

Watching Angelica leave, Reese can feel her own awkwardness, and suddenly feels badly, knowing it was his fault.

Walking her to the door, he opens his mouth to say something, but she bids him goodnight first. Her calling him by his last name hits him more strongly than it used to... it had been a long time since she hadn't used his first name.

"Goodnight..." His voice trails off. "...Angelica."

Giving a little sigh, he turns back around and closes the door. Leaning back against it, he glances around the empty house. For some reason it felt even more empty than it had an hour ago.

Some nights seem colder than others. And it's not because the temperature is lower, or the because the sun is further away. It's simply the nights when hearts are lonely. Minds are left to wander to places better left abandoned the way they were.

But even on nights like those, eventually the morning sun peeks through, relieving those weary souls and reviving them, bringing them in to a new day.

Axel yawns and reaches for a wrench, only to have it slip through his numb fingers and drop to the floor. Muttering, he rubs his hand, stretching out his fingers until he could feel again, before resuming his work.

"Grease, man, you alright?"

Axel looks up from the van's engine, throwing a smirk in Ron's direction. "Apart from feeling as though I could fall asleep right here? Yeah, I'm great."

Ron works at cleaning out a filter and shakes his head. "Long night?"

"You could say that."

"Hey, Axel!"

He turns in the other direction to see Leo just getting in to work. "Morning."

Leo throws his jacket over a hook and rolls up his sleeves. "What's on for today?"

"Well, we got this bucket of bolts right here..." Axel gestures to the van. "And... if we can get this going, the day is pretty clear."

"Wow. We need some chick in distress or something. It's getting boring around here."

Axel rolls his eyes, though when he turns back to the engine, a little smirk appears. "Just get over here and help me with this."

Carson ties his apron around his waist and jumps into work. At least this morning he'd been able to go jogging, make several stops and still make it to work on time. It felt odd needing to come to work... he was used to just rolling out of bed and being here.

Getting into the swing of things was a bit hard this morning though, even if he had gotten a good start. After dropping several plates, messing up an order and shutting his hand in the refrigerator, he finally opts to take a break, sheepishly apologizing to Herb.

But slipping out into the back hall, he leans back against the wall and closes his eyes, thinking. Other than the late-night fiasco with Dani, the rest of the night had been spent tossing and turning. His mind was so many different places at once, that it was giving him a headache.

Despite feeling halfway settled there was still a lot he had yet to work through. And one subject was just a little more complicated than the others. No matter how much he'd tried to avoid thinking about it the last couple days, he'd been unsuccessful. There was a certain thing that was unfinished, and he simply couldn't let it go.

Yet just the thought of pursuing it sent an odd chill down his spine. He knew what he wanted, but... what was realistic? What was possible? What would happen? Things had turned around so quickly...

Carson looks down and rubs his sore finger. He'd need the stitches out soon. If it hadn't been for that cut...

Rolling his his eyes, he finally moves down the hall to the phone. Picking it up, he dials before he can change his mind. Closing his eyes, he doesn't realize he's holding his breath.

"Hello?" Rick absentmindedly answers the infirmary phone, while trying to keep his eyes focused on his work. But without any sleep, it wasn't easy.

"Hey, Rick. Misty in?"

"Yeah, hang on, I..." Rick suddenly realizes that it wasn't common for Carson to be calling anymore. For just a moment, it had felt like old times. "I mean... yeah. Just a minute."

Carson twirls the phone cord around his finger, waiting. But when he hears Misty's voice, his mouth feels like he'd been sucking on a cotton ball. "Misty..." He clears his throat. "It's Carson. I, um... thought maybe today if you weren't busy, if, um... well..." A dry chuckle escapes. "Who'da thought I'd ever have trouble asking you to lunch?" He shakes his head, annoyed with himself. "I know you're busy, but... if you have time... thought maybe we could meet at the park or something. Supposed to be a nice day... maybe pick up lunch after or...something?"

He bites his lip and waits. He knew he missed Misty, and knew she'd wanted to see him again, but was this such a great idea? Yes... it had to be. There were things he needed to say, and he'd waited long enough.

Scott stirs, hearing voices around him, and slowly props himself up on an elbow, gradually pulling himself up into a sitting position. He felt like he'd been run over by a truck.

"Good morning, Mr. Johnson."

