

Still in the corner, Scott shakes. He just remains there, not knowing what was going on around him, and afraid someone would be back.

Carson looks down for a moment, taking a deep breath. He had wondered how long Nate could hold out, and it had been longer than he’d thought. But now it was his turn, as unwanted as it was. He was still working here… he had a job to do. “Okay. I’ll talk to him.”

Standing up, he lets Nate take his place at the computer. “If I’m not back in twenty minutes, come get me out. I’ll be in the number two interrogation room.” He didn’t want to be there… but this was serious.

It doesn’t take long for him to be with Scott in the interrogation room. Scott had come willingly, but tension was high. “Scott?” He paces. “Come on. Don’t let things go like this.”

“I don’t know anything.” Scott keeps his eyes on the table, his form slouched in the hard, metal chair. His tone indicated he had given up.

“Scott listen to me.” Carson moves closer. “We know that you have information. It will only make things worse for you if you don’t talk.”

“Are you interrogating me?”

“I’m trying not to.”

“Then why can’t you believe me?”

“Because I know you’re not telling the truth.”

“I am too!” Scott slams his fist down on the table. Another piece of data flashes in his mind, though he tries to make it stop. “I don’t know anything!”

“Yes you do!” Carson leans his hands on the table, lowering to see Scott’s eyes. How he hated his job. He remains cold. “I can see it in your eyes and so could Nate. Easy way or hard way, Scott?”

“You can’t make me tell you things that I don’t know.”

“Fine.” Carson moves as if he’s getting read to leave, but instead, he spins around, kicking Scott’s chair out from under him. Just as quickly, he’s grabbed the chair and pinned Scott to the floor, using the metal seat against Scott’s throat. Carson’s own knee presses into Scott’s ribcage.

Scott gasps for breath, but is no match for someone like Carson. “I don’t know anything,” he whimpers. Tears fill his eyes. “Don’t hurt me.”

Carson felt terrible. For an instant, he almost breaks. But he couldn’t. He keeps his harsh expression and tone. “I won’t if you tell me what you know. Who is Simon Phinox?”

“I don’t know!” Scott gasps, wincing as more pressure is applied. He squirms under the weight. “I don’t know!” The images continued to come, hurling in his direction.

“Tell me!” Carson shifts the chair, almost cutting off all of Scott’s air supply. “Directive! Code three three nine!”

“Don’t make me!” The tears sting Scott’s eyes. Short on breath, he fights but it’s no use.

Carson repeats his shouting. “Directive! Code three three nine!”

Scott can’t hold it in any longer. He bursts out with a wail. “Lockdown! Refuse all transmissions!”

Carson immediately relaxes. He almost wished it wasn’t true. But it was. Scott knew the upper codes of the Agency. Standing, Carson removes the chair, setting it back by the table. “Sit.”

Scott refuses, turning on his side to curl up in a tight ball.

“I said sit!” Carson grabs him by the shirt and yanks him up, throwing him hard into the seat.

Scott’s hand whacks the table and he cries out. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

“You obviously do. Tell me what you know, Scott. Who is Simon Phinox?”

“I don’t know!”

Carson reaches out and grabs his collar. “Directive! Agent Phinox, Simon! Profile!”

Scott couldn’t control the information. “Agent three-twenty-five!” he blurts out. “Level five clearance! Mission success ninety-five percent!”

Carson lets him go and steps back, breathing heavily. “What was he doing here?”

Scott’s head hangs. “I don’t know,” he mumbles.

“I’m warning you,” Carson threatens.

Scott is suddenly on his feet, glaring at Carson. “I don’t know!” he shouts. “I don’t know! It’s not there!”

Carson believes him. It had been quite a while since Scott had received the information he did have. But two things were obvious: Phinox was with the Agency and Scott did have Agency data. “Alright. Thank you.”

Scott watches as Carson heads for the door. “What are you going to do with me?”

“Leave you here.” Carson turns around to look at him, his eyes weary and sad. “I’m sorry, Scott. You’re a security risk. We’ll have to deal with you later.”

“But…” Scott watches the door being closed. The room is quiet. Sinking down in the chair again, he buries his face in his arms. He didn’t understand any of this. He didn’t understand! He didn’t know where this information was coming from. He didn’t remember! He just…. didn’t remember. Why was Carson interrogating him? Why was he being threatened? What was in his head? Why did he have Agency information buried? Why? How could he have understood Carson’s questions, and where did those answers come from?! He didn’t understand! What did he have buried so deeply inside of himself that he didn’t remember?! He fights against his own thoughts.

“Do you think maybe your subconscious is trying to remember…. your mind is blocking it because it knows that the memories are painful…”

“Hope?” A sob breaks forth. “What’s happening to me?”

Carson stops in the hallway, catching his breath and trying to compose himself. That had hurt more than he’d expected it to.

Regaining some control, he makes his way back to where Nate was. Stopping in the cubicle, he sets his hands on his hips, letting out a sigh. “Phinox is Agency… and Scott was assimilated.”

He shakes his head slowly. “Using Agency jargon triggered the right responses, yet he still insists on knowing nothing. I don’t know why. He’s a wreck though… someone should probably calm him down, but it can’t be me. Right now I’m his number one enemy.”

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