
Am I?

Carson had no idea Dalton was behind him, and is taken totally off guard as the big man lifts him up. His hands wrap around Dalton's wrists, but he doesn't fight... not here... not like this. Not only did Dalton outweigh him, but there was enough at stake here that there was no time for a brawl.

Thankfully, he was set down again, and he backs up several steps out of Dalton's way. He lets Nate do the talking though... he really had nothing more to say.

Watching Dalton leave, Carson turns back to Nate, just a little out of breath. "Yeah... okay," he agrees. "I'll be right back." Heading off in the direction of Reese's office, Carson tries to think of a way to explain what had happened. Scott was still denying knowing anything, yet he had spilled information when triggered correctly. Carson really had no idea what was going on. He still held firmly to the fact that Scott had to be an Agency ally or dead... but Carson didn't want to believe Scott was a spy, and obviously, he was alive. What had happened really?

Scott keeps his face buried, but hearing Dalton's voice, he knows that he's okay. Though he's still shaking, he knows that no one else is going to hurt him. That much he could believe in... Dalton he trusted.

It takes a few moments, but Scott finally lifts his head, swiping at the tears with the back of his hand. "No... I'm not okay," he manages weakly. "They think I'm a spy and I... I don't even know."

Resting his elbows on the table, he hides his face in his hands again. "I was fine... just fine.... why now? I don't understand."

The memories pounded on the door to his soul, but he would not open it up. The images wanted to break forth, but he held them back, way down deep. Whatever it was, frightened him. And he knew... he knew on some level that something had happened to him that had been bad enough for him to have not yet dug it up... not even after all his counseling sessions. It had been buried deep... and something today had triggered it.

"I don't know what's happening to me... I don't know what information I know or why... I don't... I don't know who I am, Dalton..."

Turning, his red eyes stare at his big friend, pleading for someone to believe in him. "Am I a spy?"

Reese comes back slowly from his office, followed by Carson. He'd already called on Jason, who met them back at the cubicle as well. All four were once again trying to decide their next step.

"Alright..." Reese's voice is tight with worry as he didn't understand everything. "Carson just explained that Scott does indeed hold Agency information. But his behavior is unstable, and the pieces still don't add up. It's Carson's opinion that while Scott confirmed Phinox as part of the Agency, that's all he knows about him. So... first, we keep an eye out for Phinox. Keep up the security measures on our system to make sure no one is getting in or out. From here on out if we hear from Phinox, we will set up to trace the call if possible. He is our enemy."

Reese pauses, still hardly able to believe that the wool had been pulled over their eyes so easily. "Second - Scott is to remain in isolation. He is not to leave and is not to contact anyone outside of this building. While he says he knows nothing more, and while his confused behavior has yet to be explained, he is a security threat. Intentional or not, he may have already breached security as a spy or anything else. We just don't know. We may go to him for information, but until this thing with Katie is over, we keep him here. Once we have a handle on Katie's case, we can focus on Scott. But he is only our second priority. Is this understood?"

Receiving nods, Reese takes a deep breath. "Okay. Keep working. If anyone needs to take a couple hours and sleep, please do so. It is now four in the morning. If anyone rests, make sure there is someone to fill in for you. Above all, we have to keep moving. Though we have no leads, time is running out. They won't keep Katie alive forever."

Jason is the first to leave, heading back to his office where he was still working with Jamie and Sapphire. Once Reese is gone again too, Carson looks back at Nate. "I can relieve you now," he offers. After interrogating Scott, sitting and watching Katie just made him feel worse. But it was his post.

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