Scott blinks and squints up at Rick. "Hi."

"How you feeling?"


Rick reaches down to check Scott's vitals. "You've been out for quite a while. Do you remember anything?"

Scott shakes his head. "Not really. Feels like a bad dream or something."

"Scott..." Rick grows a little more solemn, and eases down on the edge of the bed. "How are you really feeling? And I'm being serious about this."

Scott draws his legs up closer, his gaze dropping. "I don't know," he mumbles.

Rick isn't sure if he should really tell Scott what had happened last night or not, but at this point, he decided it was worth the risk. "You, um... were pretty determined in the middle of the night. I... thought for a minute you might not be here this morning."

Scott fidgets with his blanket, the look on his face proving that he remembered more than he was saying.

Rick sighs and reaches to bedside table for some papers. "You and I need to go over these sometime today, okay? Yesterday I met with a really nice young woman who..."

"A shrink."

"A counselor," Rick corrects, deciding that it was time he quit beating around the bush. "She wants to talk with you."

"Yeah... right."

"Scott." Rick's voice grows stern. "I'm not ready to give up on you, so you better not be ready either. Now I haven't had any sleep, I need a shower, I'm in a bad mood, and I'm not willing to argue with you. Do you understand me?"

Scott manages a slight glare, but doesn't fight back. Besides, what he was feeling right now wasn't fun... he knew he needed some way to get rid of what was going on inside of himself. "Fine."

"Good. Now... I'm going to get you a little breakfast... then I'm going home for a bit. I'll be back at lunchtime and we'll talk more."


Jen squeals and throws her arms around Kyle’s neck, hanging on for dear life as he spins her around. “Kyle!” She can’t help her laughter, despite the chiding. “Put me down!”

Giving her one last tight hug, Kyle finally relents, letting his sister sit back down on the couch, and he plops down next to her. “Why didn’t you call me?!”

“Because… I wanted to have it checked out first.” Jen’s eyes sparkle as she stares downward, looking at her feet move back and forth. “So the doctor said that he can’t explain it, but it had something to do with my fall and… apparently there’s a nerve connection again and….” Her face lights up. “I get to start more intensive therapy this week…. So I can walk again.”

The smile on Kyle’s face couldn’t be more genuine. “That is totally awesome. You do realize this.”

Jen laughs and nods. “I do.”

“See?” Kyle’s tone softens and he gives Jen a tap under her chin. “I knew you could do it.”

Jen looks at her brother with so much pride and so much gratefulness. “You’ve always been my biggest help, you know that?”

Kyle shrugs. “What can I say? I love my sister.”

Jen just smile and reaches out for another hug. Suddenly though, she draws away quickly. “Oh, but don’t tell Mike yet.”

“What? Why not?”

“I want it to be a surprise.” A bit of mischief shines in Jen’s eyes. “I wanna go through some therapy first and then…”

“Give the poor chap a heart attack, that’s what you’ll do.”

“Well at least I’ll have succeeded in making his heart stop somehow.”

Kyle’s eyes widen before another grin spreads. “I think you know good and well you’ve already accomplished that.”

"He what?!" Wyatt groans from his desk, throwing a glance in the head office direction. "Yeah, alright. I'll be there." Hanging up, he picks up the phone again, dialing quickly. "Katie? It's Wyatt. Listen, Ty's got himself into trouble. I gotta go down to the station. Want to come along?"


Hearing Mike refusle to go with her hit a little hard than Angelica thought it would. Trying to keep the emotions she suddanly felt and the awkwarness hidden she can't help but get a nervouse laugh as she takes the last sip of her coffee.

"Oh course...oh course...I wouldnt exspect you to just drop everything. Yes...its ok of course I understand."

Giving a half smile Angelica can tell Mike is just as uncomfortable as she is and maybe its time to take her leave. Setting her half empty cup on the table she stands looking around the room one last time before grabing her coat and purse.

Heading to the door herself Angelica feels more foolish than she did before. Why had she asked? It wasnt the right time. She new Charlotte was wrong on this one.

Exiting the house Angelica turns one last time trying to give another smile to Mike reasuring him everything was ok though inside she felt a bit like crap.

"Well...have a a Good Night...Reese. I guess I will see you when I get home."

