
Little Buddy

Coming back into TJY Dalton he hurt the shouting and had hurd Scott's crys. He'd hurryed to the door and when found lock he went to the next room over to watch through the window. He didnt know what was going on but seeing what was happing to his friend made his anger boil.

Seeing Carson starting to leave Dalton looks to Scott one more time as everything inside of him raged. Leaving the room his eyes burned as he followed quickly after Carson.

Finally catching up with him at the cubicle Dalton reaches out and grabs Carson by the couler lifting him off the ground slightly, his voice gruf and full of anger.

"What do you think you were doing in there to Him? You think you can walk in here and push people around like that. Its not very nice to pick on people smaller than you."

Feeling a hand on his arm Dalton turns his head to see Nate. His eyes still burned to think Nate had let this happen.

"Dalton, we had too. Scott new information and we needed it from him. It was the only way. IF there was some other way we would have done it. Put Carson done please."

Looking to Carson again Dalton finally lowers him and lets him down. His anger was still burning. He didnt like what had happend to Scott and he didnt like how it made him feel.

Nate looks at Dalton sternly thought he new how the large man had felt. he had formed a close relationship with Scott and almost felt like his protection.

Looking to Nate Dalton stood tall with a matter of fact voice.

"I am going in there to make sure he is ok. If you want to stop me just try, stay away from Scott you have done enough damage."

Turning Dalton goes back to the intaragtion room grabbing the soda and jerky that he had dropped on his way out to Carson.

Entering the room Dalton shuts the door behind him slowly walking twords the table and setting food and drink down on the table. Bringing a change over next to his friend he lays his large hand on Scotts arm. His touch gentil as night to scair him and his voice light.

"Are you ok Little buddy? I'm here and I am not going to let them come back and hurt you ok?"

Nate's heart acked at he looked to Carson and than back to the computer feed. So manything happing, so many people being hurt Nate needed a vacation after this.

Sitting back down he looks to Carson.

"Go tell Reese what you know. I'll stay watch here a little longer."

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