that's all he knows about him. So... first, we keep an eye out for Phinox. Keep up the security measures on our system to make sure no one is getting in or out. From here on out if we hear from Phinox, we will set up to trace the call if possible. He is our enemy."

Reese pauses, still hardly able to believe that the wool had been pulled over their eyes so easily. "Second - Scott is to remain in isolation. He is not to leave and is not to contact anyone outside of this building. While he says he knows nothing more, and while his confused behavior has yet to be explained, he is a security threat. Intentional or not, he may have already breached security as a spy or anything else. We just don't know. We may go to him for information, but until this thing with Katie is over, we keep him here. Once we have a handle on Katie's case, we can focus on Scott. But he is only our second priority. Is this understood?"

Receiving nods, Reese takes a deep breath. "Okay. Keep working. If anyone needs to take a couple hours and sleep, please do so. It is now four in the morning. If anyone rests, make sure there is someone to fill in for you. Above all, we have to keep moving. Though we have no leads, time is running out. They won't keep Katie alive forever."

Jason is the first to leave, heading back to his office where he was still working with Jamie and Sapphire. Once Reese is gone again too, Carson looks back at Nate. "I can relieve you now," he offers. After interrogating Scott, sitting and watching Katie just made him feel worse. But it was his post.

Little Buddy

Coming back into TJY Dalton he hurt the shouting and had hurd Scott's crys. He'd hurryed to the door and when found lock he went to the next room over to watch through the window. He didnt know what was going on but seeing what was happing to his friend made his anger boil.

Seeing Carson starting to leave Dalton looks to Scott one more time as everything inside of him raged. Leaving the room his eyes burned as he followed quickly after Carson.

Finally catching up with him at the cubicle Dalton reaches out and grabs Carson by the couler lifting him off the ground slightly, his voice gruf and full of anger.

"What do you think you were doing in there to Him? You think you can walk in here and push people around like that. Its not very nice to pick on people smaller than you."

Feeling a hand on his arm Dalton turns his head to see Nate. His eyes still burned to think Nate had let this happen.

"Dalton, we had too. Scott new information and we needed it from him. It was the only way. IF there was some other way we would have done it. Put Carson done please."

Looking to Carson again Dalton finally lowers him and lets him down. His anger was still burning. He didnt like what had happend to Scott and he didnt like how it made him feel.

Nate looks at Dalton sternly thought he new how the large man had felt. he had formed a close relationship with Scott and almost felt like his protection.

Looking to Nate Dalton stood tall with a matter of fact voice.

"I am going in there to make sure he is ok. If you want to stop me just try, stay away from Scott you have done enough damage."

Turning Dalton goes back to the intaragtion room grabbing the soda and jerky that he had dropped on his way out to Carson.

Entering the room Dalton shuts the door behind him slowly walking twords the table and setting food and drink down on the table. Bringing a change over next to his friend he lays his large hand on Scotts arm. His touch gentil as night to scair him and his voice light.

"Are you ok Little buddy? I'm here and I am not going to let them come back and hurt you ok?"

Nate's heart acked at he looked to Carson and than back to the computer feed. So manything happing, so many people being hurt Nate needed a vacation after this.

Sitting back down he looks to Carson.

"Go tell Reese what you know. I'll stay watch here a little longer."


Still in the corner, Scott shakes. He just remains there, not knowing what was going on around him, and afraid someone would be back.

Carson looks down for a moment, taking a deep breath. He had wondered how long Nate could hold out, and it had been longer than he’d thought. But now it was his turn, as unwanted as it was. He was still working here… he had a job to do. “Okay. I’ll talk to him.”

Standing up, he lets Nate take his place at the computer. “If I’m not back in twenty minutes, come get me out. I’ll be in the number two interrogation room.” He didn’t want to be there… but this was serious.

It doesn’t take long for him to be with Scott in the interrogation room. Scott had come willingly, but tension was high. “Scott?” He paces. “Come on. Don’t let things go like this.”

“I don’t know anything.” Scott keeps his eyes on the table, his form slouched in the hard, metal chair. His tone indicated he had given up.

“Scott listen to me.” Carson moves closer. “We know that you have information. It will only make things worse for you if you don’t talk.”

“Are you interrogating me?”

“I’m trying not to.”

“Then why can’t you believe me?”

“Because I know you’re not telling the truth.”

“I am too!” Scott slams his fist down on the table. Another piece of data flashes in his mind, though he tries to make it stop. “I don’t know anything!”

“Yes you do!” Carson leans his hands on the table, lowering to see Scott’s eyes. How he hated his job. He remains cold. “I can see it in your eyes and so could Nate. Easy way or hard way, Scott?”

“You can’t make me tell you things that I don’t know.”

“Fine.” Carson moves as if he’s getting read to leave, but instead, he spins around, kicking Scott’s chair out from under him. Just as quickly, he’s grabbed the chair and pinned Scott to the floor, using the metal seat against Scott’s throat. Carson’s own knee presses into Scott’s ribcage.

Scott gasps for breath, but is no match for someone like Carson. “I don’t know anything,” he whimpers. Tears fill his eyes. “Don’t hurt me.”

Carson felt terrible. For an instant, he almost breaks. But he couldn’t. He keeps his harsh expression and tone. “I won’t if you tell me what you know. Who is Simon Phinox?”

“I don’t know!” Scott gasps, wincing as more pressure is applied. He squirms under the weight. “I don’t know!” The images continued to come, hurling in his direction.

“Tell me!” Carson shifts the chair, almost cutting off all of Scott’s air supply. “Directive! Code three three nine!”

“Don’t make me!” The tears sting Scott’s eyes. Short on breath, he fights but it’s no use.

Carson repeats his shouting. “Directive! Code three three nine!”

