

Hearing Mike refusle to go with her hit a little hard than Angelica thought it would. Trying to keep the emotions she suddanly felt and the awkwarness hidden she can't help but get a nervouse laugh as she takes the last sip of her coffee.

"Oh course...oh course...I wouldnt exspect you to just drop everything. Yes...its ok of course I understand."

Giving a half smile Angelica can tell Mike is just as uncomfortable as she is and maybe its time to take her leave. Setting her half empty cup on the table she stands looking around the room one last time before grabing her coat and purse.

Heading to the door herself Angelica feels more foolish than she did before. Why had she asked? It wasnt the right time. She new Charlotte was wrong on this one.

Exiting the house Angelica turns one last time trying to give another smile to Mike reasuring him everything was ok though inside she felt a bit like crap.

"Well...have a a Good Night...Reese. I guess I will see you when I get home."

*Turning Angelica heads down the pourch pulling her jacket just a little tighter around her neck in the cold night air. Getting into her car and giving one last look to the pourch before heading out of the driveway and disapearing down the street*

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