*Turning Angelica heads down the pourch pulling her jacket just a little tighter around her neck in the cold night air. Getting into her car and giving one last look to the pourch before heading out of the driveway and disapearing down the street*


Rick manages to get up off the floor with Janet's help, appreciating her presence. He grits his teeth, feeling more pain for this situation than he had so far. He doesn't have to explain to his wife what had happened - it was obvious.

Once he gets Scott back in bed, he cleans him up some and puts several new blankets over him, hoping to at least keep him warm while he was in his lethargic sleep state from the drugs. Cleaning up the shallow cut, it doesn't take much, for which Rick was thankful. He didn't know how he'd stopped Scott from doing more damage than that, but it didn't matter.

"I had to sedate him," he explains solemnly. "This is as bad as I've seen, and I'm not sure he was even completely aware of what he was doing. He was stuck in a nightmare. I don't know if he'll even remember this in the morning."

After finishing up with Scott, Rick sighs deeply, then turns his attention to himself. Shedding his lab coat, he rolls up his sleeve to see the cut in his own forearm and grimaces a little. "Well, at least I got the brunt of it instead of Scott."

Needing an extra hand, he has Janet help him clean the cut and put a light bandage over it. Finally finished, it seems like the whole process had taken hours, when in reality, it had only been half an hour.

With Scott settled, and a spare moment, Rick is finally able to eat the supper Janet had brought, enjoying it, despite his emotions that were churning. Earlier in the day, he'd thought he could just send Scott in for visits to Hope and not worry about him being by himself. But now... now he wasn't so sure. What was really best for Scott? What should be done? Was he doing the right thing? Was there something else he should be doing? Was Scott really a danger to himself, or was this a one-time incident?

Finished eating, he gives a sigh, rising to wash his hands. When done, he returns to his wife, wrapping her in a warm embrace and planting a kiss on her forehead. "I have to spend the night," he informs quietly. "In the morning when Misty comes in, I'll come home for a little bit of sleep before coming back. But I need to keep an eye on Scott tonight and ten-minute check-ins by Hal aren't enough."

Letting Janet go, he gives her another light kiss, this time on the lips, bidding her goodnight. It was going to be a long night... but he had a duty to his patient and his friend.

A hint of a smile surfaces when Angelica mentions Reese's wife being pretty. She always had been in Reese's eyes.

Letting Angelica's words sink in, he ponders them, still sipping his coffee. Was she right? Was he really needed by anyone anymore? Wyatt didn't need him anymore... TJY, or at least with Austin in charge, didn't need him anymore. What about...

His thoughts stop as Angelica admits her biggest reasoning for being in Nevada. Quirking an eyebrow, warmth comes to his own cheeks as he focuses on his coffee, rather than her face, despite the strange want to catch her eye.

Quiet, he lets it go. There were many reasons for her to be here. She was a good lawyer that TJY needed.

But as she asks him if he'd like to accompany her to California, his head shoots up a little faster than intended. Looking over to her in the dim living room light, he wondered for a moment why on earth she'd be asking him. But looking deeper... studying her gaze for just a moment, he sees something that he recognizes... something that he's felt too, for longer than he'd like to admit. Loneliness... and a longing to just have someone there again.

Pursing his lips, he ambles away from the wall of pictures, then downs the rest of his coffee. "Despite my position here, I've got to stick around in case anything else happens. I need to be here if Austin tries to pull any more stunts... even if I'm not employed by TJY at the moment, I still feel the people there are my responsibility as my friends at least. I can't leave... not now."

Realizing he'd been just a little less than warm, he turns around, forcing a small smile. "Thanks, though. One of these days I'll need a vacation to straighten out my mind, but right now... I just can't."

Going to the kitchen to put his mug in the sink, he inwardly cringes. He could have done that a little better. I wasn't that he didn't want to go.... Wait... he wanted to? He swallows hard and tries to push the feelings aside. He was being silly. This wasn't a big deal and he shouldn't make it one.

Returning to the living room, a hint of awkwardness is now laced along his body language and words, despite his effort not to let it show. "I guess it's getting late," he muses quietly. "I... suppose we both got long days ahead of us."

Pausing, the silence is suddenly too much, and Reese can feel the heat rising to his face again. It's as if all of a sudden he realizes that he had Angelica here with him in his house, and for reasons he's rather not think about, it sent a little flutter through his stomach.

