
Deserved fall?

Gunner slowly looks up as Bree approaches. He hadn't known she was still here. Seeing the bag, and smelling the food, his mouth waters a little.

Glancing at her, he cocks his head as he listens, furrowing his brow a little. Then he looks back at the bag of food. He wasn't sure why Bree was trying to get him off the medications... why she cared... why she would want him back to his "normal."

His eyes find hers again. "If... without it is what got me here... then why.... would you want me back to that?" He didn't think his sentence had made a whole lot of sense, but even though he was more lucid right now, his brain was running so slowly it was hard to process information, let alone have a normal conversation.

Giving up, he reaches for the bag of food, retrieving the breakfast sandwich. Unwrapping it slowly, his fingers fumble a little bit, his movements somewhat lethargic. Finally able to take a bite, he closes his eyes and sighs. "Bree, you were sent direct from heaven."

Gunner's eyes open again as he realizes what he'd just said. It was a rare occurrence to see color come to his face, but sure enough, the heat was there. Opening his orange juice, he quickly moves on. "Did you come last night, or was that part of my nightmare? Er... dream... not that you would have been part of my nightmare, but I had a..." He stops, letting his shoulders drop and turning back to his sandwich. He was embarrassed enough that he was here in the first place, and now he was just making things worse. "You know what I mean."

Mmm... I don't know...

Jason lets the ball go, sending it down for a perfect strike.

I'm pretty competitive.

Grinning, he turns around and takes a little bow. "Thank you, thank you, no, I will not dance too."

Clint rolls his eyes. "Great. Nice one, Jase. I'm really happy for you... really."

Jade giggles and shakes her head, flopping down next to Dan to await her next turn. "Kiss attack? Ooh, now that sounds like fun." Looking around, her eyes get wide. "Oh, but wait.... those four might have fun but, I think I might feel a little left out." She throws Dan a sidelong glance. "Or should I say, the two of us would be left out, unless you-" Her sentence is cut off by her shrieking and standing straight up, a look of shock on her face as an ice cube slides down her bare back under her shirt. Whirling around, she looks up at Jason. "Jason! Why you..."

Jason backs up, his hands in the air as he contains his laughter. "Sorry... I couldn't resist... things were getting a little warm and I just thought maybe an ice cube would help..." He continues to back up. "You know... cool... down..."

Clint sees Jason coming, but doesn't move much. Still leaning into Wendy, all he does is stretch out one leg, and it's enough.

Jason catches Clint's foot and trips, going down hard on his back.

Clint chokes on a laugh. "I guess this monkey's still got a few moves left."

While Jason tries to recover from both pain and laughter, Jade stands over him, hands on hips. "Serves you right."

"Katie, help!" Jason wails between laughs. "I'm outnumbered. Where's my partner?!"

Just Act

Coming back into the hospital Bree only had an hour and a half left. She said she would stay a little later today because she has something she needed to take care of. Holding a McDonalds bag Bree makes her way over to the table Gunner sat at. She was happy he had not eat that nasty hospital food yet. Setting the bag down and pull up a char Bree smiles.

"I hope you like OJ, and an egg mkmuffin."

Bree new Gunner probley wasnt hungry but if he at least had a little to eat than that would be a good thing. He needed something to eat and drink in his stomach.

"I know your probley really confused right now, but the best thing you can do is stay calm and act like the meds haven't worn off yet. Than they wont try and give you more. I know everything is really confusing right now but just try to give me some time to get this worked out ok I am gonna make them stop giving you those drugs for good."

"Dont mess up, oh no yes no yes..."

Dan cant help but sit back waiting for his turn and mimick Clint. It was funny the way he sounded and it made everyone else laugh.

"Act like that to much and your wife is going to think she married a monkey."

Giving a chuckle Dan leans back in the chain leaning his elbow on the one next to him waiting his turn. Thorwing a look at Jade and unspoken thanks is given. This had been great fun and he was happy she had been around to share it with him.

"Wendy we need to do something to kick some butt here. Maybe we should do a kiss attack? That might destract them?"

Kaite gives a small chuckle.

Something tells me though you wouldnt mind losing the game for a kiss right?

Wendy gives a laugh as she slids into the scoreboard seat next to Clint slinging her arm around him and leaning in to whisper.

"I'm having a great time. I...hope you are too. I think we needed this. Thank you!"