Scott can’t hold it in any longer. He bursts out with a wail. “Lockdown! Refuse all transmissions!”

Carson immediately relaxes. He almost wished it wasn’t true. But it was. Scott knew the upper codes of the Agency. Standing, Carson removes the chair, setting it back by the table. “Sit.”

Scott refuses, turning on his side to curl up in a tight ball.

“I said sit!” Carson grabs him by the shirt and yanks him up, throwing him hard into the seat.

Scott’s hand whacks the table and he cries out. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

“You obviously do. Tell me what you know, Scott. Who is Simon Phinox?”

“I don’t know!”

Carson reaches out and grabs his collar. “Directive! Agent Phinox, Simon! Profile!”

Scott couldn’t control the information. “Agent three-twenty-five!” he blurts out. “Level five clearance! Mission success ninety-five percent!”

Carson lets him go and steps back, breathing heavily. “What was he doing here?”

Scott’s head hangs. “I don’t know,” he mumbles.

“I’m warning you,” Carson threatens.

Scott is suddenly on his feet, glaring at Carson. “I don’t know!” he shouts. “I don’t know! It’s not there!”

Carson believes him. It had been quite a while since Scott had received the information he did have. But two things were obvious: Phinox was with the Agency and Scott did have Agency data. “Alright. Thank you.”

Scott watches as Carson heads for the door. “What are you going to do with me?”

“Leave you here.” Carson turns around to look at him, his eyes weary and sad. “I’m sorry, Scott. You’re a security risk. We’ll have to deal with you later.”

“But…” Scott watches the door being closed. The room is quiet. Sinking down in the chair again, he buries his face in his arms. He didn’t understand any of this. He didn’t understand! He didn’t know where this information was coming from. He didn’t remember! He just…. didn’t remember. Why was Carson interrogating him? Why was he being threatened? What was in his head? Why did he have Agency information buried? Why? How could he have understood Carson’s questions, and where did those answers come from?! He didn’t understand! What did he have buried so deeply inside of himself that he didn’t remember?! He fights against his own thoughts.

“Do you think maybe your subconscious is trying to remember…. your mind is blocking it because it knows that the memories are painful…”

“Hope?” A sob breaks forth. “What’s happening to me?”

Carson stops in the hallway, catching his breath and trying to compose himself. That had hurt more than he’d expected it to.

Regaining some control, he makes his way back to where Nate was. Stopping in the cubicle, he sets his hands on his hips, letting out a sigh. “Phinox is Agency… and Scott was assimilated.”

He shakes his head slowly. “Using Agency jargon triggered the right responses, yet he still insists on knowing nothing. I don’t know why. He’s a wreck though… someone should probably calm him down, but it can’t be me. Right now I’m his number one enemy.”


Cringing at the look on Scott's face fear griped Nate's own eyes alone with pain. Nate eyes get watery and he knows he cant do this any longer. Scott was his friend and the pain grip's Nate's guts.

His cold hard face turns soft again as the blood starts to drain and return to normal color. He was scaired himself, and his eyes also laced with his peays to Scott for forgivness.

"I..I'm sorry Scott."

Turning quickly Nate hurrys from the room back to where Carson was. He felt like he was going to be sick but he tryed his best to hold it in. Nodding at Carson his voice shakes though is still a bit gruph and hard.

"Go, I got the camra. I just couldnt do it."

His mind raced with questions, and fears that Scott would never trust him again. Why? Why did it have to be like this.


Fear and confusion were written all over Scott’s face. He jumps as Nate shouts at him. He wanted to turn around and run, but there was no escape route. He wanted to hide, but there was no place big enough.

He quivers, his face growing red from humiliation. Terror seized him. If Nate was not his friend, who could he trust? He swallows hard as his stomach churns.

Nate’s shouted words hit Scott with force, and he backs up against the wall. “I don’t know anything!” he yells back. “I’m not playing games and I’m not a spy!! I don’t know what you’re talking about and I don’t know anything!” His throat already hurt from his own shouting. “If I knew something, don’t you think I would have told you by now?! If I did know something, then I don’t remember!”

His gaze wildly searches Nate’s and he slides to the corner of the office, trying to disappear in shadow. “I don’t know anything!!”

Carson lifts his head, hearing the shouting going on down the hall. He inwardly cringes. Apparently it wasn’t going well. He wondered though if perhaps he himself held the right trigger if Scott wasn’t going to talk to Nate. It might take both their efforts.


Nate own anger rises, but he trys to keepp a certin top on it. His own fears and pain play to him. He had to keep going, he had to push Nate.

Standing abruptly Nate slams his fists on Scott's desk stairing over at him.

"I know you know something Scott dont even give me that you dont. STOP PLAYING AROUND or I will throw you into the holding cell untill you tell me. This is Katie's life Scott think about her and tell me you dont know anything again."

Nate's heart broke and he didnt know how much more of this he could take, but he had to keep going.



Nate’s harsh tone makes Scott immediately recoil. He sinks lower in his chair, pulling away, a fear entering his eyes.

He flinches at Nate’s loud tone, wincing as a cruel memory of interrogation surfaces.

But as the accusations build, so does Scott’s anger. Overcoming being afraid of Nate for the moment, Scott turns. His eyes have widened, tears threatening to spill over.

Slowly, he rises to his feet, staring down at Nate. “Don’t you ever… ever accuse me of not caring about Katie or wanting her to die.”

His fists ball at his sides so tightly that his knuckles turn white. His lower lip trembles. “I… do not… know… anything!” With each word, his tone rises.

There was something inside of him… something that was evoking a terrible fear that he was unwilling to face.

“How many times do I have to tell you?!”

Scott can’t help the pain that courses through his gaze. “You of all people, Nate… I would have at least thought that you never would have accused me of playing the wrong side. But I guess I was wrong about you.”