Moving to the door, he unintentionally signals that maybe he was ready to be alone again. A lot had gone through his mind tonight, and even though he had enjoyed Angelica coming over... well, maybe he didn't even know what the "though" was. But he hadn't felt this kind of awkwardness in years, and he didn't know what to do with it.


Standing in the breakroom Janet hums a soft to herself as she warms up the food. Stoping for a moment thinking her hurd something Janet strains her ears. Most of the time she could pick up the smallest of noises. She had trained her ears to listen closely to all nosies so if she was ever watching Maggie and not in the same room she would know something was wrong. Listing closly she ears pick up the faint call of her name but there was a certin ergancy behind it.

Leaving the breakroom Janet makes her way back to the infermary quickly. Opening the door and seeing Rick and Scott on the ground she hurrys over to them

"What happend?"

Taking one of Scott's arms and putting it over her shoulder Janet trys to even out the deadweaght from Scott so they could lift him and get him back into the bed. A fear searges through her as she see the small cut on Scott's wrist.

Looking up at Rick the fear and pain is evadent in her eyes.

"Oh Rick...."

Continuing to stay next to Scott Janet gives the opertunity for Rick to clean Scott up.

Entering the house Angelica gives a little bit of a laugh. She wasnt even sure why she was here herself. Somehow she'd just found her way to the door. Maybe it was her worry that told her to come here, or the need for wanting to make her friend feel good she wasnt sure what one.

"I guess I just thought maybe you could use some company."

Giving a small smile Angelica makes the rest of the way inside laying her jacket over a chair that was in the hall way. Following Mike to the kitchen Angelica just takes in the new sights. Its not long when the coffee is ready and she is once again following him into the cozy kitchen. The talk of work was light and for once Angelica didnt mind it to much. Simply thinking about not having Mike art work was a sad thought.

Looking over the pictures Angelica enjoyed taking in the sights and hearing about each one. Learning a little bit more about Mike and his life even if it was a life of the past it was still what formed him into what he was now. Coming across a picture of Wyatt, Mike and a younger woman Angelica can only guess its his wife. Running a finger over the face for a moment she feels a tiny bit of her own sadness. What had she missed in life, having a family, her own kids...it was something that never even crossed her mind anymore. It was a dream long forgotten and now not dwelled on for to long because it was to late for her. But for some reason seeing that picture agian seemed to bring back feelings that Angelica herself wasnt even sure why but the sence of longing and the look of something missed lingered. Trying to shake the emotion Angelica smiles looking at Mike.

"She was very pretty Mike."

Moving on to some of the other picture Angelica continues to listen as Mike explains them. Taking a sip of her own Coffee she just thinks for a moment before saying anything. She was never good with stuff like this. She could hardly give her ownself addvice let lone her own. But if she spoke from the heart where could you go wrong.

"Its only the people who have lost sit of themself that think we arnt worth anything anymore. There is always someone who needs us out there still. Sometimes the world can seem dark, but there is always one person out there who wants us still. I'm gonna miss having you at TJY. Your probley one of the biggest reason's I moved and decied to work there."

Taking another sip of her coffee Angelica looks back to the photos feeling the color coming to her cheeks just a little. She hadnt ment that quite the way it came out, but it did and she couldnt keep it back. Maybe she said a little more that was on her heart than she wanted to. But there was something alse she wanted to ask to. Was not the time or should she wait.

Continplating for a moment Angelica argues with her ownself on asking or not. Was it over steping bounds to even ask or not. The question hung in the air. Finally giving in she figures now would be the best as any time.

"Mike, I was wondering I'm going to be leaving for Cali in a few days. I have some cases out there that need my attachen. There is also a business partyvI need to attend for one of my cliants. I'll probley be gone for a week or two and well I was wondering if many you would like to come along with me. It would be nice to have someone to acompany me to the party not to mention I would like to introduce you to the rest of my family, and show you around."

Looking down at her coffee cup for a moment the silence linger and it makes Angelica panic for a moment continuing on.

"If you dont want to come its ok I wont be offended or anything. I mean the party will probley be boring and well Cali is pretty busy compaired to this...but...well..ya its ok if you dont wanna go."

For some reason Angelica felt like she was 17 again in high school asking someone to a dance. How silly she felt to be making a big deal out of this. It really wasnt that major.

