
Day goes on

Watching what Hunter was showing her and telling her how to play. Moving cards around she sets up her hand thinking she probley has the hang on it.

"Ok, I can do this it dosnt seem to hard."

Giving a laugh and looking at Hunter as her cross the table Alice smile is bright with excitment for the new game.

"Ready to eat my dust Kyle?"

Alice throws a playful wink at Kyle before looking down at her cards and throwng a blue 4 down.

Hope gives a nod to Reese and goes over to the cot. Grabbing it she pulls it close to Scott's bed trying to make as little sound as she can.

Looking over at him to see if he was a sleep or not She gives his shoulder a little rub to let him know she was there again and sits down on the cot.

She was right there is Scott needed her, only second away from her friend. Hope could tell her feels for Scott had sifted and they had formed a deeper relationship to a certin level. She liked the feeling of having Scott for a friend.

Pulling out her book next Hope starts to read it. She was far from tired and this would keep her mind busy for now.

Heading up and out of TJY Phinox sits in his car for a moment and lets out a long sigh. His mind going everything that would go down tonight. Trying to keep his nerves at bay he new Rod would pick up on them if he didnt.

Finally pulling out of the parking lot Phinox makes his way to the meeting spot. It was now or never and he couldnt let Katie have to suffer longer than needed.

Nate cant help but be a bit surprised to hear that it was Ty who had been the one to over ride the security. This was another thing to add to the bizzar list.

At least for now though it was something to take there mind off everything going on with Katie. They were sitting on the sidelines right now anyways until Phinox came back anyways. If he sat, just waiting he would end up going crazy.

"Ok, lets question him now. We really dont have anything else we can do at the moment."

Standing Nate lets out a sigh as the lines under his eyes show how tired he was. Though he has slept for a little over an hour it wasnt very well. He just wanted this to be over so life could go back to normal. But how normal would it really be with people like the Agency out there or people who would hurt someone like Scott.

"I'll follow your lead."

Welcomed distraction

Hunter's grin spreads, his eyes twinkling. He ambles up behind Alice to look at her cards. "You could learn this game in ten seconds flat." He laughs. "But that doesn't mean it's less competitive with this group."

Leaning down, he slings an arm over one of her shoulders, reaching around with his other hand to point to the cards she was holding. It doesn't take much to explain the game. The rules were simple, and they didn't have any bizarre house rules to contend with. "So if there's a blue seven down there, you could play your blue five, or your red seven, see?"

Kyle eases down in a chair across the table, grabbing some cards to shuffle absentmindedly. He glances to Hunter and Alice, watching them for several moments.

"Hey." Chloe nudges him with her elbow. "You awake?"

"Me? Ha!" Kyle grabs his can of pop, downing another mouthful. "You bet."

Chloe giggles. "Is it just me, or are you kinda wet?"

"And sandy," Kyle clarifies.

"How on earth did you manage that?"

"It's a long story involving a spider and my pantleg."

"I don't think I wanna know."

"Smart woman." Kyle grimaces. "I need a shower."

"So go take one."

"And miss out on all this fun?" Kyle glances around the table, his eyes pausing over Hunter and Alice again. "I'm not gonna be a party pooper." Her looks back to Chloe with a silly grin. "Not to mention, I'm not gonna pass up wooping everybody's butts."

Chloe's jaw drops. "Not mine! You're gonna be on my team, Bud."

"Well alright then." Kyle hands her the cards. "Madam Dealer, you're up." Glancing back across the table, he cups his hands over his mouth and speaks loudly. "If the training session can come to a close, we can actually play this game."

"Be nice," Jordan chides teasingly. "It's not every day that Hunter finds something he's smart enough about to teach someone else."

Hunter looks up and throws both men a smirk. "Thanks, guys." He cocks his head down and around to see Alice's face. "I think we need to knock these brutes down a peg or two, what do you say?"

He straightens and ruffles Alice's hair teasingly. Grabbing the chair next to her, he sits down and tosses Chloe the extra cards to shuffle. "Alright, lets go!"

Scott stirs a little as Sapphire gets up to leave, and curls up a little tighter, his head sinking further into his pillow. A few second later though, a sweet scent wafts through the air, and the corner of his mouth upturns. He didn't have to look. He knew Hope was back. And he knew that she would stay.

Rick sees Hope and gives her a warm smile, knowing why she was there. He respected her for it.

"I set up a cot in the corner," he offers. "It's going to be a long night around here, so if you get tired, feel free."

Reese stands up from his desk, giving Phinox a nod. "I appreciate your role in this, Simon. Be careful and make it back as soon as you can. We'll be waiting, but if we don't hear from you by three, we'll start to move on our own. Good luck."