Giving a nod to Axel Jess promise not to let anyone alse know. Seeing Axel got into his apartment on Jess gives a small wave and pulls away. The night events and that chat with Axel having relaxed her a bit. As Jess continues to drive her eyes grow heavy as Jess knows the exsaustion was setting in.

Finally come down her own street Jess pulls into the parking lot and shut off her car. Just sitting there for a moment, feeling tired but not really wanting to go inside she knows she has to. Exiting the car and making her way inside Jess dosnt even bother to change as she lays down on the bed and pass out.

Awake in her own room Katie's mind trys to relax. The last few days had been hard full of events that made the body and mind tired. Reacing under her bed Katie pulls out her photo book. Opening it and fliping through the pages She remember her Aunts wedding and how pretty it was. Coming acorss the picture of herself and Scott a feeling of sadness comes over her. Not for what was lost but for who was lost. How Katie hoped Scott would find himself again. He'd ment so much to her.

Continuing to flip through the pages Kaite's eyes scan the pictures of the ranch. Felling an emotion from Jason one that he felt as though he missed something Katie could only image.

I miss home somtimes too J.

Continuing to look through the pictures Katie lets out a small sigh. How life could take so many twists and turns, never seeming to give a break. One could only hope a turn in the tide would come, and soon the hard times would lesson. If only for a few moments, at least there would be a break in the tide.

Lots of years...

Rick heaves a tired but contented sigh as he feels his wife's touch, enjoying the times that she could come to see him at work. Straightening as she leaves to warm up his late supper, the infirmary grows quiet again, and he turns back to his work, wanting to finish up a few things before he ate.

But no sooner had he started, and a groan from Scott's bed makes Rick turn around to check on his patient. Going over to him, he finds that Scott is drenched in sweat, apparently having been dreaming without Rick knowing it.

He sits on the edge of the bed and gently lays a hand on Scott's shoulder, now as his young friend starts to fight against his blankets, mumbling incoherently. "Scott.... come on, wake up. You're dreaming again... Scott..."

Scott's mind is totally enveloped in the nightmare that was attacking. It was so vivid. So real. So full of scenes that had been true, that reality was skewed. "No," he mumbles. "No, don't... she didn't.... No..... I won't... Stop it!"

"Scott." Rick grasps Scott's shoulder more firmly, his voice louder. "Wake up, Scott."

Suddenly, Scott sits up so fast that his own head whacks Rick in the face. Caught off balance, Rick slides off the bed to the floor, putting a hand to the side of his face, slightly dazed. Before he can react, Scott has risen from the bed as well, tripping over Rick's legs.

He stumbles forward, the look in his eye to make one question whether he was still asleep or awake. Grabbing the counter for support, his hand knocks into a tray of tools, sending them flying onto the floor. Looking down, at his feet he spies a scalpel.

Rick's eyes widen as he sees Scott bend down and pick it up. "Scott... what are you doing?"

Scott doesn't seem to hear him, just staring at the lethal knife in his hand. He looks to Rick, then to himself, the fear and ultimate confusion written on his face.

Rick scrambles to his feet to quickly make it to his friend, but Scott has turned on him, a threat flashing in his eyes.

"Scott..." Rick holds his hands to the side, trying to remain calm. "It's okay. Put the knife down, alright? You're at TJY... you're safe. It's me... Rick... Come on... put it down." A prayer is immediately in the back of his mind.

Scott looks down to eye the tool that had become a weapon, slowly turning it in his palm so the blade was towards himself instead.

A chill runs down Rick's spine. "Put it down," he warns again firmly. "It's over. You're safe. They can't hurt you anymore."

The next instant is a blur. Scott's aim to his own wrist is precise, but Rick's reflexes are faster. Almost too quick to even comprehend what just happened, Rick has Scott from behind, his arms wrapped around him in a firm hold.

Scott's own arms are locked to his sides, the scalpel now back on the floor. He fights against the restraint, kicking at Rick's legs and trying to break free. "No!" he screams. "Let me go!"

"Scott, calm down!" Rick is determined not to let go, but struggles, despite Scott's lack of physical strength.

Scott continues to resist, the sweat still pouring down his face, his eye bloodshot, his breathing growing shallower. Another scream surfaces. "No!" Throwing his weight back, he knocks both himself and Rick off balance.

Rick tumbles back into the counter, but holds his grip. Desperate, he takes a chance and lets go with one arm. Grasping at Scott's flailing body, his other hand reaches behind him on the counter where he knew the syringe was sitting. He'd almost put it away earlier, thinking he wouldn't need it, but now was glad he hadn't.

Though being tossed around, and smacked with Scott's now-free arm, he tries to prep the needle carefully, still having on arm wrapped around Scott's thin frame.

In an instant, the shot has been given, and the affect is almost immediate. Scott's pulse is racing, but he gradually starts to slow down, his words becoming slurred. Blinking, he tries to keep the room in focus, but everything goes black.

Rick grasps Scott's limp body, but his own knees have grown weak, and he simply slides to the floor. Leaned back against the counter, he tries to catch his breath, only now realizing that his arm hurt. Glancing down, he sees a tear in his lab coat near his shoulder, and blood had seeped through. Apparently the scalpel had gotten him before it had been dropped.

They syringe still in his hand, he just sits, exhausted from the short but intense struggle. He wouldn't be going home tonight. More than likely, Scott would wake up later not to even remember his episode, but Rick wasn't about to leave him alone... not after this.

"Janet?" He calls out to his wife, knowing he needed help to get Scott back over to the bed, then to patch up his small wound. He wipes the sweat from his brow, his adrenaline making his hands shake slightly. "Janet?" The door had been closed - she may not have even heard a thing from the break room.

Reese can’t help a quiet chuckle at Angelica’s question about answering the door. “Only when somebody sneaks up on me.”

Stepping further to the side, he opens the door wider. “Come on in.” Going in behind her, he reaches to the side to find the switch, turning on the kitchen light to the right, and the living room light several feet ahead.

“You didn’t tell me what you were doing in this neck of the woods,” Reese comments as he moves to make coffee. Suddenly he realizes that Angelica has never been here before, and he turns around quickly. “Throw your jacket wherever. Make yourself at home.” Though he’s making an effort to act normal, he can’t hide the weariness in his voice. Any other day, he might find himself all thumbs, or worried about things not being straightened up enough while Angelica was there... but tonight he was too tired to think about it.

Turning back to the coffee maker, he finishes up the task, and soon the aroma is drifting in the air, waking the senses. And not long after, Reese has shown Angelica to the living room, somehow winding up near the far wall, staring at photos that had been hung. Talk had been light… even for two so devoted to work, that subject had somehow seemed too heavy tonight. And though both knew that much was being unsaid about Angelica’s surprise visit, neither felt the need to discuss the why of it. It just didn’t seem to matter.

“…and here’s Wyatt with some of his cousins.” Reese points to one of the framed pictures, his coffee mug in hand. His eyes drift over the family pictures. They were windows to the past… the only tangible representation of what his life perhaps was like before, with his wife and son.

“And graduation…” He can’t help the feeling of pride for that picture of Wyatt.

Giving a little sigh, he shakes his head. “Lots of years gone by, Angelica. Lots of years. You work so hard to build something up… put all your passion into a single mission… all to one day be told that you’re not needed… that you’re not wanted anymore.”

He taps a finger on his coffee mug, then takes a swig before his voice reveals too much emotion. Today had been harder than he’d like to admit.

Axel gives Jess a sidelong glance, catching her eye. "Rainbows are always there... it just takes the right angle to see them."

Glancing out the window to the side of the auto shop, he sighs. He needed to get inside and figure out how to keep himself from doing this again. In the meantime, his embarrassment had lessened some, but was still there.

"Keep this thing between us?" He turns his head to look at Jess again. "The other guys would be all over me if they knew."

Giving Jess a little smile, he moves to rest his hand on the door handle. "Thanks again, and..." He hesitates, wondering if maybe he shouldn't say anything at all, but he finally does. "...dont' be too hurt. Carson didn't keep you in the dark on purpose."

Getting out of the car, the chilly wind hits him again, making him shiver. Leaning down, he looks back at Jess. "Stay here a minute... I'm not sure if I locked myself out or not."

Walking gingerly to the steps, he's up them in a flash, his barefeet burning against the cold steps. Reaching the door, he finds it open. Relieved, he turns around and gives Jess a little wave to let her know she could leave. And in a moment, he's disappeared inside.