After having spoken to Reese, then checked in on Wyatt and the monitor to find that all was quiet with Katie, Carson makes his way over to Nate's desk. He hadn't slept yet... he still needed to. But right now, he felt this was more important.

"Nate..." He approaches slowly, trying to keep his head together. The stress was getting to him, and in a bad way. But he had to keep going. "I just spoke with Reese, and he wanted me to let you in on this..."

Taking only a minute or two, Carson explains what Sapphire had discovered. "...so when Ty gets here, Reese wants us to question him and find out who it was that came. Scott's not going to say at this point. I think he's just scared. But we need to know who was able to get in."

Just as he's finished, the door to the main floor opens and Ty steps through, back for the night. Carson lifts his eyebrows. "Speak of the devil. Your call whether we grab him now or later... but the sooner the better."

Though most likely none of this had anything to do with Katie, Carson needed something to keep himself busy, and working on this was enough to keep his mind distracted from his friend that was in so much danger, at the mercy of the Agency.

One Am

Sitting at the table Alice laughter rings as a comment is tossed around and she makes another one that added to it. This group was always fun, it was nice to be around them they took her mind off other things and Kyle...he was a blast.

Seeing Hunter come back into the room Alice gives a smile as she holds up her cards.

"So...how do we play this game and I wanna be on Hunter's team. Its on now Kyle...its on now."

Though she felt a little silly for not knowing how to play a game that was pretty comman Alice hide the embarrassment well.

Sapphire smiles at her brother and gives his a hand a gentil squeeze as he falls into sleep. She didnt want to leave him, but she did have more work to day.

Gentily laying his hand down next to him she stans and makes her way for the room right as Hope is entering again. Giving a small smile she tells her Scott's message.

"Scott said you didnt have to stay."

Hope gives a small nod.

"Its ok, I want to."

Turning Sapphire continues to leave the infermary. She was kind of happy Hope said she would stay. Knowing her brother had a friend who stay by his side, and keep watch when she couldent put her mind at ease.

Taking both saringes Phinox gives a nod. He know people didnt trust him right now, but he was happy they were at least going with what he said. Getting Katie out was what was important right now, what happend after that he would deal with when the time came and new it was justice.

"Thank you Rick. As soon as I get Gage back here I will bring him to the intaragation room and than come to get you. He might need medical attachen I dont know."

Turning and heading out of the infermary Phinox stops for a moment and turns to see Scott sleeping. Letting out a sigh her felt sorry for the poor boy. But remembering he was on limited time Phinox continues along on his way and heads for Reese office.

Knocking on the door Phinox enters and steps into the room. Looking at Reese he gives a nod.

"Its time, I probley wont have any time to call you and let you know whats going on inbetween but if all goes well you should see me on the camra once Rod leaves. I am going to reasure Katie help is on the way. If I can give her any hope at all that should help."

Phinox lets out a sigh. Though he got a little sleep from the stress he felt like it had been ages since he really had slept at all.

"I have seditives for Gage, and my memorie is clear. I should have no problems at all. With any luck I should be back by one am."

Concern only for others

Kyle chuckles and shakes his head, letting himself get pulled along to the jeep. "Yeah well... even best friends can invade."

Contemplating Alice's final remark, Kyle opens his mouth to respond, but for once, lets it close again. For once, he held his tongue. A quiet "you're welcome" is all he finally manages to say before slipping into the jeep.

"Well, if we keep the windows down we might get dry by the time we get back to the hotel," he teases. As they pull from the parking lot, he sticks his head out the window, yelling at the top of his lungs. "Look out, world! Alice is driving!"

Arriving at the hotel, they find the two reserved rooms, but until everyone went to bed, they had gathered in the larger one for some fun and games. A knock at the door brings Hunter to let them both in.

"Well, hey guys. Thought we might need to send out a search party," he teases.

Kyle grins as he follows Alice in. "Aw, you were worried about us? How sweet."

"Come on an join us," Chloe begs from the table. "They're killing me in UNO. I need some support."

"After refueling," Kyle states flatly. He breaks away from the others and heads to the little kitchenette where he knew they'd have the sixpack of Mountain Dew from the bus. "Ahhh, heaven."

Hunter is right behind him, reaching around for a can of Pepsi. "So where'd you two run off to anyway?"

"Hmm?" Kyle was only half-listening as he took a swig of his pop. "Oh, just down to that beach we passed on the way in. Somebody was shooting off fireworks somewhere so we got to see them."

"Ah." Hunter nods a little. "So, um... have fun?"

"I always have fun." Kyle squints at him, sensing there was something more. "Why?"

"Oh, I don't know. Can't a guy ask his friend if he had fun on his date?"

Kyle's eyebrows shoot up. "Whoa. Who said anything about a date?"