A scream pierces the night, the shrill sound bouncing off the walls and waking Carson with such violence that he sits bolt upright and is on his feet in an instant. Woken from a deep sleep, he just stands for a moment, wondering if what he'd heard had been real, or a part of a dream.

Opening the bedroom door, he peers out into the hall. Nothing. Glancing to the left he sees the bathroom light on under the door. "Dani?" he calls quietly. No answer.

The hairs on the back of his neck stand up, and he pads down to the bathroom, stopping himself just before he opened the door. His sister wasn't exactly a little girl anymore. "Dani?" he asks again, tapping a knuckle on the door. "Are you..."

The door suddenly flies open, a wide-eyed Dani staring back at him. But it wasn't a look of fear on her face... it was more a look of pure irritation. "Carson Gabriel!"

Carson's own eyes widen and he backs up a step. "What? What did I do?"

Dani is breathing heavily and sets her hands on her hips as she looks up at her brother. "Remember I told you there was no need to set rules here while you lived with me?"

"Um... yeah?"

"I changed my mind."

Carson blinks. He'd heard her scream. He'd thought something was wrong. What on earth had he done?

Dani continues to glare at him. "Let me make one thing perfectly clear." Her voice raises as she speaks. "When you're done in here, put the toilet seat down!"

Carson's hand automatically goes to his mouth, covering up what might have become a smile that so desperately wanted to emerge. He looks down at Dani's frantic state, the mental images almost too much to keep the laughter at bay. "Um... yes... okay... I think I can do that." He nods, still keeping his mouth hidden. Unfortunately, his eyes give him away.

Dani's own eyes narrow. "It's not funny," she mutters.

"Just a little?"


"Did you fall in?"

"Carson!" Dani sends a light fist into his chest. "You have no idea what it's like to get up in the dead of night to an experience like that! It's... it's..."

"Quite traumatic, apparently." Carson nods, lowering his arm to block another weak punch. But as he does, he chokes on a laugh. "At least I didn't need to come pull you out."

"You..." Dani glares at him, pointing her finger for emphasis. But at this point, even she can't deny that what had happened really was quite funny. She tries not to let her smile slip, but somehow it does, curling the edge of her mouth. "You are... are...."

"Very sorry." Carson coughs to cover up his own laugh. "You gonna stay mad at me forever?"

Dani bites her lip, then looks down, her shoulders starting to shake as her laughter finally bubbles over.

Carson bends over a little and reaches under her chin to lift it up, making sure she was laughing and not having a fit. Finding she was, he lets his own laughter slip as well.

Feeling like a total idiot, Dani leans back against the wall, holding her sides as they start to ache.

"Breathe," Carson advises between his own laughing. "I can't lose you now. Not after your heroic survival instincts saving you from the perils of the life-threatening drain."

All his words do is serve to increase Dani's laughter until both of them are laughing so hard, they wind up sitting on the floor making complete fools out of themselves.

Dani shakes her head. "I wasn't even awake," she manages as a tear rolls down her face. "I tell you what though... I sure woke up fast."

Both are sent into another fit of laughter until finally they're too worn out to keep on going. Just staring at each other, they try to catch their breath.

"Well..." Dani nods with satisfaction. "That was fun."

"Shall we do it again?"

"No!" Dani giggles. "It better not happen again."

Jason leans back further into his couch, the sound of the tv not really penetrating his consciousness. His mind was elsewhere...on too many different things. Though the day had been quiet, so much he knew was going on around them. So much he knew himself and Katie were not involved in, but would be. Being away from TJY, contact with Rick had informed them of surface issues, but the depth really wasn't known.

The news of Scott possibly getting help was a relief. That much was good. But news of Reese's termination had sent hopes plummeting again. Jason couldn't believe what Austin was doing. He partially blamed himself for Reese's predicament. More than likely it stemmed from the investigation that he and Katie had started, however Brown hadn't stated it that way exactly when he'd called Jason to tell him Austin had been formally warned.

That in itself was good to know. At least Austin knew that people were watching and did have the power to punish if he continued to bend the rules. At the same time though, had it simply made things worse? He wondered.

Jason and Katie had talked some, but not a whole lot. Not much could really be said. They didn't have any plan of action... nothing really to do. All they could do was wait out the remainder of their two week suspension and keep tabs on what was happening so they wouldn't be in for too many surprises when they got back.

And though not keeping his emotions completely to himself, Jason did keep some of his thoughts in his own mind. He needed to mull them over... chew on them for a while before allowing them to be pulled into the emotional stream that flowed in Katie's direction.

Getting up and going to the window, he looks out on the lit street. The sky was dark, but the stars were hidden by city lights. A part of him missed Texas, where he'd been able to see for miles, countless stars shining from horizon to horizon. There had been a feeling of freedom there... a freedom he used to feel here, but no longer did.

Sighing, he leans an arm on the window frame, hooking a hand in his pocket. Scott. His mind continued to revert to his friend. His friend... funny how that sounded now. Jason could still remember when he'd been so angry... so very angry that Scott had rather stolen Katie from him. At that point, he never would have believed that later they would make up after that. But Scott's heart was so big... his forgiveness so genuine... his love so deep. So deep for Katie that he had later given her up with more grace than Jason had ever seen. And he had held no malice towards Jason...only an open door of friendship.

"So why does someone like that have to go through this?" Jason's whisper makes a little patch of fog on the cold window.

Glancing up to the blank sky, he remembers the thoughts that had gone through his mind during the mission to rescue Scott. He'd made no promises - that much he knew. But he had said he would look into a few things if they found him alive. As of yet, he had not fulfilled that commitment.

Looking over his shoulder for a moment, he spies the little Bible his mother had slipped into his bag on his last visit to Texas. He hadn't been surprised. She'd been trying to get him back into the whole God thing for years. He remembered going to church as a kid. But after everything had fallen apart, he hadn't wanted to be around people. Despite his ability to mask what he had been feeling, he hadn't wanted to deal with any of that, and had fought strong enough that his mother had finally given up, as had Austin.

But now... Jason had made the mistake of telling God he'd check some things out and consider the whole thing again if they could get Scott home safe. ...Home safe?

Jason looks back outside, his eyes narrowing as a slow anger churns. "You call this home safe?" he speaks aloud. "Why did you even let us find him if this was going to happen? Wouldn't it have been better just to let him die in peace than have this mental torment? It'll take a miracle for him to pull through. And for what? So he can always carry this around with him?"

He shakes his head in disgust, but suddenly his own words are flung back in his face. 'It'll take a miracle.' And who was the One who made miracles happen?

He smirks. "Touché." Sighing, he leans his head against the window frame. "You were pretty important to Scott, weren't you? He never did back down from that. Even after we thought he'd died, he was still strong... still trying to get me to see it anyway."

Pulling out old memories, Jason realizes he remembered more about what he'd been taught than he thought. He had just never bothered to think about it. He'd never wanted to. But in this quiet moment of reflection, he recalled his mother's voice, quoting scriptures... them praying before meals... watching his mother have her quiet time in the mornings when she thought he was still in bed.

"Father..." Jason knew people referred to God as their Father in Heaven and Christians claimed to be like His children. "What do I need another father for?" he almost scoffs. "I got a dad who never even knew I existed, and even if he did he probably wouldn't care. I got a grandfather who's a jerk and betrayed all the trust I ever had in him. My great-grandfather has never even pretended like he cared about me. So what would I want with another Father?"

Suddenly Jason sees in his mind, a note stuck to the refrigerator door in the house he'd grown up in. It was on his mother's favorite lilac paper, her handwriting so neat. "He will never leave you nor forsake you."

He can't help rolling his eyes slightly and focusing upward again. "Thanks a lot. You're not helping my case much, you realize this."

At the very least, he'd said he would maybe read a Bible and at least consider his options. Tonight was a night he couldn't sleep anyway. And in the end, whether he actually believed all this or not, it might be handy to know a little bit more about what drove Scott, and what kept Katie's faith alive too. She never had pushed him... never had tried to get him to go to church with her... but it was that quietness that had piqued his interest more than once. He'd seen a change in her since she'd started calling herself a Christian, even if he'd never said anything about it. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to at least get a handle on where she was coming from... and why Scott thought it was so important for him to know this stuff too.

Sighing, Jason pushes away from the window and goes to flop back down on the couch again, reaching down to pick up the Bible. "Alright, you won this round. But don't expect me to get all religious here."