"Well that's what it looks like."

"What? We were just out for a walk."

"Mm-hmm..." Hunter fingers Kyle's damp shirt, rubbing bits of sand between his fingers. "Tidal wave?"

Kyle rolls his eyes. "Knock it off."

"What? What did I do?" Hunter cocks his head. "Why don't you just admit it that you and Alice are closer than friends?"

Kyle swallows another mouthful of pop, starting to feel the caffeine kick in. "Because... I'd be lying?"

Hunter looks at him squarely. "You mean to tell me that you two are just friends. That's it. Nothing more."

"Right." Kyle nods. "I'd say we're..." He shrugs. "Best of friends. I probably rank somewhere between annoying brother and close cousin."

Hunter's eyes narrow as he studies Kyle's face. "Guess I read you wrong."

"Guess you did."

"Well, better for me anyway. I wasn't going to intrude by asking her out, but now I won't be intruding."

Kyle almost spits out his pop. "Ask her out?"

"Yeah, you know, one of those things where I take her to dinner.... we sit... we talk..." Hunter gives Kyle a slap upside the head. "One of those things you aren't doing."

"You? And Alice?"

"Well, I might not be the best looking guy around, but come on... I gotta at least try, right? Got a problem with it?"

"No, no.... no." Kyle shakes his head. "No.... why would I?"

"That, I wouldn't know." Hunter grins. "You should ask Chloe out sometime, just for the fun of it."

"Heh... right." Kyle watches as Hunter leaves to rejoin the others. He takes another sip of pop and just stands alone for several moments. No, Chloe was nice and they were friends, but that's as far as that went. His personality got to her after a while. Not like Alice. She could handle his quirkiness for days on end.

Taking another swig, Kyle realizes that he's just downed the whole can of pop. "Hmm." He goes to get another one, popping the tab before rejoining the group. Tonight, a lively mask was required. "Look out. Kyle, the master of cards is coming through!"

Scott swallows hard and lets his eyes fall shut once again. He knew what his sister meant... he knew she was trying to protect him. But at this point, he felt more like a file of information that had betrayed TJY, than an agent.

His grip on Sapphire's hand slowly loosens, and it's apparent that he's close to sleep. "Tell Hope... she doesn't have to stay," he mumbles. "She shouldn't have to... worry... about me." His breathing slows, his body finally starting to relax as exhaustion forces him into a shallow level of sleep.

Rick studies Simon for a moment, contemplating his choices. He didn't really trust him completely... but what would a couple sedatives hurt? They wouldn't kill anybody, and if they would help bring Katie back, then it was worth the risk.

"Okay." He goes to the cabinet and preps two syringes that he hands to Phinox. "One of these should knock an average man out for about half an hour. Be careful with Gage. I heard Carson say he was on drugs. That could make him more difficult to take down. If you have to, use both shots."

Never Uncomfortable

Alice gives a smile and a small nod. Sometimes she hated finding the deeper meaning of words, and sometimes she hated how it causes a small fear into the fearless. It was not a feeling she liked since so long ago it was so strong.

"I guess if we are talking about sand, than yes the best place for it is on the beach."

Looking up again Alice regains her smile as she gives Kyle a soft shove and gets the happy moon back.

"But, if we are talking about best friends they belong everywhere because its never uncomfortable to have them around."

Standing Alice gives herself a quick brush off before looking to the sky again to watch the last of the fireworks go off. Giving a content sigh Alice throws her arm around Kyle's shoulder and pulls his twords the Jeep once more.

"I guess we should get back before they really do think we ran away huh? Thanks Kyle for spending this time with me. It ment more than u will ever know."

Sapphire gives her brother a stern look. She didnt like that he though this way and whoever had scaired him so much. She wanted him to believe her she only wish he would.

"No, one life dosnt make up for many. This was wrong no matter the reason."

Figuring it was best for now to stray off the subject Sapphire's expression changed to a more soft one, with a smile that spread across her lips as a small laugh came from her lips.

"Hey ten minutes is ten minutes you know."

Looking up at the clock after waking Phinox takes note that there is only a half hour left till his meeting. He needed finishing getting ready now so he could leave in fifteen.

Phinox couldnt help the feeling in the pit of his stomach. Rod was good, and if Phinox made one wrong it would be game over. He had one shot and couldnt mess it up.

Standing and checking his gun alone with a few other personaly belonging he new that he might be asked for Phinox makes his way to the infermary. Entering he gives a quick glance around the room taking not to who was in there before making his way over to Rick and leabing on his desk a little.

"Hey Rick, I was wondering if you could saply me with two saringes of seditive. Once I get Gage alone it will be alot easyer if I knock him out and will take up less time. If you cant I understand and can do with out it will just be alot harder."